Any% Double Strafe Glitch in 0m 49s 400ms by

World's first sub 50!! As it uses a new exploit I'm leaving a note for the moderators, and I also added a brief explanation in the video: The reason I can move way faster than normal is because Unity assumes the joystick and the keyboard to be two different keys, and Andy Sum did not take this into account while coding the game. While sprinting does have a forced FORWARD speed, strafing does not! So I can double-strafe! Check it out for yourselves if you have a controller! As for the legitimacy of using a controller, the speed at which you strafe is actually determined by the pressure you apply on the thumbstick/trigger, and you can't map it to a button to make it always 100%, so if this would be allowed, it should require a legitimate controller. I only say this because my feet hurt like hell from hundreds of attempts holding it with them.

I retimed this by finding the first frame in a video editor and ensuring it's actually the first frame by putting the brightness as high as possible.

If you don't want to accept this run because of how niche my methods were, that's fine, but I thought it was pretty funny that the game could be broken this way.

If this exploit does turn out to be accepted, good luck optimizing! I'm positive going even lower than 47 is possible!

i celebrated this run by eating tendies and drinking a mountain dew. euphoric 2015 nostalgia.

Any% Double Strafe Glitch
Second place
0m 49s 400ms
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago