EnglandStevenMayte3 years ago

Recently we made the switch from the "RE Speedrunning community discord" to RESpeedruns discord.

All future discussion will happen here https://discord.gg/bJrFWz3

EnglandStevenMayte3 years ago

Recently we made the switch from the "RE Speedrunning community discord" to RESpeedruns discord.

All future discussion will happen here https://discord.gg/bJrFWz3

EnglandStevenMayte3 years ago

Recently we made the switch from the "RE Speedrunning community discord" to RESpeedruns discord.

All future discussion will happen here https://discord.gg/bJrFWz3

EnglandStevenMayte3 years ago

Hi everyone, i’m happy to announce that Classic Rebirth is now allowed for run submissions but it does have some restrictions so don’t rush to download it just yet! We’ve worked with Gemini this past month to create the Rebirth “Speedrun” edition, this version of Rebirth is very different to the standard Rebirth patch and therefore the standard Rebirth patch is still banned for runs.

The Speedrun edition mimics the FPS of the vanilla game so vanilla and Rebirth will coexist on the same leaderboard as neither vanilla or Rebirth offer any advantages outside of compatibility fixes and some nice add-ons to the game itself like a built in room jump tool, inventory modifier and the ability to save anywhere in the game! Room jumper and inventory modifier(BIO2GPS) are available to non Rebirth runners via external programs.

Adding Rebirth to your game is very simple, just download Classic Rebirth Speedrun Edition from here https://www.speedrun.com/re2/resources (it’s at the bottom) extract it and place those files into the game directory (wherever you installed the game) by default it’s C:\Program Files (x86)\CAPCOM\BIOHAZARD 2 PC.

IMPORTANT NOTE “mod_sr_crypto “ CANNOT BE EXTRACTED! It changes the copyright text on the main menu as seen here https://gyazo.com/793d302d03814b9a84a0c2a295c11215?token=5d5e1e2f7f143c749b61b6df264ef03b this is to verify that you’re using the correct version of Rebirth.

You can also play Classic Rebirth without ever installing the game if you don’t currently have the game installed, check this guide by Gemini to see how http://appleofeden.de-doc.com/index.php/re2cr-troubleshooting/

The first thing you will see when launching bio2 v1.1 exe is a screen with a bunch of different options, while a lot of these are disabled for the Speedrun edition there is a lot useful things here such as window resolution, audio and texture options and “ignore focus” which allows you to tab out of the game and have the game run flawlessly in the background without forcing a pause! When you’re done choosing options on this screen press OK and you’ll then be taken to the next screen and from the drop down menu choose “BIOHAZARD 2: Speedrun Edition” and you’re set!

How to use the built in game features;

Pressing F5 will bring up this menu (If you don't see this window when pressing F5, press F1 on the first config window when launching the game and this will active it) https://gyazo.com/3f0e2c2e721fcca23f9e8e7dc6ac8469?token=d550f07e58cd127960d6ee16221fbc3b

The first feature is Room jump, use your bound directional buttons to find the room and press enter to confirm the room you want to teleport to, the game is split into sections, pressing the map button (by default the A button on keyboard) will swap between different sections of the game, when you find the room you want just press enter!

The Utility menu has an invincibility option which is useful for practicing, just don’t forget to turn it off for runs!

Inventory Editor works similarly to the room jump in that you use the directional buttons you have bound to cycle through items, pressing your map button will decrease the amount of an item you have and enter will increase it, having 255 of an item means it is set to infinite.

The Quick access menu allows you to save ANYWHERE! combined with room jump and inventory editor this tool is god tier for practice.

Huge thanks to Gemini for putting the time into this and accepting our feedback and change requests, we’ve been going back and forth on this for a month and also thanks to everyone who helped to test the patch with us!

Any problems just reply to this thread :)

allancg, MajorRichy 그리고 10 기타 이것을 좋아함
EnglandStevenMayte4 years ago

The plans are in place for the 2nd Leon A Tournament

8 players (possibly more) double elimination

if you're interested sign up here!


The whole tournament will be streamed on Twitch.tv/RESpeedruns All money made during the tournament will go to charity

watch this space for updates of a start date.

