Revamping/Improving The Community {Minor Changes}
8 years ago
Manitoba, Canada

If ever you are just bored or not motivated to keep trying for good rng, try doing a few turorial runs. It's kinda fun. :)

Hawaii, USA

I will try to do some streams tomorrow and try to bop your Stalag WR or maybe improve on Central Perks. Been learning Jet Set Radio any% (still suck) so after Escapists i may do that.

United States

It isn't your PC that's bad it is your internet. Jungle Compound cannot be beaten in one day I have tried and tried for over 300 20-minute runs till I became crazy. I literally still don't understand what I did in my Jungle Compound run. Good thin rng was on my side because I was doing some risky things.

Manitoba, Canada

Ok I'll try to come for the stream. Is 2 day Jungle really hard?

Manitoba, Canada

Can someone verify my run?

Hawaii, USA


Manitoba, Canada

ManBun, I believe my run fits the glitchless category aswell. :)

Hawaii, USA

It indeed does. One moment :P

Hawaii, USA

Do me a favor? Submit it for glitchless as well. trying to set up my stream for later. Sorry for the inconvenience

United States

Yes 2 day jungle is hard. Why? Because you have to have to work with a lot of items in 22 minutes and that it takes two days to get to the prisoner stash so if you don't the right item congrats you wasted 11+ minutes of your life. You will also need 6-7 items for your escape. Plus you have to dig and when you dig you get dirt and your inventory is full so you have to drop things before you can carry on. Also with digging you need to hope that you don't get any rocks because that would just ruin a run.

Manitoba, Canada

I don't have time to watch your run right now, but do you just take the old utility shed route by the library? And Ninja can you submit my run then?

Manitoba, Canada

Hey, I think I have a better Shankton route. Pretty much, from the prisoner stash, you need a red key. Then you need the trowels and food like normal. You have to bring them outside past the contraband detector(I know how), and put them in a place guards don't check. Once all the contraband is outside, wait until lights out to go east through the red door and shovel out that way. I think that's faster than the roof. Would the guards shoot you if you were past the red door before lights out doing nothing suspicious? If they wouldn't shoot you, it would definitely be faster. If they would shoot you, it would be very close and hard to tell.

United States

I also have a better Shankton Route it involves a mid day escape. I know its far fetched but it could work it involves a 4-5 block dig and I almost did the run but fricking one rock ruined the whole run and I had no more food on me.

Manitoba, Canada

Pretty much, I need to know if the guards would shoot you in the indicated area

Hawaii, USA

Really quick, where did you get that largescale layout? Ive been looking for them.

United States

Well the game says that you have you be inside by 22:00 and I don't know if that counts as inside or not.

United States

and yes I take the old utility shed route by the library.

Manitoba, Canada

ManBun, I just enlarged the ones on escapists wiki and then did a snipping tool screenshot thingy, and Ninja, you don't actually have to be inside, it's just saying that's when they're locking the doors, so you're stuck out there for night.

Manitoba, Canada

Wtf why is it orange?

United States

I was bored.