North Carolina, USAZackattack_0564 years ago

I considered it in the past but I thought "I should do DDL Playground before I do that" but I haven't done DDL Playground yet cause I wanted more SOS cards before I tried it any by the time I was getting somewhere Summer ended so I would need to wait until- well, now. But due to the Intel Graphics card bug I need to wait until next summer unfortunately.

North Carolina, USAZackattack_0564 years ago

One doesn't exist, but I do think one should be. I would make it, but I think I am better as a moderator and not a host tbh.

North Carolina, USAZackattack_0564 years ago

I am pretty sure it should work, so try again a few more times, and if that doesnt work I will get another link created.

North Carolina, USAZackattack_0564 years ago

Thanks for the response! Here is what I think about the responses.

  1. Im not sure exactly what you should do here, but at least some people are seeing this as the main place for those runs now. A person I saw was streaming specifically to beat the coin mint record referencing what is here, so if they are left to be focused there you should clarify in the rules description that the main page is there or that this other place may have more accurate records.

  2. Im not sure on this one. As a whole playground it makes sense, and I think should include Suit parts if it is the whole playground, I also think seperating them makes sense for participation, as Megasnoop has some parts that could be put in as Co-op parts, which clearly shows shorter segments can incentivize participation. I would say to have both, but that is up for debate for several reasons at the moment, such as organization and redundancy. I will say that, in my opinion if parts become the main method, The Cashbot Suit sections should be put together because while they are coding seperated, they arent storyline seperated and are for the same goal. Then the parts with just a bunch of laff boost tasks only would be its own part because of a similar goal, and then both law & boss suits either seperate or together, if it is done in sections. Maybe if you made that IL change for facilities we could put the parts there as Levels and the Playground as one of the Playground categories? I dont know any other good way to solve that so feedback on this is appreciated.

Oh, and whatever ends up happening, I think version 2.0 invasions should not be allowed to be used for bossbot suit due to limited time and rare nature of them, so any category including the bossbot suit tasks should specify that you cannot get credit for a bossbot suit task using a Version 2.0 invasion, only through Cog Golf Courses.

  1. Because of the size of the leaderboard, I dont really care too much, it is just that it is a bit annoying when (As an example from past) you want to see ways to improve a donalds dock record to 1st place but you cant see the 1st place. I dont think they should be removed, but I was suggesting maybe marking them as if they had no video evidence as it is noticed so we could sort only runs with video if we choose to without worrying about it as much. We could leave it As-is and just maybe back up runs somewhere in the future so they arent lost like this so that the problem will slowly go away? Idk. My main concern was the factory record I mentioned, since that time may have required less lag than normal, which is something IDK how to achieve. I dont run that category though, so I would leave any conversation about that to those who do.

  2. Yeah, there is a reason I didnt seem to mind. Because some of the mods are active, it is OK I feel. The main thing I was thinking about was how less mods means more for each mod to do, but when the game is as small as this one it should be too much of an issue. Also the concern about what happens when one mod is left by themselves after another one dissapears, leaving only one. What about if both somehow did? A concern moreso because people tend to randomly stop when it comes to TTR than based in what probably will happen.

  3. I knew they had something like it. I would try and judge interest first, definitely agreed.

  4. Yeah, like I was saying, I only was even thinking about it for brrrgh and longer runs. Glad about the reassurance. My main point about it was- should we put it in the rules, or keep it as an "Unspoken Rule" to prevent abuse? Like, should we list that "Accidental cuts are OK, but intentional abuse of this is disallowed" or not mention it?

  5. I considered option B the most, but most of those rules only applying to TTC. Double Throw Exp could speed up several tasks due to earlier access to gags that can 1-shot higher level cogs. +8 Laff is a less major issue, so I would compromise on that, but it does technically help in TTC. Most of my questions stem from Global TP access or double throw/squirt exp, since the others arent very beneficial. I think it should just be ruled that: A. During double throw/squirt exp, you cant do a TTC run (Maybe even only solo depending on impact all things considered) or if you can you cannot utilize invasions for exp intentionally (You must leave districts with an invasion as soon as it benefits none of your tasks. Noting that you CAN stay as long as you dont battle extra cogs. Accidental battles are fine in this case though) B. During Global TP access, you can only use access for

  6. Places you already would have TP Access to anyway when used

  7. Sellbot HQ, Acorn Acres, and Goofy Speedway (After TTC only) Reasoning being that anywhere you wouldnt normally be able to access is unfair. Sellbot HQ mentioned specifically because you can grind sellbot suit up to get TP access to speed up the run (Especially in a Solo) so allowing it is not only leveling the playing field if they dont want to grind sellbot where someone else did, it is also saving people time, helping improve runs faster while still maintaining a fair and legitimate ruleset. Aside from that, nothing really needs to change, I just think that those 2 points specifically are important to consider to help avoid an "Impossible to duplicate unless this rarely picked team somehow wins" scenario. I do want to hear what others have to say, that is just a clarification of what option B I was thinking of should be.

North Carolina, USAZackattack_0564 years ago

A bunch of questions I have for some mods, I would appreciate a response! These were thought of as a potential way to help improve the leaderboards.

  1. Why aren't Cog Facilities (And maybe bosses, its debatable) Put as IL runs? Is it so they are more visible? I am curious

  2. I heard at one point that a person said that if someone did a full run of Donalds Dreamland it would be added. Does that still apply? I have a toon that could do that run at some point if I feel like it (The one I used for the brrrgh solo) and I wanna know for future reference. It will probably be recorded better than last time. If so, what constitutes the end? The last task before Lawbot Suit Parts? Before Bossbot Suit Parts? Or including both?

  3. Is it possible to relabel all the 1st places with no video (due to channel removal or some other reason) as such on the leaderboard so we can sort by runs with & without video to see the video 1st place? Reason being because they were approved in the past so they may be legit, but we also can't double check them. If it is too much of a hassle then fine, but I think it would be useful, since I have noticed many missing, and one that I am not sure if/how it is/was possible on TTR. (The Long Factory Solo in under 10 minutes. Not saying it is fake, clarifying that I cant see a comparison to judge for myself how)

  4. I was going to ask in this spot about the mods that haven't been active in about half a year, but honestly it doesnt matter too much for me since some of the mods are active, I just wanna leave this spot in cause Idk maybe someone else cares Shrug not worth stirring up a pot over nothing

  5. Is it possible to add a Section for No Rewards or 7s. (Bonus-less idk) onto just long and short Factories for both solo and Co-op? Would maybe help people consider running those since they dont require those things.

  6. Is having seperate videos for runs allowed, as long as they are a set length chunks and clearly pick-up right after one another? Since it is an mmo, splicing couldnt be a big issue, and the effort you would need to put in after a fail to "Reset splice" wouldnt be worth it in most cases. Even if it is just for the Brrrgh, recording for 15 hours solo single segment and uploading as one video isnt something that is easy to do, especially if you are already a bit disadvantaged by lag on said computer like I am at times. I think it should be fine, since I have seen it in some very long runs in the past and it didnt seem to cause too big of an issue, but I want to check as A. A precaution before trying to redo my brrrgh run for a good recording in that potential future and B. Something to consider in the prior mentioned Dreamland speedrun scenario. [Edited In]

  7. Should certain silly meter perks be banned from runs, since they are not easily accessable at the other majority of the time? Some can be circumvented, such as Global TP access only teleporting to where you COULD normally have access (SBHQ allowed in Dock+ because you could get sellbot tp access through the suit levels, Acorn Acres and Goofy Speedway being fine as well), but what about the Overjoyed laff meters increasing TTC survivability, therefore decreasing risk? Or double throw exp boosting speed of training in TTC? I wouldnt outlaw them all, but either we: A. Always allow them and risk optimization becoming very vote dependant or B. Set a list of Beneficial rewards and ban them (Or set specific limits for those scenarios) or C. Ban all of them so that it can be fair no matter what other than the 2 days the meter is active where you cant run Playgrounds.

Until the last one gets a response I am going to be on the safe side and NOT do it on those days and act like it is C.

North Carolina, USAZackattack_0564 years ago

Lol didnt even know it was against the rules, not that it matters much due to the reasons already stated before it doesnt make sense to allow it either way.

It is important to clarify that glitches in general arent banned, just ones that give an advantage or disrupt normal gameplay. However, either way if you are purposefully doing it to gain time it probably qualifies

North Carolina, USAZackattack_0564 years ago

My guess is that it could be patched, making it unfair to anybody running those facilities in the future. Unlike most games, since it is patched and past versions become unplayable, it could be seen as unfair. I personally wouldnt mind a glitched category though. To elaborate, the same reason event only rewards arent allowed. However I think a seperate Misc. Category for ones that allow both these rewards and these skips would make sense as a sort of "True Mint" Category

I also guess that it isnt banned in playground runs because stuff like that can happen on accident and in a longer run it is bound to happen at some point, and due to the nature of them, resetting is lengthy so something like that is devastating to the category.

North Carolina, USAZackattack_0565 years ago

The 1st Place record for long factory solo has no video anymore, and I am not sure if it should be removed. I wouldn't be the one to do so regardless, but I needed to bring it to the mods attention.

North Carolina, USAZackattack_0565 years ago

For the 1st point, I believe that A. Streams need to be allowed in a category, and thus anything uncontrollable by the streamer should be allowed in at least one category. Without streams, any possible person wanting to do the longer runs with fans may be inclined to quit, and I would rather not exclude any people that are interested in running the game fairly.

B. There may be a difference in fairness, however if there is any change restricting help in co-op, I would rather it seperate Co-op into 2 categories of "Limited Co-op" and "Unlimited Co-op" so that no previously completed runs are excluded due to random rule changes. My idea is that unlimited can use whatever you want in terms of friends, but limited dissallows abusing the rules by limiting either the amount of friends or how you can use them. One idea branches off of the idea of Multi-tooning in that you can have friends, but the toon must have been created after the timer started. However, that would difficult to enforce.

