A “Catch Carmen Sandiego” / 100% Category
3 years ago

Hello! I'm fairly new to speedrunning, and I've finished a couple of streamed and recorded runs of the 1985 version (more precisely, the 1986 revision with disk-based copy protection) of WITWICS for MS-DOS. A fellow Twitch runner and I have chosen a category we've named “Catch Carmen Sandiego” or 100%, with detaining Carmen herself as the final goal – ie getting through all the ranks and entering the Hall of Fame. Is there a possibility for adding a new category to the list? Thanks in advance!

South Carolina, USA

Yep. Just to make sure we don't need to add a new game entirely, could you take a screenshot and post it? Preferably of the version info?

aleksa_milicevic likes this

Sure thing; there are quite a few differences between the 1985 release and the one from 1989, and even more so for the 1992 Deluxe CD-ROM version. The 1986 revision of the original WITWICS lacks the World Almanac copy protection questions, speeding up the runs significantly.


South Carolina, USA

Ok, yeah. This maybe will require a new game entry (and changing the current DOS one from 89). Go ahead and do the runs if you want and I'll find a place for them.

aleksa_milicevic likes this

Thanks! One last detail: since I've already got the VODs for the two runs, shall I use the existing category from the drop-down menu in the submission form?

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