Maximum velocity problems.
5 years ago

Hello, I have a little problem with my maximum velocity. I mean I can't reach higher speed than 550, whenever i try to bunnyhop quicker, it stops me to 320 velocity. Guys, can you please help me. Yeah and soo, I'm playing on steam version.:)


In the steam version (New Engine/OrangeBox Engine) of the game bunnyhopping was fixed. But appeared ABH.


Ok, thanks for reply. Soo I need to switch to WON version? I really like models from steam version. And also I have 2 big problems with WON version. My lobby blinks all the time, and i can't click "start new game" or "load new game". Only when I try to open console and type "map c1a0" It works. But there is another problem. "Smooth mouse" I disabled this option but my mouse is still smooth. If i wrote something wrong, I'm sorry. My English isn't very well. :)

편집한 사람 작성자 5 years ago

Oh/Stop. Forget everything I said before. I thought you were talking about half-life 2, because this forum is designed for a series of games (HL: Half-Life 2, Half-Life 1 etc.) Sorry ;D I know little about Half-Life 1, so that ask question about it here: Don't worry about English :D Maybe I wrote something wrong too.

편집한 사람 작성자 5 years ago
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