Colorado, USAHalo2 years ago

Hey, everyone. Change in the rules coming up.

From now on, the mod team will not be manually removing load times for your runs... Which isn't nearly as bad as it sounds, especially for this game.

If you want load times removed from your runs (Which, trust me, you do.), there's a really easy solution. You're going to want to install this game's autosplitter (You can find it on the resources tab, and you can install it by following this tutorial: ). You're still more than welcome to run this game without it, just understand that you're waiving the removal of load times unless you remove them yourself.

We hope you understand. This will make verifying runs a lot easier on our end. Depending on how this change goes over, it might extend to the other games in the series. Feel free to leave your input.


brkmnly, Swing_Bonnie ve 3 diğerleri bunu beğendi
Colorado, USAHalo2 years ago

Hello, everyone!

Now that we've (mostly) fixed FNaF 1, FNaF 2 is next on the chopping block. And just like FNaF 1, we're going to be banning legacy runs from the leaderboards.

We found two quirks about the legacy versions of this game that just make speedrunning less fun:

1.) Night length seems to deviate by a random amount. We don't really know what causes it. Either way, it isn't a massive difference; Only ~1s of deviation. But across an entire run, that could be 5 seconds that a legacy runner would save over a CP runner, for doing little more but grinding the game until they lucked out and got better night lengths than anyone else. This alone wouldn't be a GREAT reason to remove legacy runs (If anyone CAN figure out why night lengths are random in legacy versions, we'd love to know more.), but it would only really turn this game into more of an RNG-fest than it already is.

2.) Night length depends on PC power. In short: If you have a better PC, and you're playing on legacy, you're going to have shorter nights than someone with a worse PC playing on legacy.

If you're reading this RIGHT as the announcement is posted, you might see some legacy runs still on the boards. It will take ~30 minutes to get rid of them all. Thanks! ~Hailoh

Colorado, USAHalo2 years ago

Hey, everyone!

I am VERY proud to announce that, after almost 6 months... We've finally managed to do something that should have only taken 2 weeks. hahaha

The rules have been rewritten again, this time for good. Every run currently on the leaderboards has already been retimed to fit these rules. Let's just quickly go over the changes.

First of all, legacy versions of the game, REGARDLESS of platform, have been removed. After a bit of testing, we've deduced that night lengths actually vary by a few seconds depending on computing power. We decided to remove these earlier versions.

Second, runs have once again been split across all platforms. The night lengths on Mobile are actually much different than they are on PC and Console. PC & Console night lengths are basically the same (Bar a few frames), but given that the input device is so vastly different between the two platforms, and we were already splitting up Mobile, we decided to make them separate.

Third, loading times have been removed... But in a different way. Before, we tried to meticulously remove every single loading zone from runs, including "micro-loads" that occur in-between areas (Office to 6AM, 6AM to 12AM, 6AM to check, etc..). However, that seemed like WAY too much effort, and it would only make up for a handful of frames across the entire run (This was the main reason this project took so long.). However, if you DO want to remove those micro-loads...

Fourth! Autosplitters! They're here, and they're AWESOME. Special thanks to @Bruh_without_a_f for making them. If you're on PC, I can't recommend that you use them enough. They make running easier, they make verifying easier, they're great. You can find them in the "Resources" tab. If you have trouble installing them, try asking for help on the Discord.

Other than that, there were some smaller changes. You need to start your game from a fresh save file now (You can find a completed save file in Resources.), the rules have been completely reformatted... Yeah. That's it.

That's basically the last change these boards will see for a while. Until then... Happy running!

CosmosBR ve Ronoc_High_King bunu beğendi
Colorado, USAHalo2 years ago

Hello, everyone.

Just a quick announcement to let you all know that we are officially banning Twitch VODs from all games on the FNaF Series, because they expire after 2 weeks. Please turn them into a highlight, or re-upload them to YouTube.

DemonsEyes bunu beğeniyor
Colorado, USAHalo2 years ago

Hello, everyone.

Just a quick announcement to let you all know that we are officially banning Twitch VODs from all games on the FNaF Series, because they expire after 2 weeks. Please turn them into a highlight, or re-upload them to YouTube.

Yunivers bunu beğeniyor
Colorado, USAHalo2 years ago

Hello, everyone.