C.How fair do we need to make it? Do we need seperate sections for newer updates because silly meter can improve walking speed or Field Offices can block Toon HQs? When do we decide to draw the line of making everything fair?

D. Neither of the categories represent the way people would normally play the game, which is friending people as you go. While I don't necessarily fully support this idea because it is way too vague and tricky to implement to work, I do want to try and see about making it so you cannot teleport to friends but they can teleport to you and help you freely aside from that. The main use would be if somebody tried to do an all tasks run, or even just a "Start until MML" Speedrun, that would require training gags during the run. For all tasks, people would be forced into co-op if they didnt want to solo a bunch of tall buildings during a run and have to grind before each attempt. This is more of something to consider for if any runs like these come to be, which they might (Emphasis on the might) at some point this summer if I can set aside the time to just play-sleep-play for a while

[Edit: Rereading this, point D may be a bit confusing. TL;DR is that a run in which you do a long playthrough of multiple playgrounds is more likely to have you friend people as you go, but is put into Co-op on technicality while working completely different from the other co-op runs, and that while these long runs may not exist yet, it is best to start thinking about it before they do.]

For the 2nd point, many games have several platforms and some are faster than others, but it is still no difference between the games so I think that overall this is only worth doing if timing it is easy.

North Carolina, USAZackattack_0566 years ago

So the category is just Any%, no mention of glitches. But because basehaxx exists, I think there is possibility to use it in a similar way to credits warp or something like that for a faster run.

Is this true, or am I mistaken? The rules don't specify. I don't plan on running this game, this is more for anybody who does.

DemataPyro and Bogdan_mk like this
North Carolina, USAZackattack_0566 years ago

Can somebody give me an estimated run time without sleep for: -DDL Tasks (Solo and Co-Op) -All Tasks (Solo and Co-Op) -Brrgh Tasks (Solo) -100% RTA (Solo or Co-Op)

I know these would take a while, but I am curious how long these would take, and I would factor in sleep myself when seeing what is realistic and what isnt for a run. I would appreciate it. Remember, those answering All Tasks or 100% RTA, that you need to have time to train as well preferrably.

North Carolina, USAZackattack_0566 years ago

Honestly, a run like that would beat out Baten Kaitos

North Carolina, USAZackattack_0566 years ago
  1. What specific emulator is needed? VBA-M, VBA 1.7.2, or something else?
  2. Why not accept languages besides Japanese and English?
North Carolina, USAZackattack_0566 years ago

We could make it where once a confirmed DDL run exists, the page will be made.

thread: Speedrunning
North Carolina, USAZackattack_0566 years ago

I run a game called Help Wanted:50 Wacky Jobs for the wii, but I am still waiting for page creation as I only just submitted it.

thread: The Site
North Carolina, USAZackattack_0566 years ago

@Timmiluvs Didn't know that was what it was called, but that seems similar enough to what I meant. Thanks!

Timmiluvs likes this
thread: The Site
North Carolina, USAZackattack_0566 years ago

The thing says run of "Substantial Portion of The game" as a requirement for submitting a new game. The game I want to submit is "Help Wanted: 50 Wacky Jobs" a minigame compilation for the wii. My issue is:

Playing story on initial playthrough is way slower than replays because every playthrough on a file you retain past minigame progress for that file.

Ex. I play the fisher minigame to expert difficulty from experience on first run, a more efficient difficulty then normal due to rewards, which then carries over when I replay the story on the same file as the initial run.

Would a Replay% Speedrun be sufficient for the requirement, since it is still the same amount of game, just with more initial experience therefore a faster run? The any% would be a few hours longer than replay%, but the gameplay would be largely the same aside from grinding experience for high difficulties.

Also, because the name in Europe is "Job Island" I don't know what to list it as.

About Zackattack_056
6 years ago
Games run
PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond
PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond
Last run 2 months ago
Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak
Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak
Last run 4 years ago
PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure
Toontown Rewritten
Toontown Rewritten
Last run 2 years ago
Plants vs. Zombies
Plants vs. Zombies
Last run 1 year ago
Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Games
Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Games
Last run 4 years ago
Help Wanted:50 Wacky Jobs
Help Wanted:50 Wacky Jobs
Last run 3 years ago
Games followed
Pokémon Dash
Pokémon Dash
Last visit 3 years ago
PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond
Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak
Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak
Last visit 28 days ago
Help Wanted:50 Wacky Jobs
Help Wanted:50 Wacky Jobs
Last visit 2 years ago
Toontown Rewritten
Toontown Rewritten
Last visit 1 month ago
Last visit 4 years ago
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Last visit 2 years ago
Wario Land 4
Wario Land 4
Last visit 9 months ago
Games moderated
Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak
Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak
Last action 2 years ago
PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond
PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond
Last action 3 months ago
Help Wanted:50 Wacky Jobs
Help Wanted:50 Wacky Jobs
Last action 2 years ago