Conditions to roll..?
8 years ago

So I started running 404Sight, and I'm kinda confused what the condition to roll is after all. I'm playing with my keyboard, and it's most consistent when I just spam roll before landing, but then I can't time the jump right because I can't get a feeling for it.

I'm really confused, to me it's completely random whether the character rolls when pressing the roll button or not.

Help ~


Hey there, my advice to you is to train roll jumps to get a feeling for it. With training it is pretty easy atfer a while. I myself spam roll, before i land and then jump again too, just like you, but its all about timing. Roll jumps are also dependent from the angle of the ground and the angle of the camera. On some spots you just cant roll jump.


Rolling itself is just holding the roll button a bit before landing. Rolling for the jump is the reason I spam it in a rythm at certain points, because that gives me more of a rythm to when I should jump. Say I jump on flat ground, I'll press the jump button three times in a certain rythm and on the third press I get a roll and can jump straight after. And I've sort of build up a rythm on different places in the run.

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