CanadaLegs3 years ago

I set the game icon for a new board, but forgot to make it square. (which would lead to it being stretched in the user info page) Initial Image (https://www.speedrun.com/themes/dark_crystal/favicon.png)

I updated it to a square: Updated Image (https://www.speedrun.com/themes/dark_crystal/favicon.png?version=6306c025)

but the update didn't seem to propagate to the info page, where I still see the stretched icon. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/448991972427038731/766019860454441001/unknown.png

I tried setting it to entirely other images too, but the initial upload is the only one I've seen. It doesn't seem to be any kind of local cache, I've tried it on multiple computers in multiple places and always get the same icon appearing. Am I missing something, is the system just slow to update it, or is this a bug?

CanadaLegs4 years ago

Hello, Im updating some of my boards rules and am having a formatting issue.

In the past, I could just press enter and newlines would render properly. Dracula still acts properly: https://www.speedrun.com/bram_stokers_dracula_gb/full_game

You can see in the category rules that new lines are being displayed properly: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/448991972427038731/707341246573576202/unknown.png

But when Im attempting to update Alleyway's game rules: https://www.speedrun.com/alleyway/full_game

Despite writing it the same: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/448991972427038731/707341555546980382/unknown.png They wont render: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/448991972427038731/707341729338097735/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/448991972427038731/707342492714139718/unknown.png

Anyone know why this is? What happened to my breaks?

CanadaLegs4 years ago


I run the Speedrun Weekly group that's had this thread for a couple years now ("https://www.speedrun.com/tournaments_and_races/thread/pe7e3").

Historically we would update the first post on that thread to show the current standings. However, staff and roles have changed over time, and we would have to bug Howden to have any changes made.

We could just delete the post, but we would lose the benefit of it being the first thing you see on the thread.

Would it be possible to change ownership of the post to me, or give me an option to insert a post as the first post? Something along those lines, maybe? I'm wanted to see if any staff knew before reaching out to Pac directly.

Thanks for any help. Legs

CanadaLegs4 years ago

As is, the timing rules for runs are as such: -Timer starts the first frame the screen darkens after pressing start -Timer ends on the first frame of the credits screen background image OR the first frame of audio if not BG image exists

I don't see any issues with the starting time, but there has been discussion in the past about the ending times.

When I initially made this board, there was no consistent end time for runs between the other Disgaea boards, so I ended up deciding on the credits, to include the last bit of button presses in the post-boss cutscene.

However, after viewing all the category endings, it became clear that some credits have a visual before an audio cue(Axel), some of have an audio cue before a visual one(Good/Bad).

This makes timing the runs awkward; not impossible, but awkward.

For the ease of timing, and accuracy, I propose we change the end time to: On categories that involve winning the last battle(Good/bad/etc): "The first frame that the "stage clear" text becomes visible " On categories that involve losing the last battle(Axel) "The first solid black frame after losing the battle"

I recognize that this would require me to retime every current run; but I'd be willing to do that on some upcoming weekend.

If you have any thoughts or concerns about this, please let me know!


ButtGallon इसे पसंद करता है
CanadaLegs4 years ago


I noticed that this board only explicitly bans VBA. But there are a number of known inaccurate emulators for GB emulation.

I recently had compiled information from all the common current GB emulators in a effort to reconfirm which emus should be legal in the GB community.

In the end, bgb and gambatte were the only 2 reliable to be accurate in both loading and normal runspeed. (Although since bizhawk gave no advantage, it's often allowed as well.) You can find the summarization of my results here: http://sprintinglegs.com/emutiming/results.html

This would effect a number of your accepted emus, namely Retroarch, which has been known to run .4% too fast due to v-sync related issues. The SGB was off in a reliable manner, making recalculating it's time possible. So accepting SGB runs is still normal, since it can be properly adjusted.

These tests were only done with GB roms (Kirby's Dream Land for lag tests and Super Mario Land for runspeed tests)

I feel like some more concrete emulator legality would be good for the board.

If you'd prefer more concrete examples, I could runs tests using a DX copy/rom dumped from it to compare all emulators here. But the results should play out moreorless the same.

Thanks for hearing me out! Legs

CanadaLegs4 years ago


I was wondering what the policy was for runs that don't have any evidence at all, screenshots or videos.

