Florida, USACursedToast7 years ago

This is a brand new complete rewrite of the autosplitter script with MAJOR improvements. Now with no need to download any files or keep checking back for updates -- LiveSplit automatically updates it!

Instructions (they're different than before!):

1.) Make sure you compare against Game Time.

2.) If you used the previous version of the script, disable "scritable autosplitter" in the layout. If not, proceed to 3.

3.) Edit your splits and change the game name to "Resident Evil 7". A message should pop up saying an autosplitter by me is available. Click "Activate".

4.) After activating the RE7 autosplitter, click "Settings". Place a checkmark next to every split you want to use.

5.) Afterwards, create your splits. Name them anything you want (just make sure they correspond with a checkmarked autosplit). Order them however you'd like.

Any problems? You know where to find me.

DArklord5443, CrySloth and 9 others like this
Florida, USACursedToast7 years ago

While we're at it, let's have categories for everyone's X time playing the game. For example, if it were your 8th time playing the game you would file it under the NG++++++++ category. /s

I agree with Liv, NG+ is broad imo

Florida, USACursedToast7 years ago

If they're reloading from a save for example, when they mess up, it certainly should NOT be allowed in my book. Same goes for dying, you shouldn't be able to load a save, only "Retry" because "Retry" keeps the time you had when dying, loading rewinds the clock.

Do you have time stamps of when this happens in the said video?

Florida, USACursedToast7 years ago

"If my game lags, livepsplit doesn't account for that, whereas the in game time seems to have done. "

Except this doesn't make sense because the game time isn't based on frame rate. You could force the game to run at 1 FPS, struggle for 10 minutes to walk to the first gate and check your stats menu and it should show 10 minutes of play time.

I'm cool with IGT, it makes sense and all RE games go off it (off the top of my head), but I'm just saying now, I won't be surprised if issues crop up later where someone's IGT doesn't add up to their video footage time (either the timer is slower or faster). It's a shame they rely solely upon queryperformancecounter for the game time (for example, LiveSplit uses queryperformancecounter and at least two other ways to check time), but it is what it is. For now, I'm not going to even worry about it unless people start noticing large disparities.

I've also barely used real time in the past to notice LiveSplit "lag" or delete 10 minutes (seems like a major bug in my book and I hope it was reported) so I wouldn't know what to say about that, personally. As for what Liv said, I'd be more inclined to think it was the game time being off than a program like LiveSplit (especially if it's a long game like she said), but that's just guess work based off what I've seen studying game timers and the works. But that doesn't mean I'm right in the regard.

Florida, USACursedToast7 years ago

I can confirm time isn't based off frames. I studied the thing enough while mining for memory values. The game uses queryperformancecounter (which is actually really shitty and can be an inconsistent way) to calculate the difference in previous time and current time. That also explains why I couldn't find a frame-based incremental counter like other RE games.

Honestly, I'd be more in favor of using real time because queryperformancecounter can be sketchy. But this causes problems for console users that can't split automatically so idk.

XTerminator and Liv like this
Florida, USACursedToast7 years ago

Yeah, I was thinking about making one for 1 as well. It didn't take long at all for HM2. Let me install Discord, I'll have some quick questions I'm sure.

Florida, USACursedToast7 years ago

Hi everyone!

My name is CursedToast and I come from the Resident Evil speedrunning community. I'm known there as a mod and writing something called Autosplits for the series.

What are autosplits? As the name implies, it's a script that enables Livesplit to detect when to split for you automatically.

I'm a big fan of the Hotline series, and while bored at work I watched a few speedruns from this board. Then I had the idea, why not write one for Miami 2?!

So it works like this:

1.) The game timer starts automatically for you upon the start of Down Under. 2.) A split automatically occurs at the Results screen of each level, with the exception of the last level. A split automatically occurs during the scene with Richter. This is because of how Dennaton coded the game. You can always split manually when you hit the rainbow bridge if it bothers you. Sorry about that!

This obviously brings the convenience of not having to manually split (and accidentally forget), but more importantly offers precise consistency in your splits. Everyone using these splits will split at the same time, and you'll always split at the same place for each level, every time.

So here's a zip file containing the script and splits I made that are compatible with the script:


-Extract the archive and load the .lss file up in Livesplit like you would for any other splits. -In LiveSplit edit your layout and add "Scriptable Auto Splitter". Afterwards, double click the "Scriptable Auto Splitter" text and browse to the ASL script file. -Load up Hotline 2 and enjoy.