Just a quick announcement to let you all know that we are officially banning Twitch VODs from all games on the FNaF Series, because they expire after 2 weeks. Please turn them into a highlight, or re-upload them to YouTube.

Colorado, USAHalo2 years ago

Hello, everyone.

Just a quick announcement to let you all know that we are officially banning Twitch VODs from all games on the FNaF Series, because they expire after 2 weeks. Please turn them into a highlight, or re-upload them to YouTube.

Colorado, USAHalo2 years ago

Hello, everyone.

Just a quick announcement to let you all know that we are officially banning Twitch VODs from all games on the FNaF Series, because they expire after 2 weeks. Please turn them into a highlight, or re-upload them to YouTube.

Colorado, USAHalo2 years ago

Hello, everyone.

Just a quick announcement to let you all know that we are officially banning Twitch VODs from all games on the FNaF Series, because they expire after 2 weeks. Please turn them into a highlight, or re-upload them to YouTube.

Colorado, USAHalo3 years ago

Hello, everyone!

After a few months in the making, we're FINALLY ready to rewrite the rules for Any%, 2-Star and 100%. Here they are (Although the wording will change between categories):

Time starts on pressing "New Game", and ends on 6AM on the last night. Time is ONLY counted on the Main Menu, the newspaper, the office, check screens, the warning screen, and the Custom Night screen. ANY other screen is not counted towards final time.

  • Note, your time will be re-timed by staff if you claim it to be 5th Place or above.

It is recommended that you use the CURRENT PATCH* of the game, although earlier versions are allowed on all platforms EXCEPT for mobile.

You MUST start from a fresh save file.

Developer hotkeys (CD+, CD1, CD2, etc) are not allowed on PC.

Cheats are not allowed on Mobile & Console, and the Door Pause exploit on console is not allowed.

If you are playing on Mobile, you MUST show the main menu before the run.


  • PC: v1.132
  • Mobile: v2.0.2
  • XBOX: v1.2.4
  • PlayStation: v1.0
  • Switch: v1.0

Lets go over these changes one by one.

1.) We removed a few screens from what we consider "gameplay". Notably, 12:00 AM screens, 6 AM screens, and loading screens (Alongside a few others). Once the changes are in place, the time of a run will NO LONGER be determined by the quality of the runner's computer.

2.) Legacy and Current Patch will be merged into one category, and Mobile Legacy will be completely banned from the leaderboards. After searching far and wide for reliable patch notes, we've come to the conclusion that legacy versions for PC don't really give runners any significant advantage. If anything, it can actually make the run even longer. The only exception to that is on Mobile, where the nights are significantly shorter than they are on Current Patch. However, considering that it's no longer possible to obtain these legacy patches (Without some illegitimate methods), we've decided that the best decision is to ban them completely. This is also why we require that mobile users show the main menu before they start a run (Which you SHOULD be doing anyways, by the way.), to ensure they're running the correct version.

3.) From here on out, you MUST play on a fresh save file. This is basically just to ensure that you do check skip correctly. This change will NOT affect any runs posted before today, so don't worry about your run being deleted from the boards.

4.) We made it more clear that you can't use ANY developer hotkeys, as the only one listed beforehand was CD+ (Although they have ALWAYS been banned, its never been an issue.).

5.) Not listed in the above rules, we are going to be combining PC, Mobile and Console all into ONE category. After removing the screens listed in point #1, Console and Mobile don't really become all that different from PC. There are a few skips that Console & Mobile players can't do that PC players can, but we don't think that's a big enough difference to make subcategories for. We might fiddle with the rules in the future, though.

We're planning on going through every category and retiming runs to fit in with these rules, so that we can gradually integrate the new system. Any% will most likely change today, followed by 2-Star and 100%.

The rules may change further as time goes on, but this should be ABOUT what you should expect. We hope you enjoy!


EDIT: I forgot to say two other things.

1.) Given this new ruleset, a lot of Any% runs are going to have the exact same time. It's not ideal, but its kind of a necessary evil.

2.) Now that we've removed load times, our mod team has a general idea for how short a run can theoretically be, and that knowledge heavily affected the ruleset. If we see a run that claims to be SHORTER than those theoretical times, AND if that run is also legit, then we'll tinker with the rules a little.

Colorado, USAHalo3 years ago

Hello, everyone!

The title says it all. Golden Freddy% is no more, and Death% is here to replace it.

This is a decision that we've all been talking about on and off for a couple of months now, and it's finally here. We know that this isn't a decision that all of you will be happy with, but we firmly believe that it meets the needs of the vast majority.

Now, about Death%. Death% has gone through some changes since it was first mentioned in this forum post here: https://www.speedrun.com/fnaf1/thread/e4q1j

Those changes include: 1.) Time starts from entering the office, not from the New Game screen. This means that this category has NO LOAD TIMES, something that the rest of the categories (And GF%) can't say.

2.) The category was split into two sub-categories, one WITH Golden Freddy and one WITHOUT (Both subcategories do not include the 1987 trick.). The former will have shorter runs, but the latter will be more consistent. Whichever one you choose is up to you. (We also hope that the Golden Freddy subcategory will make a better substitute for the people who enjoyed GF%.).

That's about it! We hope you all are satisfied with these changes, and we hope you try out the brand new category!


Colorado, USAHalo3 years ago

Hello, everyone!

We heard your feedback on the last poll (Which you can find here: https://www.speedrun.com/fnaf1/thread/74eeu . Please continue leaving comments!). There seemed to be an even split between people who enjoyed Golden Freddy% and people who wanted it gone. After reading the responses, we've come up with two arguments for keeping GF%:

1.) GF% isn't doing any harm by existing. If people enjoy it, it should stay. 2.) GF% is a really short category, which makes it perfect for introducing new runners to the game.

However, we'd like to argue that while GF% is a good way to introduce runners, it's not good for retaining runners. GF% has a lot of runs, but the majority of those runners will only do one run, and then never return.

The reason runners don't return after playing GF% is because there's no way to really expand on it after a single run. And they don't have an incentive to try the other categories, because GF% is so unlike Any%, 2-Star & 100%.

What these boards need is an interesting, fair, short category that is a good representation of the rest of the game...

Introducing Death%! A category that's been suggested in other games multiple times, and could finally come to FNaF 1. As the name implies, Death% would be a speedrun where you try to die as fast as possible (From a new game.). It would be short, interesting, and a good representation of the rest of the game.

As always, feel free to leave your feedback.


Colorado, USAHalo3 years ago

Hello, everyone!

After more than a month of discussion, our moderation team has come to two unanimous decisions. We would like to suggest that we completely remove the Golden Freddy% category, as well as merging the Legacy category into Current Patch.

We understand that there are quite a few of you that truly, genuinely enjoy playing GF% & Legacy. But let us present our argument, and then leave your input in the comments below.

Let's start with the more abrasive of the two: The removal of GF%. [TL;DR at the bottom of this section.]

GF% is the shortest category on the leaderboards. And because of that, it has become one of the most popular. Out of the 170 runs currently on the leaderboards, more than 70 of them are under GF%. That is a lot of runs to erase from the face of SRC.

However, GF% has fundamental problems.

The first problem. There isn't an acceptable place to start the run. As in, there isn't a frame in the entirety of the run that makes this category fun and fair for everyone. Here's a list of some start frames we have considered, and the problems that come with them:

1.) The first frame that the static on the main menu stops moving. This includes a loading zone, so runners on lower-end computers would be at an immediate disadvantage. 2.) The first frame that the "Custom Night" screen fades into view. The Custom Night screen fades into view in very faint blotches. These blotches are extremely difficult to see, and could easily vary depending on things like video resolution, monitor brightness/contrast, or even the eyesight of the verifier. There's no way to objectively pinpoint this frame, so it can't be used. 3.) The frame the runner selects "7" on the CN screen. This would skip actually selecting the 7 on the title screen, which would leave nothing but the runner moving their mouse from Foxy's arrow to the "READY" button and left clicking. This method would technically be fair, but it would also yield a really boring, 2-input run. This method also wouldn't work for Mobile & Console. 4.) Forcing runners to use the GF% autosplitter (Which was just created recently thanks to @Bruh_without_a_f. You can find it, as well as a full game autosplitter, on the Discord.) to submit a run to the leaderboards. First of all, if this method was used, it would be impossible to manually validate a run if it looks suspicious, as the time could only be determined by local software. And while this would be a fair way of timing, getting runners to download the autosplitter, install it, and then spend whoknowshowlong solving the problems that will inevitably surface is... daunting. It will push away new runners from beginning their career with this game, and it will also make GF% less fun to play.