The rules state "Runs on emulator must contain video proof, console runs must either contain video proof, or a picture showing the time in the leaderboards of the game."; but a number of the runs on the board do not fit this requirement.

firnon: (Contradicts "Runs on emulator must contain video proof") https://www.speedrun.com/Tetris_DX/run/z13d6vgm - No video, despite being an emulator run.

TPM2209: https://www.speedrun.com/Tetris_DX/run/emkp18xy - Broken video link https://www.speedrun.com/Tetris_DX/run/jy9jjj2m - Broken video link

Markymark: https://www.speedrun.com/Tetris_DX/run/zp07o0xm - No video or screenshot submitted

Thungarr: (Contradicts "Runs on emulator must contain video proof") https://www.speedrun.com/Tetris_DX/run/zn4wxkvm - No video, despite being an emulator run. https://www.speedrun.com/Tetris_DX/run/y439geqz - No video, despite being an emulator run.

Dihydrogen: https://www.speedrun.com/Tetris_DX/run/z5130nem - Youtube account deleted https://www.speedrun.com/Tetris_DX/run/z11o3egz - Youtube account deleted

SentimentalSpoon: https://www.speedrun.com/Tetris_DX/run/zn8go1lz - Links to a dead twitter accont

ZS45: (Contradicts "Runs on emulator must contain video proof") https://www.speedrun.com/Tetris_DX/run/m3dedpqz - No video, despite being an emulator run.

I just noticed these runs seeming to contradict the rules and I wondered how they got in. Were the grandfathered in because of a recent rule change, or was it a mistake?

Thanks for hearing me out! Legs

CanadaLegs4 years ago

I was just confused about how the RTA is determined for runs without videos.

I notice the first 2 places have no videos, but they still have RTA times listed; but the 4th place run has a video, but only IGT time? Is it just an optional value that can be entered by the runner if they choose? Or is it from the mods retiming runs?

Thanks for the help, I'm just curious about the standards of this board! Legs

CanadaLegs4 years ago


I just had some questions about the way the board is set up.

How come hardware platforms other than GBC (SGB, SGB2, GBi, GBP, GBA, GB) aren't allowed to be selected?

I notice the 'Played On' value mentions the emulator/hardware it was played on. I understand the use of this value to list emulator names (would be nice to have versions here too); but I'm not sure why the hardware platforms aren't just added as platforms?

I would expect 'Played On' to be 'Emulator Version' and for the hardware platforms to just be added as platforms.

I was just curious why the alternate format for listing hardware was chosen vs the built in way. Is this board just from a day before the other platforms were introduced to SRC?

Thanks for hearing me out! Legs

CanadaLegs4 years ago

Hey! I was retiming a friends run and I wanted to mention some trouble I was having based on the listed rules.

-Could we have frame rules stated for start/end times in the 'Category Rules'?

When I was timing, I had to watch some other runs to find out when the timing is supposed to end and start because none were defined in the rules.

I believe the start time is supposed to be the first frame the cursor appears, but Im not entirely sure on this

The end frame Im much less sure on:

I found some runs that end on the first frame the screen darkens after the last battle: https://www.speedrun.com/North_and_South/run/y43dje3z

Others appear to end on the first frame the screen is fully black: https://www.speedrun.com/North_and_South/run/nz1nq8wy

-Could we have legal/banned emulators stated?

The known allowed NES emulators are pretty well known by people, but for MS-DOS, MSX, Amiga, C64 I think it's a lot less so. So maybe at least a list of accepted emus would be good. Or is every non-smartphone emus accepted?

Thanks for hearing me out! Legs

ShesChardcore इसे पसंद करता है
CanadaLegs4 years ago

Donkey Kong Land

I've been testing all the GB emulators (since it hasn't been done in a little while, and new emulators have popped up) and have compiled all my results.

-gambatte and bgb are still totally legal. -Bizhawk is still legal, but seems to load slightly slowly for some reason -All other windows emulators are banned(VBA, sameboy, Retroarch, VBA-M) -All MAC emulators are banned (If someone has a setup they think is correct, for any emulator, please contact me so I can review the videos on this. I'd really love to find -any- accurate mac emu) -All hardware standards are fine (SGB1 still have to have it's time converted though) -{PAL GBP remains untested and I hear it's weird.}

The emulator results, with links to the raw video files, can be found here: http://sprintinglegs.com/emutiming/results.html

Let me know if anyone has any concerns or objections with this.

CanadaLegs4 years ago

I've been testing all the GB emulators (since it hasn't been done in a little while, and new emulators have popped up) and have compiled all my results.

