64mau cheats on his PAL records
6 years ago

I have verified his PAL WR videos on 70 and 16 stars. On both of them 64mau pauses his timer multiple times during his runs. The pauses shrink his times from more than 10 minutes on his 70 stars run and like 2 minutes on his 16 stars run. I dont know how this can have passed through the checking of peterford who validated both runs. Nonetheless those runs need to be deleted from this site, 64mau needs to be banned from this site too and you need to check twice what peterford validates because he obviously doesnt check what he validates. Thanks for your understanding.

Tomatobird8 and StarFalco64 like this

dang what a guy his movement style is like my movement and im having a 18:50

Edited by the author 6 years ago
New South Wales, Australia

Yeah, this was discussed and peter acknowledged that he probably verified bad runs. I'll let him deal with it if he hasn't already,

Rhode Island, USA

I accepted his runs because his times didn't seem like something he would fake, and he is also seen a lot in SM64 chat so that's also why I seen him as a legit runner. I remember seeing him pause his timer during runs and I told myself to be more cautious when verifying his runs. I showed his recent submission of 16:05 to other mods and they agreed it was definitely spliced. I will be more attentive when looking at his runs because clearly I made a big mistake accepting his (which again, I regret making). I will look at all of his past runs and see which are legit, which I doubt any of them are.

Also, I might as well say that I verify a huge majority of the runs submitted here and sometimes I fuck up. It happens.

Fuukataba likes this
North Carolina, USA

This is why we require video btw. You might say that it failed cause a few were let by, but imo it succeeded cause it was eventually caught. There is just not enough time in the day to watch every submission (we get like 3-10 a day), so generally videos aren't inspected closely unless there's something clearly wrong from first glance. In this case, the times submitted weren't particularly suspicious til this one (perhaps his other 16 min time).

Fuukataba and Paracusia like this

Yeah, you shouldn't shit on Peter imo. If the mods had to watch through every single VC 16 and PAL 70 Run it would consume so much time. Of course mods spend time checking through runs when they look suspicious, but who would splice times similiar to the ones Mau uploaded? Now he uploaded an obvious splice (a suspicious time for the first time) and Peter caught it, showing it to the other mods. Peter puts so much time into moderating the LB and right now, Toad, you present him as a lazy guy who does sloppy work. Your post in this forum is really out of proportion and I hope no opinions have been influenced by you at this point.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Fuukataba, alaris, and Paracusia like this

You can tell me that a run being 10 minutes longer than what the timer says at the end is not an obvious cheat. But in my opinion it clearly shows that some runs are "validated" without the mods to even open the video to actually check the run. It totally defeats the purpose of "validating" runs since close to nobody will check runs videos once they have been validated by a mod. Moreover it clearly harm the credibility of your leaderboard.

I understand that you dont care at all about everything that is not a good run on an NTSC console, but do not act as if you are doing good work when you are not even opening the video of the run you are validating. You are probably doing a good job when it comes to validating good NTSC runs but you clearly don't put any effort in for some categories or bad runs.

That's a fact.

New South Wales, Australia

Gotta love when clueless stream monsters post on the forums lmfao


toadmax: t's not like your "Trackmania Nations Forever" (the only speedgame you seem to be involved in) where they have one submission every few weeks. This is the biggest speedgame with the highest runner and runs count (more than 63 times more runs than trackmania). We have a ton of submissions everyday and you saying we do a bad job and FlatGreg suggesting help from outside the community is a disgrace to be honest!

Nardiko and ohaithereman like this

your only speedrun is more than one year old and the video isn't even available anymore, you submitted it yourself and even accepted it yourself lmfao i mean how can I take your LB handling critics seriously

Nardiko and ohaithereman like this
United Kingdom

Should just stop replying 'cause they don't get it. It's easy to say shit from the outside.

Drogie likes this

who cares? it's PAL.

alaris and Kaper like this

64mau still has 70 and 16 stars PAL WR on your leaderboard and these runs are cheated. He pauses his timer during whole stars. The fact that he still is on the leaderboard despite this topic shows that the mods and the community don't care at all about any other runs than N64 NTSC top records which is a shame to be honest because everybody is not an american native with hundreds of dollars to spend on a console. Your attitude is pretty bad and selfish.

Drogie, I will not answer to your personal attacks. Your assessments are basically false. Moreover it is quite strange that you attack me like that and do not even care about cheated WR on your leaderboard.

Gothic, you can say that showing that some WR runs are validated without any verification is "saying shit" but I don't think so. It once again shows how much you do not care about your leaderboard.

GoodleShoes likes this
United Kingdom

Alright so I've went through and rejected every run he had submitted which by the way didn't have any vids so I don't even know if they were all cheated or not but no vids so hey makes it easier.

For the record, 'PAL WR' isn't a thing. You're talking about bad times on a bad version and yes you are 100% correct that people do not care about PAL times. They're not WR runs and the fact you're trying to claim they are is laughable.

I am from England and I was more than happy to pay £40 for my console, games and controllers. Hundreds of dollars? You just have no idea at all, do you?

North Carolina, USA

When we removed his current pbs it defaulted to his old pbs, all of his mario runs have been removed now.

New York, USA

The sanctity of the PAL 70 leaderboard has been restored!


crznnn likes this

If you look on eBay, you can easily find NTSC-J versions of the N64 and Super Mario 64 (J1.0) for pretty cheap. It's definitely not hundreds of dollars. Besides, this whole thing about "WRs" is such a meme. Don't you think it's kind of pathetic that people are looking for some dumb loophole so that they can label their runs as "WR XDDDDD" instead of actually getting better at the game? If you're not willing to shell out even ~$50 to play this game on the most widely used platform, I doubt that you'd be willing to spend enough time to even get decent at this game.


Everyone should stop wasting their time on this meaningless thread, it's over and done with.

Tomatobird8 likes this
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