This leads to our second point: Is it worth it? Even now, there isn't any strategy tied to this category other than just spam clicking in the darkness. It's only three inputs. There's very little mechanical skill involved. The problem here is very analogous to those with the original Any%. The run is mindless. It's not fun to watch, and it really doesn't look all that fun to run.

And even if we did define a new start time for this category, there are issues. First of all, the only option out of those listed above that is even remotely possible is #3. Right off the bat, it would now be impossible for Mobile & Console runners to run this category. Then, the category would be cut down from an already miniscule three inputs... to two. Then, our moderation team would need to devote time and resources to retiming every single run on the leaderboards (Time and resources which could instead be diverted towards fixing the other categories!).

Is all of that really worth it? For a 2-input run? A lot of you find enjoyment in this category, and that's a genuine argument in and of itself. But there isn't a way to play this category that is fair for everyone, and that would appeal to a general audience.

Now, for the latter: The removal of Legacy. [TL;DR At the bottom of the section.]

This is a much easier problem to explain. Legacy just isn't different than Current Patch... most of the time.

On PC, there are 5 versions of FNaF 1 (That we could find.). 1.0, 1.1, 1.13, 1.131, & 1.132. And as far as we've been able to deduce, none of these patches change the length or difficulty of a speedrun (Some legacy runs on the leaderboards have shorter nights than their Current Patch counterparts. This is being investigated, although we suspect this night length changes depending on PC power.). Therefore, why would it be separate from Current Patch?

Legacy Mobile, on the other hand, has a significant advantage over Current Patch. The nights on older versions of Legacy Mobile were made to be purposefully shorter than Current Patch. However, unless the runner had previously downloaded them, these legacy patches are no longer obtainable (The same is true for Console, where applicable.). Therefore, this subcategory will only hold runs from a very long time ago, or from the small minority of runners who still own a copy of these old patches. There's no growth here. And because of that, there will never be any new competition.

An alright compromise here would be to split the "Mobile" subcategory into "Mobile - Current Patch" & "Mobile - Legacy", and then scrapping the "Legacy" subcategory as a whole and moving the runs to existing subcategories. However, this could look a bit messy on the leaderboards, and would basically only serve to pay homage to the past (And this could probably be done somewhere separate from the leaderboards, therefore not taking up space here.). However, that is a distinction for all of you, not us.

As always, feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments here, or by coming to the Discord.



MegaObbyGamer bunu beğeniyor
Colorado, USAHalo3 years ago

Hello, everyone!

Our moderation team understands how controversial of a decision this was, but we've come to the conclusion that it's for the best of all of our runners, current and future, that the "Unscrew" subcategory be completely moved to our category extensions.

From now on, if you would like to submit an Unscrew run, please submit it by difficulty to the category extensions leaderboards. If you would like to view those boards, you can view them here: https://www.speedrun.com/fnafworldce

Thanks, and happy running!


TheLoneBanana0 ve xDarkHeart bunu beğendi
Colorado, USAHalo3 years ago


We've recently gone through and retimed the higher-ranked runs of Golden Freddy%, both because many of the runs were clearly timed incorrectly, and because we've switched to a new timing system.

We did NOT go through every single run. The runs that were retimed have a tag, "MOD NOTE: Retimed after a framecount." If you have a run that does not have this tag, and would like your run to be retimed, feel free to reply to this forum post saying as such.



Colorado, USAHalo3 years ago

EDIT: This post has been stickied so you can learn more about these skips. If you want a more in-depth guide, please look here: https://www.speedrun.com/fnaf1/guide/j2ool

Hello, everyone! I wanted to make a quick announcement about two skips that have been found in these past few months, and some problems that have come alongside them.

First things first, the "Newspaper Skip" is a skip that has been known about in FNaF 2 & 3 for a long time, but was only recently discovered (at least to our knowledge) in FNaF 1.

To do a Newspaper Skip, hover over the "Continue" button on the main menu and click. Before you are taken to the next screen, hover over "New Game". This will skip the Newspaper cutscene.

Keep in mind that this skip can only be done on PC (As far as we know.). However, chances are that similar measures will be taken as with FNaF 3, where we will change the start time from pressing "New Game" to entering the "12:00 AM" screen, which will nerf this skip. It isn't set in stone, but we'll see.