-gambatte and bgb are still totally legal. -Bizhawk is still legal, but seems to load slightly slowly for some reason -All other windows emulators are banned(VBA, sameboy, Retroarch, VBA-M) -All MAC emulators are banned (If someone has a setup they think is correct, for any emulator, please contanct me so I can review the videos one this. I'd really love to find -any- accurate mac emu) -All hardware standards are fine (SGB1 still have to have it's time converted though) -{PAL GBP remains untested and I hear it's weird.} -All runs should have their emulator specified in the notes. -Ill do what I can to fix existing runs on all these points

Other Changes -Exact frames will also be added to the rules for start/end times -I added a bunch of missing platforms. -I changed the game title to (GB) at the end instead of (Gameboy) -I changed 'any%' to 'Beat the Game' -Platforms now obsolete eachother

The emulator results, with links to the raw video files, can be found here: http://sprintinglegs.com/emutiming/results.html

Let me know if anyone has any concerns or objections with this.

New rules: Category Rules: Beat the game as fast as possible. -Timing starts on the first visible frame of level 1 after selecting the control method -Timing ends on the first frame that your score increases from crossing the finish line in the Silly race.

**Hardware: ** -If you play on the original Super Game Boy (SGB), please submit your run with a converted time (http://nudua.com/convert).

**Emulator: ** -The authorized emulators are bgb, Gambatte, or Bizhawk (with the gambatte core) -VBA, Retroarch, sameboy and other emulators are Banned for its inaccurate timing. (http://sprintinglegs.com/emutiming/results.html) -Please state the name of the emulator used the the description

CanadaLegs4 years ago


So I've been doing tests of GB emulators lately in an attempt to find an accurate one for OSX runners.

While doing this, I also tested RetroArch's implementation of gambatte.

The conclusion for RA is that it runs about 0.4% too fast relative to a real game boy. I've posted these specific results here:

I suggest we clean up innacturate runs currently on the leader board, and then institute rules for legal and illegal emulators. (I'll have full updated emulator results later today, but wanted to post about the RA marble timing I did here.)

For now, I suggest that these be allowed: Windows: -bgb -gambatte -bizhawk -sameboy v 0.11+ (Maybe, untested currently)

Mac: -Sameboy v 0.11+ -openemu 2.0.8+ (Im iffy on this one though, I plan to do more testing)

While banning all others (Especially and explicitly banning Visual Boy Advance).

I also suggest we add a rule to name your emulator explicitly in your run submission for emulator runs.

petracide इसे पसंद करता है
CanadaLegs5 years ago

Given the attention the game is getting, I would like to be more specific with some of the game rules. Namely, save states.

It's known for a lot of GB games to set important RNG seeds at different points, including the first input of a user.

As such, it's common for a lot of games, and I propose this game, that the games bust be hard reset between runs. Using a save state at the start of the run, can lead to things like fixed RNG that other runners would not have access too without these third party tools.

As is, the only run effected that I can see would be CoKami. Given how new that run is though, I personally would be fine with grandfathering it in, and leaving it up. But for all future runs, require runners to hard reset between runs.



CoKami और AmenAnthem इसे पसंद करें
CanadaLegs5 years ago

So, given how close the top times are getting, I thought it was worth discussing the current timing rules of GB Dracula; as well as some of the enforced rules.

Currently, the game starts from the old standard of 'first gaining control'. I have an issue with this though.

Currently, I retime runs by marking in/out frames based on the rules of any given board.

My out frame is the first frame after Dracula disappears (Signifying the last hit, and start of the explosion.)

My in frame, has always been the first frame which I could see Harken moving. (Which was almost always the first frame he was visible, as he tends to be already turning on the first visible frame. As the game seems to "accept" inputs being made before this.) See: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/448991972427038731/563787383066198037/OldStart.PNG

I propose we move the start frame back, to when the user first presses start (The frame I have in mind, is the last frame where the start menu is visible before dimming) See: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/448991972427038731/563787747496820747/NewStart.PNG

This would help rule out any possible discrepancies between runs and making timing much easier and more accurate.


CoKami और AmenAnthem इसे पसंद करें
CanadaLegs5 years ago


I was wondering if a few things could be added to the rules

-The start and stop times for the speedrun, so runners won't have to check existing runs. -A list of accurate emulators that will be allowed (bgb, gambatte allowed; banning VBA) -A note on SGB1 times and a link to a conversion tool if you want to allow SGB1 times.

