PakistanPimpUigi20 days ago

Ever since the site update, name gradients appear incorrectly in most places.

Lets start with where it looks correct: Latest News

The Leaderboard name gradient is certainly broken and starts the gradient with your Flag.

Finally, the profile name gradient has to be the most broken of them all - at least when you're a Supporter, it's as if the word "Supporter" is there but hidden.

Thanks for taking the time to review this and, honestly I've vibed pretty well with the new site as it has been. Speedrunning is lucky to have a site like this and I wish it had been around when I was a young adult with more energy to share with the world.

Oxknifer menyukai ini
PakistanPimpUigi20 days ago

Hey guys, I've been trying to be patient for a while because I was aware you guys were still patching a lot of the lingering site transition bugs.

But I think this one has eluded people's notice: on Chrome and Firefox, your recent activity gets stored in shortcuts on your homepage. I have a shortcut to the Sonic CD Restored leaderboards, and it used to look like this:

And now (these are actual screenshots), it just looks like this:

I'm hoping you guys will be able to help me out because it was so much nicer having the icons of Leaderboard themes being properly generated. Thank you!!!

PakistanPimpUigi21 days ago

This is probably going to come up at some point, Night's Miracle Sonic mod isn't a Category because even in New Game+ the only time you get 50 rings is at the end of QQ2, and transforming will lose you time. Even if we go over to All Good Futures, the only other time we get 50 rings is in QQ1 Past.

So while it's a great add-on mod that players would certainly be otherwise interested in, it's not a category here because there's no speedrun difference compared to the main game.

PakistanPimpUigi2 months ago

Thank you so much for everything you did to help us grow and all the work you put in verifying videos. There was a chunk of time there where I was not doing well and you had our back and covered this community when it was growing. I know some others will want to leave their appreciation to you as well so anyone please use this thread to thank Jimmy for his work and support as a verifier.

Jimmy volunteered at a time when literally no one would respond to CD-R's need for a second verifier. Von Ryder and Zehher have stepped up to take his place, so farewell to an era and welcome to a new one. We will miss you Jimmy Diamonds! This Pubu's for you:

Charlie_The_Frog dan drYVin menyukai ini
PakistanPimpUigi4 months ago

Some of my friends and I have started to run this game in 2 Player over Fightcade and our times are starting to improve, so I was wondering if these runs would be submit-able or if there is an established protocol for online 2 Player runs?

PakistanPimpUigi5 months ago

I just want to remind anyone reading the RTA times on the leaderboards that we've been observing that load times vary greatly between runs, even runs performed on the same PC.

Please keep this in mind.

PakistanPimpUigi6 months ago

Inspired by the recent TAS runs and things I've discovered as I've become more and more involved in programming Sonic games, as well as discussions and observations with current runners. I propose we change the Glitchless category to No Major Glitches as the small but noticeable differences in this category much more accurately capture the spirit of Sonic CD. This category change is intended to reward movement skill first, level knowledge second and to be more forgiving of the jank that can happen when playing Sonic CD without incidental mishaps invalidating your runs.

This is the rule list I'm proposing along with explanations of the level design via the community developer tools, and I'm hoping runners can come to a consensus and agree with it:

Rule 1. No MPO (Moving Peel Out), No Major Zips, No Zip Jumps allowed.

Rule 2. Respect White/Black/Yellow Tile solidity as programmed:

  • White Tiles are programmed to be jumped through; common examples are floor tiles in most stages. These allow Sonic to jump out of places he would otherwise become stuck after time warping, such as the new MM2 double Time Warp Mini Sonic skip or the secret area in CC1.
  • Yellow Tiles are programmed for Sonic to fall through; such as the rooftop at the end of MM1. If you fall through these tiles, or are pushed to the side of them with a minor zip, the run is still within the scope of the category because these are purely functioning as intended.
  • Black Tiles are programmed to not allow any clipping at all. If you clip through these or use them to perform a major zip, you disqualify your run. There is one single Black Tile in the Tuffcracker MM2 Time Warp, it's what allows Sonic to continue running to the right, but also what results in the zip to the left if you warped on the wrong frame and thus appeared inside of the Black Tile, instead of on top of it. We respect the solidity of these Tiles as programmed so Loop Skips in SS1/SS2 will invalidate a run.

