Zorarkfilm's LLL Reds 13 Luigi - Possible strats?
6 years ago

Zorarkfilms is a runner of this game who has attempted dozens of categories, yet no evidence has surfaced of his runs, just like mine, so we cannot see his strategies. I have seen a 13 for Yoshi, but can it be done with Luigi too? (The 13 Yoshi was TAS.) I'm not sure if the strategy is the same.


Luigi has a faster speed, and the same strategy works, so it sounds reasonable.


Strange there's no runs with Mario, so does he jump too far?

Georgia, USA

I just used regular strats so idk if it's wrong I might attempt it again to see

Georgia, USA

Ok I think I may have put in the wrong time. I could of meant 23 instead of 13. Otherwise, I think you should get rid of that 13 time and I will post a real time.


That might be it, as the only other run on the category is a 24.


I'll remove the run for now then. The time should be possible though, and there no Mario runs just because nobody has got around to it yet, I was planning to do more of LLL soon.

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