New category suggestions
New category suggestions
发布于 9 months ago

Hello everyone, it's been a while but now with the queue under control we would like to expand the leaderboard by adding new categories. So we ask you to suggest new category ideas. We will pick the best ones and do a runner-up poll to decide which category you would all prefer. The poll will be done a few days later, please suggest categories that preferably work on the latest version, and are simple to pick up.

You can suggest new category ideas in the "Category Suggestions" forum thread, or in the Discord server under the #suggestions channel. The poll will be held in the Discord server. Thanks!

New category suggestions

Hello everyone, it's been a while but now with the queue under control we would like to expand the leaderboard by adding new categories. So we ask you to suggest new category ideas. We will pick the best ones and do a runner-up poll to decide which category you would all prefer. The poll will be don

9 months ago
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