Luigi Quest
4 years ago
New Jersey, USA

Can we include Luigi in the Super Mario Bros. category in some way? I ask party because, I claim video to show The Luigi Quest World Record. Timing starts when JWILD gains control of Luigi and ends when Princess Toadstool says "Thank you Luigi. Your quest is over." Sincerely, JWILD

KilleDragon tycker om detta
New Jersey, USA

Please strike "World Record" and replace with "Gold Medal."

KilleDragon tycker om detta
United Kingdom
  1. This is literally just a regular any% speedrun with a palette swap, which is nowhere near different enough to warrant a new category being added
  2. Read change #4:
Novawolf, sam1370 och 5 andra gillar detta
Oklahoma, USA

There is a luigi category on Lost Levels, but that's because Luigi's physics are actually different. In smb1 - he is literally the same as mario... just green. And when he's fire luigi he looks the EXACT same

TBH, I kinda feel for luigi, I wish he had more of a showing in this game - but since there's zero difference between mario and luigi, it doesn't make sense. It would just be any% Co-Op, but you have to die with mario first.

Redigerad av författaren 4 years ago
Novawolf, sam1370 och 4 andra gillar detta
New Jersey, USA

To all those who say that Luigi quest is the same as Mario Any% with a palette swap, I suggest you read my post. Princess Toadstool (aka Princess Peach) thanks Luigi, not Mario upon completion of what I have been calling the Luigi Quest. I for one, think that the Princess' gratefulness is important.

Merl_, KilleDragon och 3 andra gillar detta
Los Angeles, CA, USA

So was this entire forum post just a troll by you then @JWILD

Redigerad av författaren 4 years ago
New Jersey, USA

@sam1370 No, this was not meant to troll. I came to the's forum asking for help with an idea that I felt would improve the meaning behind the way's Super Mario Bros. category relates to Super Mario Bros. I am putting forth an idea that I believe merits consideration. If you have a criticism about my idea I suggest you voice it. is a collaborative community. By resorting to name-calling ("troll," even though you used it as a gerund it's still name-calling or at least and ad-homonim(sp?) attack) . you both upset me, and violate the spirit of a collaborative community of which I consider my self a member. In the meantime, speaking of calling out names, even though I'm not Korupt, I think my original post, should read "When the player takes . control over Luigi," where it currently reads "JWILD" (the first instance). I now propose that timing start when the player gains control of Luigi and ends when the Princess says "Thank you Luigi! Your quest is over." Sorry for the mistake. I hopes this post has helped. Sincerely, JWILD

Redigerad av författaren 4 years ago
Merl_ och KilleDragon gillar detta
Colorado, USA

Okay, so I have pruned down this thread a bit.

I don't believe that this is a troll request. A category such as this would belong in the Category Extensions board, not this one. That being said, we have requests for new categories suspended indefinitely.

As far as the category itself, I don't honestly hate the idea and it would be cool to see Luigi stuff, but I don't think there's enough there to warrant making a category for it unfortunately.

For the rest of you. If you don't have something beneficial to say, I ask that you refrain from posting replies. That includes ordering the mods to close the thread. Attacking the OP is not what I'd consider beneficial. You don't have to like someone's idea and you can disagree with it. It doesn't give you the right to start flame wars. I will start cracking down on that more going forward as it presents a poor image of the community as a whole.

Merl_, tranceking26 och 10 andra gillar detta
Los Angeles, CA, USA

@JWILD I was not attempting to name-call or attack you in any way, I was actually asking a question. When you said in your previous reply “I for one, think that the Princess' gratefulness is important“, I thought this was a joke based on the Princess liking Luigi instead of Mario, because the Princess’ gratefulness is not important at all in speedrunning IMO. That is why I believed this post to be a troll, and responded to you to clarify.

JWILD, KilleDragon och 2 andra gillar detta

Sorry @JWILD @roopert83 I will try to avoid this in other threads

JWILD och KilleDragon gillar detta
Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Interestingly enough, there is a difference between Mario and Luigi. It is actually possible to get a 4:53 (with L+R) when playing as Luigi by using the vine glitch. Here is a TAS that shows how to do it:

kcaj och KilleDragon gillar detta
Los Angeles, CA, USA

@Marikh Cool, maybe this could be used in an extra TAS category

KilleDragon tycker om detta
Massachusetts, USA

I realized this a little while back and I think I discussed it with happylee. If I recall he said TASvideos wasn't interested. It's still pretty interesting though.

Marikh och KilleDragon gillar detta
Oklahoma, USA

@Marikh - could you (or someone who understands this) explain (1) why the vine death as mario impacts luigi at all, and (2) how this leads to a faster any% time? I see the vine death, and then Luigi playing 1-1, but that's all the video shows.

KilleDragon och darG gillar detta
Baden-Württemberg, Germany

(1) I don't really understand the details of the glitch, but I guess it's something like this: When you climb a vine, the next screen (e.g. the coin heaven in 5-1) starts with an animation of the vine growing and Mario climbing it. So when Mario is still on the previous screen, the game probably sets a flag to remember that the next screen has to begin with this animation. But if Mario dies on the vine, he never reaches the coin heaven. But since the flag is still set, the vine grows on the next screen, which in that case is 1-1.

(2) When 1-1 starts, Luigi immediately grabs the left part of the vine. If you hold right, Luigi will get to the right part of the vine on the next frame. This teleports him quite a few pixels to the right. You can see that if you watch the youtube video frame by frame with "." and ",".

Redigerad av författaren 4 years ago
sam1370, Darpey, och KilleDragon gillar detta
Basque Country

wow is true That prob save a framerule

Baden-Württemberg, Germany

@KilleDragon That definitely saves the framerule. I saved it in the video.

sam1370, KilleDragon, och TwisterCuber gillar detta
Oklahoma, USA

Such an interesting glitch, shame it can't really be utilized in any major category.

KilleDragon, Marikh, och TwisterCuber gillar detta
New Jersey, USA

@sam1370 thank you for clarifying. Sometimes I’m prone to getting touchy. I’m sorry and especially if I overreacted. @mruns05 all is good. Thank @roopert83 I disagree, and respect how you worded your disagreement. @Darpey . I’m taking a guess, Mario, as I understand can start on a variety of framerules. Perhaps Luigi must start on a specific frame rule which could be optimal for the glitch. Anyone know if, gameplay-wise Does Luigi start on the same framerule (I.e. same bowser pattern with identical subsequent gameplay), independent of when Mario dies? I’m not tech savvy enough to check myself.

Finally, my original post shows an old video. This would only be a gold medal / WR if

  1. There was a category
  2. Mods accepted YouTube’s December 31 2009 publishing date and
  3. The furnishing of a verifiably dated and videoed run could, by way of backdating a more newly dated (and verifiable) videoed run, retroactively award a former WR / gold-medal speed run.

I realize now that that might be asking too much. My apologies.

Redigerad av författaren 4 years ago
mruns och KilleDragon gillar detta
Basque Country

So, basicaly, he start giving the idea without think it was different to Mario but thinking it was a good idea, and now we realice there is a timesave thanks to Lugi Nice!

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