MuRFaaY, insanebb 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함
EnglandStevenMayte5 years ago

Category Extensions are LIVE and can be found here https://www.speedrun.com/re1ce

Currently we only have New Game+ as a category and would like the community to give us suggestions on what you would like to see

Current categories in mind are Handgun only Shotgun only All kills/ All kills knife only

I put up an IGT script that just tracks the IGT in Livesplit for now in the downloads section of Category Extensions because until we have solid routes there's not much point in us making Autosplitters just yet.

But if there's any other suggestions for categories now is the time to say :D

Anderson_XP, KrisNaga, 그리고 Voxgizer 이것을 좋아함
EnglandStevenMayte5 years ago

Hello everyone so you may remember in 2017 myself and some other runners organised an RE2 tournament which happened on Twitch.tv/RESpeedruns

The tournament was a huge success despite being told over and over again that it would never work.

So how about we have that same success with an RE1 tournament? If you're interested please sign up here


No dates are set yet for the tournament, we're in the early stages of planning but make sure to give RESpeedruns a follow on Twitch and join the tournament discord if you're interested in running, commentating or even helping with organisation! https://discord.gg/DQ72Dqd

WitchRain, Escort_Quest 그리고 8 기타 이것을 좋아함
EnglandStevenMayte5 years ago

As of yesterday the top 3 PS2 players of all categories must show their PS driver version before or after a run. you can show this via the system configuration screen when the disc tray is open or when a game isn't inserted.

Driver Version 1.11 is banned for use with Japanese versions of the game.

This driver was never released in japan and region modding one of these consoles with the 1.11 driver will save massive amounts of time for seemingly no reason.

SephJul, Escort_Quest 그리고 3 기타 이것을 좋아함
EnglandStevenMayte5 years ago

This category is problematic because the only way to compete in it is by obtaining a PS2 with 1.11 driver and region modding it to play japanse games. I'm not sure what causes the huge gap between carcinogen and poppo but either way, a console with 1.11 driver has never been proven to have been released in japan, therefore it should not be playing japanese games, something about it is clearly not right.

*What i propose is remove Ps driver 1.11 category because let's face it, it will forever be dead and also the only way to compete in it is striking lucky with a driver THEN region modding.

*And allowing 1.11 in the same category as all of the other runs providing 1.11 is only used for the US version. If 1.11 + US is faster then so be it. People need to realise that japanese versions aren't always the go to version for speed. Top 3 should still provide proof of driver either way just so we can be clear that nobody is using 1.11 + JPN

I'm not against region modding, i just think this category has and always will be ridiculous. Region modding with other PS Drivers gives no competitive advantage to anyone that chooses to do it, doing so with 1.11 saves minutes.

Liv, ConkyJoe89 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함
EnglandStevenMayte6 years ago

General chat, Community Events and the Official home of RE1(1996), RE2(1998), Revelations Series, CVX, REmake/RE0, RE6 https://discord.gg/2TY4uvx

RE3(1999) https://discord.gg/sYswJzB

RE4 https://discordapp.com/invite/xaSZfNN

RE5 https://discordapp.com/invite/dwDtkWq

RE7 https://discordapp.com/invite/tDucRSB

RE Village https://discord.gg/QEvpZ5yHeM

Outbreak https://discord.gg/7f9JRNE

RE2 Remake (2019) https://discord.gg/ZJybwxZ

RE3 Remake (2020) https://discord.gg/mE3r8UP

TTurkeysub, RapixOnGaming, 그리고 zgl 이것을 좋아함
EnglandStevenMayte6 years ago

We recently requested a category extentions page for RE2 to allow more categories that don't really "fit in" to the main leaderboard so if anyone has suggestions for new fun categories go ahead and have your say now

Possible Categories so far;

  • No Damage
  • Shotgun Only
  • Pistol Only
  • All Mr X Kills
  • 100% (needs defining by the community)
  • New Game+
  • All Main scenarios in 1 sitting (Leon A, Leon B, Claire A, Claire B ) adding up all of the final IGT's would give you your overall time.
  • Kill All / Kill All Knife Only

Categories that won't be added;

  • Easy mode because it adds nothing new to the run.
  • Arrange mode since it's just the US version.
  • Ranking categories such as S Rank.
PereCasteur 이것을 좋아함
EnglandStevenMayte6 years ago

sup guys

so i've requested this before in the SRC Discord about a month ago but i guess the admin forgot to do it.

in the Resident Evil series we don't have any series mods so this means we can't clean up the forum threads or control what happens in the threads.

