Gauntlet submission timings
6 years ago
South Carolina, USA

Without some way of accounting for the downtime (like somehow excluding the duration of a particular split from it, or something), I'd imagine you'd just have to run the timer the whole time and try to minimize the switch? Like, maybe have Part 2 running in the background with the open dialog pointed at the right place, then just try to load it as soon as possible?

Interesting question, and I'm obviously not one to make any kind of call on this or anything, but that'd be my thought. Pausing the timer would be odd, I agree.

United States

I actually tried a few part 1+2 runs recently.

I do my runs in an XP VM, and the problem with leaving both up is that the game can sometime crash if left open with it's counterpart for too long. The 16bit memory space isn't very reliable. I've found leaving Part 2 up and closing Part 1 when switching is relatively safe though.

That's not what I do below though. Here's how I did the switch in a very unplanned Part 1 + 2 run:

Compared to the shop glitch that seems mandatory (to me mind you... maybe someone a bit better at this could do without it or shorten it's use greatly) and the small amount of extra time to build to a level that can get to negative HP, A switch of a few seconds isn't a big deal. I'd rather play it safe for a gauntlet style run like this and take the extra time to close the part 1 window, or manually open things.

United States

It basically is, if Phase Door cooperates. It can crash the game if you save too many times while you use it in town, but it's relatively safe on XP. I'm not sure if there's a difference in stability on other OSes. The one rule you have to follow is that you can never take everything the shop has. That WILL crash the game and may corrupt your save.

Using it and the item stacking glitch, I can consistently get under 30 minutes on Part 2 runs, but really that's all it provides, consistency. You end up losing around 6 minutes to uncooperative Phase Doors on average. Theoretically, a lucky series of shops, a lucky phase door and a bunch of stacking weapons with the "very" prefix could potentially make the run ridiculously quick as you tend to kill all monsters in 1 hit (heck, I've done Surtur in 3 before), but it's very unlikely to happen, and THEN align with a dungeon that's easy to traverse.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
United States

Well, after switching up a few item buying priorities, I got an ~18:30 on part 2 and did Part 1 + 2 in ~35:00.

So both glitches do provide substantial time saves and certainly a lot of consistency. I think Part 2 can get down to sub 15:00 and Part 1 + 2 can probably get down to sub 25:00. Both assuming incredible luck.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
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