Also, I was wondering if the other valid platforms could be added too: -GBC, GBA, GBP, SGB2, GB, GBI, SGB(if you want to allow it)

Thanks! Legs

CanadaLegs5 years ago


I notice the only run has SGB marked as the platform it was done on. Was this a normal North American grey Super Game Boy 1?

The SGB runs Gb games too fast (61.17fps opposed to the proper 59.727...). This leads to noticeable advantage while running a game on SGB vs SGB2 or other hardware.

Since it's consistently fast, generally boards allow SGB1 times, but only after conversion (http://nudua.com/convert)

You can also read a bit more about it here: http://www.gbrunners.com/game-boy-speedrunning-explained

Thanks! Legs

CanadaLegs5 years ago


I notice that this game has no verification needed for submissions; as well as no emulator rules specified, and many platforms are still missing from the platforms list.

I'm just curious what there is no verification; and if it's just from the mods being unable to check SRC often, I would be happy to volunteer to do so.

I mod a number of Game Boy game boards, and am pretty much solely a Game Boy runner. So I'm normally up to date on the common rules and speedrun information on Game Boy games.

Even if not currently active, it's good to have boards set up nice for new runners who may end up being interested. :)

Atroz इसे पसंद करता है
CanadaLegs5 years ago

Hello! I have some questions about this leaderboard and the run on it.

  1. Platforms

I was wondering if there is a reason only Game Boy Colour and the 3DSVC are the only valid platforms? Most GB boards accept the following platforms: GBC, GBA, GBP, SGB2, GB, GBI (And sometimes SGB, if time are converted)

  1. Rules

No start and stop times are listed; and without a video to reference, new runners have no start and stop times to compare to. In addition, it would be great if the rules could specify accepted and banned emulators ( The accepted GB emu rules being: Use of Visualboy Advance / Visual Boy Advance-M (VBA / VBA-M) in any variation IS BANNED since it emulates GB games inaccurately. Runs on the following emulators are accepted: BGB and Gambatte. Please include the name and version of emulator in the description. )

As well as informing people about the issues with SGB1 if you choose to accept it: ( Hardware: -If you play on the original Super Game Boy (SGB), please submit your run with a coverted time (http://nudua.com/convert). This is because the SGB uses the clock speed of the SNES, not the GB, and runs 2.4% faster (https://kb.speeddemosarchive.com/Super_Game_Boy_timing). )

  1. The current WR run.

Currently there is no video for this run, after some searching though I do believe that this is the run being referred to:

Given that this is a VBA run; and that the poster themselves states that: "Because this was done on VBA I don't consider this an official time" and " This is an overpowered time for sure"

Assuming that that is the run in question, I believe that this run should not really be listed on the leaderboard. With no video, and known emulation advantages there is little value or accuracy to it. The run is also mislabeled as console, when it does appear to be an emu run.

So I was wondering if you could be willing to add rules, state legal emulators, add the missing platforms, and comment on what you think about the current WR it would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you for hearing me out.

Jblitz15 इसे पसंद करता है
CanadaLegs5 years ago

Hey, I was just looking for some general advice on what to do if I can't contact another mod on a board we share.

I mod a game that has been getting some runs lately, but another mod of the board has been accepting them as they come in.

I know this is common practice sometimes, but in the last week I've had to reject an approved run for missing several levels; and had to edit other accepted runs that were wrongly times and then re accept them.

The user has a twitter(Deleted), twitch(Not accepting PMs), Smashcast(deleted), Youtube(PMs don't exist there anymore), and an SRL account(No PM functionality).

Any ideas what I could do here? I'm happy to have other mods help me, I would just like to be able to request to them to time the incoming runs.

Should I make a thread in the game asking the other Mod to DM me, or does that seem rude and out of place? Or should I just let it be and keep retiming the runs?

Referring to the game or mod by name seems like bad form, so just looking for general advice. Thanks!

Imaproshaman और HowDenKing इसे पसंद करें
CanadaLegs5 years ago


I was wondering if you could add the other platforms to this game. :) {GBC, GBA, GBP, SGB2, GBI, GB, GBA}

And I wonder why GCN is a platform? I assume this was meant to be GBi(Game Boy interface) and GBP(Game Boy Player)

I find there is value in knowing the hardware runs were done on.


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