I did some quick tests of various levels and it worked dandy, but if you come across a bug please let me know.

Feedback is also appreciated!

I hope to see you all on the leaderboards soon. I'll be back later; time to learn the routing of this game!


Hamsterdog and Ant1q like this
Florida, USACursedToast7 years ago

I'm still inactively active! :) Sorry I don't do as much as I used to - but I'll be doing more soon.

Florida, USACursedToast7 years ago

When I finish it, yes. It's done for Jill but I still need to code Chris. You can get the full Jill splits from Pess, probably. I just reformatted and I'm not sure if I have it (and I'll probably need to get them from him).

One of these days when my PTO bank is decent enough at work, I'll take some time off and get Chris done and then update my release :)

Florida, USACursedToast7 years ago

Glad you were able to build off my IGT script :) Congrats on this. I data mined a ton of info a long time ago and had all the memory values written somewhere (and item ID numbers). However, I was unable to detect how to end the game at a precise time so I never got to writing (a much more in depth than your current) script. It would split on items, doors, etc with config options.

I'm curious, where does your script split exactly for the final split? And how accurate is it to the final IGT time? If it's precise to the final IGT menu time, how did you find where to split? I tried for a good 10 or so hours to find it one night and ended up calling it quits. Otherwise, I would have had this done (splits configurable for EVERYTHING from items, to doors, to bosses) three+ months ago :(

Unfortunately, I don't think I have the memory values anymore, or else I'd give it to you so you could expand your splits. Maybe I'll do it again some day if I'm ambitious enough. I still have splits to write for HD Remaster 1, however. Once I'm done with that, maybe I'll datamine it all and build a more advanced script like the one I'm finishing for HD 1 (version 3.0 of my currently existing splits) :)

Florida, USACursedToast7 years ago

Hi, My apologies. I had a server crash on me. I've spun up a new server and added the files again. If you have any problems, please let me know. I'm not sure if they're older versions or not. If anything is problematic, please tell me... I'm sure I can track down a fixed version... Though I'm pretty sure these should be up-to-date! :)

Lileya-Celestie likes this
Florida, USACursedToast7 years ago

You can do what Growth said, but I've also been writing an update to cover all of the categories. So far I've coded all of Jill's categories and have had Pess test it out for me. I'll start coding Chris soon.

In the mean time, simply delete the three splits that are involved with getting the RL and it should work just fine :)

Florida, USACursedToast8 years ago

I actually already started writing an auto-split for RE0HD. The only thing I'm stuck on is figuring out how to detect the final split for the game. I might get back at it this weekend and try to figure it out, but to answer your question, I used Cheat Engine to find the memory values/the pointers. It's a bit of a process, but that's how I did it personally :)

Florida, USACursedToast8 years ago

I run off an SSD now days and noticed no time differences between computer builds. Combined with the fact that door skip has basically proven that the door loading animations are almost NOT required at all, I'm able to unscientifically, but confidentially say: No.

Especially if you're running vanilla, the animation is just there for cosmetic effect. It's not like the animation would speed up at all if you the game data were loading any faster. Hope that makes sense.

Door skip mod may be another story... but I don't think those categories will ever be SO optimized that it will matter, and as a result, we may never be able to break it down and tell. Unless someone is so inclined to TAS it up and do tests on both... But I would place my money on very negligible results.

RawDerps and Pessimism like this
Florida, USACursedToast8 years ago

Let's try this again... Posted this earlier and ran into a bug with the final split... a pretty big one. So just to make sure that nobody downloaded the bad one earlier, I'm remaking this thread and changing the version number of the script...

Original thread:

I am pleased to release fully automated LiveSplit splits for Resident Evil HD Remaster.

In addition to writing a script to auto-split for you, I have also created scripts for every base category. This way you can just crack open the live split file, load the script and go.

How to use:

It's suggested to use the LiveSplit split files I provide below. This insures that all split segments are properly named and lowers setup time. This is not required, but definitely heavily suggested. Either way...

In LiveSplit edit your layout and add "Scriptable Auto Splitter". Afterwards, double click the "Scriptable Auto Splitter" text and browse to the ASL script file.

IMPORTANT: Disable any in-game timer scripts you're currently using! The Auto-Splitter takes care of this for you already! Also make sure you're comparing against Game Time!