Would it be possible to get the series forum wiped completely? none of the threads are actually relevant and tbh there's more drama than anything else. https://www.speedrun.com/resident_evil/forum


Edit: i don't mind deleting everything if that makes it easier for the staff, then i would just demod myself when it's clear.

EnglandStevenMayte6 years ago

i've tried for so long to get the PC version of this game to work but never found a solution to it, i see runs of it on the leaderboard so are there any patches available or a certain method i have to use to get it running ?

MasterLeoBlue 이것을 좋아함
EnglandStevenMayte6 years ago

We've had more runs rejected recently than verified, please read the rules for the version of the game that you're running.

Any questions? Ask here.

Tanky, Uuguey 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함
EnglandStevenMayte6 years ago

All Autosplitters have been updated to include support for showing HP in Livesplit, to do this you need to download a file called Varviewer, you can get this from the resources section https://www.speedrun.com/re3/resources

Once you have the file you will need to extract the files so you have this; https://gyazo.com/aa7cdb6f3a4895b9326c1abe4e70bada

these 2 files go into the livesplit directory, the location of this will depend on where you chose to install it.

When you find the folder just drag and drop those 2 files into the "components" folder

Now, when you open livesplit, Right click > edit layout > click the + button > information > ASL Var Viewer

Navigate to ASL Var Viewer Value Label HP https://gyazo.com/d035016c225aae43028857886bd646ce?token=f0dfa1a4e43d35d729bbfcd9c9e92d21

and finally choose hp from the drop down box here https://gyazo.com/d035016c225aae43028857886bd646ce?token=f0dfa1a4e43d35d729bbfcd9c9e92d21

in the future we will try to add boss health and ammo count to this but for now (if you only care about HP) you no longer need to use an SRT!

i did not make varviewer, i only added the necessary code to the auto splitters that var viewer reads.

allancg 이것을 좋아함
EnglandStevenMayte6 years ago

All Autosplitters have been updated to include support for showing HP in Livesplit, to do this you need to download a file called Varviewer, you can get this from the resources section https://www.speedrun.com/re2/resources

Once you have the file you will need to extract the files so you have this; https://gyazo.com/aa7cdb6f3a4895b9326c1abe4e70bada

these 2 files go into the livesplit directory, the location of this will depend on where you chose to install it.

When you find the folder just drag and drop those 2 files into the "components" folder

Now, when you open livesplit, Right click > edit layout > click the + button > information > ASL Var Viewer

Navigate to ASL Var Viewer Value Label HP https://gyazo.com/d035016c225aae43028857886bd646ce?token=f0dfa1a4e43d35d729bbfcd9c9e92d21

and finally choose hp from the drop down box here https://gyazo.com/d035016c225aae43028857886bd646ce?token=f0dfa1a4e43d35d729bbfcd9c9e92d21

in the future we will try to add boss health and ammo count to this but for now (if you only care about HP) you no longer need to use an SRT!

i did not make varviewer, i only added the necessary code to the auto splitters that var viewer reads.

Tanky 그리고 ConkyJoe89 이것을 좋아함
EnglandStevenMayte6 years ago

i've started to make a bunch of guides, i will continue to add more to this playlist as i make them.


EnglandStevenMayte7 years ago

i made some quick test changes to the leader board, split some categories, added some for Emu but used the "Show All>>" feature so they aren't all default viewed when opening the leader board.

This way we can have 2 lines of Platforms without it looking like an ugly mess and Emu runs aren't hidden behind a filter within the leader board itself, with this they will be separate.

I can change the ordering of whats shown/ Isn't shown and it can always change depending on the activity of the platforms.

Another thing i wanted to bring up is the Hard Mode Sub Category, is this really ever gonna be active? Carcinogen originally added it but does anyone else want it?

Personally i would prefer just "Any%" "Knife Only" as Sub cats and keep hard mode as a filter option like it always was instead of a Sub category.

Last thing i want to bring up is inactive mods. We have mods that have done nothing for a long time and tbh they just don't need to be there. It'd be nice to replace them with active runners that could co-exist and work with the current active mods.


stephanallen7 이것을 좋아함
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