Rule 3. Appearing inside of a wall via a Time Warp and exiting is allowed. The level designers made most walls hollow and with Yellow or White tile barriers instead of Black Tiles for the player to escape them, such as the double Time Warp route in MM2. (You can jump through White Tiles, or fall through Yellow Tiles or get zipped to nearest non-collision tile if you enter the HandleGround PlayerState inside a Yellow Tile)

Rule 4. The following tricks are now allowed because they respect rules 1, 2 and 3: CC3 roof jump, TT1 yellow tile ceiling fall, MM2 AGF fast time warp, either MM2 time warp Mini Sonic skips. MM2 Vent Jump is also allowed because the vent is phantom; it has no Solidity Tiles much like the entrance to the secret area in CC1.

Rule 5. If we need a microscope, it's not a major glitch. Examples: getting stuck in a Loop and having to jump out; but not loop skipping. Or going fast enough to roll under the crusher at the end of MM1; narrowly being pushed into the ground and almost crushed (this is a frame perfect execution of a Super Peel Out and roll under the crusher.)

In good faith, I've executed a run in the proposed category without doing any of the tricks in MM2 pending discussion and consensus:

Charlie_The_Frog, VonRyder dan 3 lainnya menyukai ini
PakistanPimpUigi11 months ago

Get hyped.

No time warp timer bug:

No act start timer bug:

No more flipper-edge bug (though still not correct flipper power):

VonRyder menyukai ini
PakistanPimpUigi1 year ago

I really respect that the Sonic 8 seems to go for the OG releases of most of the games. Sonic 1 without a spindash Sonic 2 without the elemental shields Sonic 3 without Mania effects / Drop Dash but then Sonic CD is using the 2011 remake instead of CD93, and that's like an odd man out.

I believe I understand the reasoning behind the choice, it's a quality of life improvement over the general CD93 fps drops, spindash, etc. But CD11 also introduces a ton of jank (such as RNG Wacky Workbench cycles or CC jumps you can no longer make) and breaks routes all over the place. (much like Sonic 3 Origins)

Sonic CD Restored fixes all of these things and provides a glitchless CD93 experience. It doesn't add Game Genie codes like Flight Cancel or things from other Sonic games like Elemental Shields. It changes the Time Warp timer to closer match CD96 / Gems, which had changed the warp timer to account for the game being played in 60fps.

Sonic CD is the fastest Classic Sonic game; both in terms of movement speed and the RTA of the glitchless category, so I'd feel it would behoove the Sonic 8 to run the version of the game that's most faithful to the original. (if not the original itself)

Examples of stages that will benefit from this: PP1: https://www.speedrun.com/scd_restored/run/y96ggwey CC3: https://www.speedrun.com/scd_restored/run/y6o9exqy TT1: https://www.speedrun.com/scd_restored/run/y6x4g9py WW1: https://www.speedrun.com/scd_restored/run/z07xx18y

CC2's Any% strat; the opening jump is something you can do in CD93, that is broken in CD11:

PakistanPimpUigi1 year ago

It has been about 1.5 years since S1F was released, and no one has taken time to recreate this Classic run:

You provide: A recreation of that Classic Green Hill Zone 3 route. Open the stage with a spindash+drop dash or whatever you think will speed you up until you get up to that Lamp Post, but you must perform that 4 hit bounce combo and then land in the boss for as many hits as you can manage. (ideally an 11 hit bounce combo at that point)

You get: Steam game of your choice

drYVin menyukai ini
PakistanPimpUigi1 year ago


Mods should be aware, time warping for certain people restarts the centiseconds count on the IGT clock.

Please review my run on Tidal Tempest 1 compared to the run linked. In my run, I timewarp at 14.01 so you can't check with that first time warp, but my second timewarp is at 19.93, the centiseconds timer continues at 19.95 (Pause the video, and then use the period and comma keys to frame advance by one frame)

While in Ultima's run, he time warps at 14.40 and 19.95, and each time the centiseconds count resets; 14.01 and then 19.01 Meaning Ultima's submission needs to be re-timed to 21.78

Tentang PimpUigi
My pronouns are Luigi/Green Mario https://www.deviantart.com/pride-flags/art/Xenogender-3-664036257
3 years ago
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