Turns out a dog can be an auditor at speedrun
10 months ago
  • First of all, the dog wasn't talking about you, I was talking about the other one.
  • For the record, I was the undisputed fastest player in China, more than two minutes faster than the second haggar, and my fastest govtg record was 12 minutes 33 seconds (with turbo). Now at speedrun I deliberately gave up turbo, which is 15 seconds off my record for fastest consecutive races, which I honestly could beat in a day, but nobody comes close to my record anyway, I don't need to hit multiple limits.
  • However, your operation as an auditor is really strange, you can let a pig as an auditor, you should know that this Dalaocu or Slienttom is a morally corrupt animal in China, and there are hundreds if not a thousand players he has abused, and he has been permanently banned by speedrun for cheating and abusing the auditor. You can ask the former auditor of The final mission how he was verbally abused.
  • My previous record was a gotvg record, I admit, but I typed the next two records in the simulator,without any turbo, and he just sent them back to me because a save? I'm telling you this kind of filing before you start has no effect on the record.
  • You don't have to reply, anyway, I know that the original speedrun auditor was so easy when, I will not come to this platform to upload, if you really think I cheat, continue to entertain yourself, You just need to know this is a record for me to play 100 times to break 100 times.
编辑者 作者 10 months ago


@hageshizhang Вы не прочли внимательно правила, пользователи заметили ошибку, вследствии ваш пробег был удалён! Внимательно ознакомитесь с правилами и тогда к вам не будет претензий! @zend2018 Не стоит писать, то что первое придёт в голову пока вы не разобрались в ситуации и тем более не ознакомились с правилами сообщества!


@PakLomak Я могу понять, что вы думаете, но действительно ли не следует говорить, что китайский игрок когда - то использовал серийный обман, который был подтвержден, и что он недавно снова жульничал с файлами? Разве вы не хотите, чтобы в списке был обычный рекорд, а список рекордсменов с сериями и жульничеством? Я также знаю, что вы хотите сохранить мир, но иногда вы должны сказать это!

JamesNightstalker 喜欢这个

@PakLomak Он знает правила.Но он сделал это нарочно.

编辑者 作者 10 months ago
JamesNightstalker 喜欢这个





  • Foul-mouthed, no quality, playing games rely on cheating, people like you don't deserve to submit records at speedrun, don't give China a loss of face, okay?



编辑者 作者 10 months ago



  • What else can you do but cheat? Someone like you would have to be permanently banned to comply with speedrun's rules






  • I don't understand your comments, but all I know is that cheating players like you are low level, and the removal of the run is the fairest decision of speedrun

All this would not happen if you speedrun whatever the game is, complying with the rules. I don't understand what is the joke of cheating or with what logic, if in the end you deceive yourself, get a wr with cheat whatever, it doesn't matter if you have autofire or more fps acceleration or have bad recording, the result is himself, a lie. I've done speedruns of various games, especially beat em ups, and cheating has never crossed my mind, I don't understand how people who do that benefit. But well, each one with their conscience, right? haha

@Kendoelduro Игрок @hageshizhang не использовал читы! Просто нарушил правила не использовать "Save state"! Мы не были знакомы с эмулятором на китайском языке, поэтому не обратили внимание на надписи вначале! @hageshizhang Пожалуйста соблюдайте правила и мы более на вас не будем наговаривать!

Kendoelduro 喜欢这个
  • I would like to thank these friends for helping me to jointly maintain the competitive atmosphere of speedrun. We will supervise and continue to maintain this environment together. By the way, I would like to thank everyone present again

"Now at speedrun I deliberately gave up turbo", This was the Landlord hageshizhang said, now the evidence I show to all

Mighty Final Fight - Forums - The defendant has apologized to the whole Internet in China for slandering Hageshizhang for cheating - Speedrun

hageshizhang, not only you used auto-fire in your 13m03s movie, but also you not honest not recognize you used auto-fire, you are a permannently banned player in speedrun! No one believe you now.

编辑者 作者 5 months ago
Cosmetic changes

All current runs have been placed in the Any% category and Split per character. Due to the addition of the Hitless runs category.

8 months ago