Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman2 years ago

Didn't know that link was broken but thanks for letting us know.

You should use this as a guide instead, since that particular link would just give you a route. Romulo's tutorial is much more complete than a simple route writeup.

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman2 years ago

Super super late reply because I didn't have notifications on for comments, but

The Ice Ruins skip requires the Pegasos Boots, which are optional and thus skipped in Low%

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman2 years ago

No, you just need to reach the end of the game as fast as possible while avoiding what we consider glitches, you can find the details if you press "View Rules" on the Glitchless leaderboard.

Getting everything in the game would be a 100% run, that's its own thing (but we don't have a 100% Glitchless category specifically)

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman3 years ago

Recently opened! Discord for general TWEWY speedrunning, for future discussion and communication.


Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman3 years ago

Set up the server these last few days, it may be a bit barebones, but here you have it!


All resources I could think of have been mirrored, open to any suggestions on what may be missing, see you there!

nero_takenoko المعجبون بهذا
Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman3 years ago

Sure, I think it's long overdue and a better way of communication at this point, I'll set up an "official" server this week when I find the time

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman3 years ago

Found a pretty fast and consistent strat for the Scorpion!

Farming groove with no risk by using Minamimoto to stun it, then getting Fire Groove with Fret which deals a TON of damage, and the rest reboot as it hits for the last hits

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman3 years ago

Mirroring my notes from the demo

  • No skippable cutscenes at the start, I hope that changes in the final version.
  • Dialogues with voices can only be mashed with A, which is awkward. Dialogues with no voices are mashable with A and B. You can mash VERY fast.
  • I don't think there's any difference between JP/EN voices for now, there's a dialogue at the end of day 2 that waits for the voice line to play but I did one run with each and I saved less than a second in the EN run to better mashing.
  • Neutral Groove Attack (whatever they are called) is really good, you can charge another one pretty easily using the multi strikes during it. Fire Groove Attack is also pretty good as a nuke and easy to obtain. I still have no idea how to switch between them though lmao.
  • Fret's "remind" minigames are always the same directions, so they are easy to learn.
  • I didn't have too much strategy tested in fights but both bosses are weak to fire. Pyrokinesis AKA Firestorm is pretty weak for the gorilla but it racks up Groove very fast. The fire sword pin you get after MKN is ideal for gorilla, the rabbit blast pin would also be great but I think Noise fights are not random and I haven't found any ravens in the way, so not worth it, I think.
  • Using Minamimoto's default pin and letting it evolve is better than changing to ice pillar. I had Rindo use sword pins all the way (Shockwave -> D2 mission -> MKN fire sword) and changed Fret from Force Rounds to Firestorm to the other force rounds pin, but maybe he can use something else instead.
Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman3 years ago

Game request was accepted! Unfortunately, apparently setting a game as a pre-release doesn't allow submitting runs, unless I'm missing something, but the page is up. I'll be setting things up during the next few days.


Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman3 years ago

I did some runs of the demo today, ended up with a 39:37 but it can be better, I'll use the VOD to try to get a leaderboard pre-release to save the trouble

Some notes:

  • No skippable cutscenes at the start, I hope that changes in the final version.
  • Dialogues with voices can only be mashed with A, which is awkward. Dialogues with no voices are mashable with A and B. You can mash VERY fast.
  • I don't think there's any difference between JP/EN voices for now, there's a dialogue at the end of day 2 that waits for the voice line to play but I did one run with each and I saved less than a second in the EN run to better mashing.
  • Neutral Groove Attack (whatever they are called) is really good, you can charge another one pretty easily using the multi strikes during it. Fire Groove Attack is also pretty good as a nuke and easy to obtain. I still have no idea how to switch between them though lmao.
  • Fret's "remind" minigames are always the same directions, so they are easy to learn.
  • I didn't have too much strategy tested in fights but both bosses are weak to fire. Pyrokinesis AKA Firestorm is pretty weak for the gorilla but it racks up Groove very fast. The fire sword pin you get after MKN is ideal for gorilla, the rabbit blast pin would also be great but I think Noise fights are not random and I haven't found any ravens in the way, so not worth it, I think.
  • Using Minamimoto's default pin and letting it evolve is better than changing to ice pillar. I had Rindo use sword pins all the way (Shockwave -> D2 mission -> MKN fire sword) and changed Fret from Force Rounds to Firestorm to the other force rounds pin, but maybe he can use something else instead.
Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman3 years ago

I'm also planning to play it!

If I have the time I want to do full demo RTA attempts on Sunday

nero_takenoko المعجبون بهذا
Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman3 years ago

We're using in-game time for this, since the game already provides a timer it makes more sense to just use it, specially with centisecond precision.

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman3 years ago

Alright, category is set up under misc, you can go ahead and submit any times here: https://www.speedrun.com/twewy/full_game#Final_Time_Attack

I've limited it to Ultimate and Hard since Normal and Easy don't get recorded in the save menu, idk if it's worth adding them later on. No other specific rules other than showing the difficulty used (which both videos in this thread already do).

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman3 years ago

Sure, a misc category for that seems fair, but it'd need at least one submitted run first, so if anyone is up for it post it in this thread (any version)

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman3 years ago

Flashcarts are fine as they don't have any inherent advantages like emulator

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman4 years ago

The reason we don't require all runs to have video is because recording 3DS is not as readily available as other consoles, it requires spending a lot of money for specialized capture cards that are sometimes not available at all. Rather than gatekeep a lot of people by demanding video, this system is better to keep top times clean and let any contenders have their go at the game and only worry about the hassle that is recording this console when they want to be serious about it. Extending the limit would be fine but 1:25 is good enough for the "getting serious" part.

Fleakee, DemataPyro و 3 آخرون تُحب هذا
Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman4 years ago

Don't worry about the end-of-day screen not showing, by "reach" I meant finishing all of the day events rather than reaching the transition from one day to another. I'll make a note in the rules that it may happen so nobody is really confused but I'm already working on similar stuff with Solo Remix rules so that's alright lmao

Category is up in Final Remix as NG+ Unrestricted, you can go ahead and submit it

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman4 years ago

There's been interest in an unrestricted NG+ in the past so I think it's worth having on the leaderboards. If anyone records a succesful run in any version I'll add it as a category, since I don't really want it to be empty at the start.

No need to show equipment in the VOD, only rule is that every end-of-day screen must be reached, timing begins at selecting W1D1 from the menu and ends at the usual point. Let the arms race begin.

magicalmace المعجبون بهذا
Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman4 years ago

I went ahead and changed the WR time to 4:58:05 (sorry for the delay). I may be a little stubborn about the credits timing but atm removing it only really serves to lower everyone's time by default rather than being a substantial rule change. Maybe in the future we can revisit it and do a vote, even if it would be a pretty small one.

P.S.: I also edited the time on the Twitch highlight but for some reason descriptions for them don't show anywhere, so it'll be harder to get the retime context just from that

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman4 years ago

Now, since I originally wanted a more lighthearted reply, before reading the extra accusations...

The anime announcement and possible sequel on the horizon is also making me want to get back into this game and try to lower the WR, but I'm not well enough mentally or physically to grind any speedrun, even less a 5-hour RPG. I can barely manage to "survive" races from tournaments I'm helping organize.

I can't wait to improve my stamina and study your route/strats Gippy! Hopefully it'll be soon.

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