The other (and more important) skip is the "Check Skip". This skip is only important for 2-Star and 100%, but it's important to know how to do it.

This skip is probably doable on platforms other than PC, but it hasn't been completed yet. Feel free to toy with it and see what you can come up with.

A Check Skip is really easy. On Night 5, once the check screen appears (Where it says "Good Job, Sport!"), reset the game, and enter Night 6. The same can be said for Night 6 & 4/20 mode.

Let's be clear. You have to reset ON THE CHECK SCREEN. Resetting during the 6AM screen DOES NOT COUNT. If you're running off of a fresh save file, and you reset on the 6AM screen, the next night will not unlock, and you would need to replay the previous night. If you instead reset on the check screen, this WILL unlock the next night. Again. Reset on the check screen, not the 6AM screen.

That's about it! Have fun playing with your new toys.


Colorado, USAHalo3 years ago

Hello everyone!

Lots of things have been happening on these leaderboards over these past couple months, so it's probably time we left an update.

The changes we are about to list are for all non-miscellaneous categories. We'll touch on All Minigames later.

First, the start time of runs has been changed to the beginning of the "12:00 AM: 1ST NIGHT" screen, from pressing "NEW GAME". This was because, a.) It's much easier to verify, and b.) Runs can now start on pressing "continue". The latter reason was mostly because of common practice in Any% Good Ending, where the majority of people just pressed "Continue" instead of "New Game" or using newspaper skip. Instead of just punishing the players who broke these rules, we decided to just change the rule globally to match. To supplement this, we've added another rule: Runs must be started from a fresh save-file (Older runs that did not abuse this rule are not effected.). Now we have the best of both worlds, having a fresh save file, as well as new, interesting time-saves!

Another global, but less impactful, change was the end-time for mobile runs. They are now synchronized with the PC end-times. This may cause issues on legacy mobile runs, but that requires more testing.

The above changes effect Any% Bad Ending, Any% Good Ending, 3-Star and 100%.

Next, we'd like to make a clarification for runs that require getting the "Good Ending": The "Happiest Day" minigame IS a requirement. The reason that people were getting the Good Ending without completing Happiest Day was due to an oversight regarding save files. Runs on the boards that do NOT include the minigame will either be removed from the boards or retimed (Most likely the former.).

The above changes effect Any% Good Ending, 3-Star and 100%.

All Minigames also received some updates recently. The first is only to make it clear that any save file can be used in this category, not just a new or fresh one. "May be started from any save file." A simple change, but an important one nonetheless.

We've also decided to reword the start and end times for All Minigames. The run will start on the first frame that you enter ANY minigame (As in, the first frame where you leave the extras menu and enter the minigame), and the run will end on the first frame that you FINISH the last minigame in your rotation (As in, the first frame you touch a door OR give a cake to a child). This change was actually implemented a long time ago, but wasn't properly announced or updated until today.

Happy running, everyone! If you have any questions regarding these changes, please ask on the Discord, or leave a comment here.

~The FSS Moderation Team

Shiinyu, Azure_Mirage, ve Hako bunu beğendi
Colorado, USAHalo3 years ago

Hello, everyone.

We're going through the FNaF Series leaderboards and doing some renovations. Just like in FNaF 1, we are removing the categories "Any%", "2-Star", "3-Star" and "100%".

Thesecategories were too simple to keep on the boards. All that was required was a good PC and the ability to press three buttons. Maybe some menuing. Nothing special at all. We decided they were too easy and too uninteresting, even if they were some of our more popular categories.

We're sorry to everyone who lost a run due to this change. We highly recommend you try out some of our remaining categories.

Happy running!

Colorado, USAHalo3 years ago

Hello, everyone.

We're going through the FNaF Series leaderboards and doing some renovations, the first of which was removing the categories "Any%", "2-Star" and "100%".

These three categories were too simple to keep on the boards. All that was required was a good PC and the ability to press three buttons. Maybe some menuing. Nothing special at all. We decided they were too easy and too uninteresting, even if they were some of our more popular categories.

We're sorry to everyone who lost a run due to this change. We highly recommend you try out some of our remaining categories. If you're looking for something quick, I would recommend "Golden Freddy%" under the miscellaneous categories.

Happy running!

max007_10 bunu beğeniyor
Halo Hakkında
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1 year ago
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