Download links:

¤MOST IMPORTANT¤ The script:

Jill any%:

Jill 100%:

Jill RS any%:

Jill RS 100%:

Chris any%:

Chris 100%:

Chris RS any and RS 100 have no changes in items (unlike Jill RS any vs regular any, where you grab the Assault Shotgun), so you are free to copy the splits and rename them for his different categories. Same goes for each category but with Door Skip mod enabled, of course

Note: Most of these auto-splits are based on item pickups. There are a few cases that are detected differently, however. An auto-split will occur in the following events:

¤ The stone and metal object is picked up after defeating the Elder Crimson triggers the "Elder Crimson" split. ¤ The "web door" is entered in Black Tiger's lair. ¤ You enter the opened gate upon finishing the Lisa Trevor "fight" ¤ You exit Tyrant's lair upon fighting Tyrant for the first time. ¤ The game detects when the final time is written to memory for the results screen.


Q: Can I just use my current splits with the auto-split script?

A: No. Not unless you happen to split at the exact same times as the auto-splitter does, in addition to having your split segments named the same way the script detects.

Q: Can I rename the segment names?

A: No. The script uses case-sensitive segment name detection. If you need a segment renamed (for whatever reason) let me know and I'll write you a custom script.

Q: There's too many split segments! Can I remove some?

A: The split files were designed for top runners to have "micro splits" to keep track of their time losses. The script will NOT break if you decide to remove segments, so feel free. Just make sure the ¤order¤ of the segments do not change upon removing any segments.

Q: Do I HAVE to use the LiveSplit files provided? Can I use my own layout?

A: No, but I provide them because the segment names are case-sensitive and need to be named specifically. You're free to create your own LiveSplit files, just make sure that the segment names match the segment names in the files provided. To the T. Otherwise you'll run into issues. You're also free to create your own layout/template for LiveSplit, just make sure the script is loaded and segment names are correct.

Please feel free to provide any feedback or report bugs.

For the LiveSplit split files for Chris, there might be things out of order... or they might be fine. I don't run Chris so I had to consult with Pessimism and assume the order of segments is the same... If I'm wrong, let me know and I'll fix them.

Have fun!

Special thanks: Dchaps - scripting support ZerothGames - item and inventory values Fatalis - game time Pessimism & GrowthKasei - testing and split order support

Note: For the final split, LiveSplit reads the "real" time value. It might not match to the second the game time. That's because the game may round up/down the real time for display on the results screen. IGT is king, but just keep this in mind that LiveSplit probably isn't "wrong" it's just not rounding like the game is.

Steelll, GrowthKasei and 3 others like this
Florida, USACursedToast8 years ago

Come to the PC side, Viix :)

Florida, USACursedToast8 years ago

I hear ya, Derps. And like I said to Zeroth it's rewarding to practice (at least IMO). I'm not on your tier, but I get where you're coming from and this is part of the reason why I thought there'd be a problem with this method in the first place when I first heard about it.

At the same time, I just don't care either way. If it allows more people to participate that might not be able to physically keep up (medical issues or older age, mind you) then let's just have a category for it. No harm, no foul.

Florida, USACursedToast8 years ago

What OS are you running? Any more details besides "wont work" so I can see if I can fix it for you?

Florida, USACursedToast8 years ago

Download it and plugin your Xbone controller into your PC :)

Florida, USACursedToast8 years ago

Hahaha, 20 seconds is just there as an endurance test. 5 seconds is probably the most accurate (the graveyard stairs takes about 4-5 seconds right?). What's your best time for five seconds, Lileya?

About CursedToast
8 years ago
11 months ago
Games run
Resident Evil (Remake)
Resident Evil (Remake)
Last run 8 years ago
Resident Evil HD Remaster (Steam)
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
Last run 5 years ago
Resident Evil Zero
Resident Evil Zero
Last run 8 years ago
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 2 (2019)
Last run 5 years ago
RE7: End of Zoe
RE7: End of Zoe
Last run 6 years ago
Games followed
Resident Evil (Remake)
Resident Evil (Remake)
Last visit 2 years ago
Last visit 1 year ago
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
Last visit 2 years ago
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 2 (2019)
Last visit 2 years ago
Resident Evil 2  Category Extensions
Resident Evil Village
Resident Evil Village
Last visit 1 year ago
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 4 (2023)
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Games moderated
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