hilo: The Site
Indonesiasrd_2710 months ago
  1. Followed game page doesn't show the game name on the second line. Plus with how they butchered the cover art, i was struggling a lot in searching for games on the second line. (inb4 they'll respond with "just use the scroll bar to scroll down and view the names...")
Grapevine les gusta esto
hilo: The Site
Indonesiasrd_2710 months ago
  1. IL leaderboards not letting you view multiple categories at once, forces you to click a lot more to view the times, completely ruining the point of IL boards

Grapevine, Xandawesome y 3 otros les gusta esto
hilo: The Site
Indonesiasrd_2710 months ago

In case anyone still hasn't realised the obvious obvious flaws of this new UI...

  1. Can't see full names, box art format won't match a lot of game covers, can't see all games at once

Trollcollector y streetbackguy les gusta esto
Indonesiasrd_271 year ago

Latest Heroic Naxx decks for now: Decklists: Deckcodes:


  • Can't find a better way than to use Mech Paladin again. This deck still often get a turn 6-7 kill.
  • Recent AI likes to use their face to hit your taunts, no matter how big your taunt is. This helps the fight even more.


  • Mechathunlock. Needs those self-kill cards to kill your own Bonelord.
  • Obviously you'll want to have the board clears on your opening hand.
  • I tried Quest Rogue a bit (like what Tsubaki done back in 2017) but can't make it consistent or quick enough.


  • Rivendare Hunter. Weak tempo from the boss so Hunter can easily survive.
  • Note that he have 2x Counterspell in his deck.


  • It's just a slightly modified deck from my old Warlock deck.
  • Can't find a better consistent deck for now. I tried Mechathunlock or Marrowgar DK and both of them aren't more consistent or faster.


  • I used Mechathunlock for the consistency.
  • Aim to kill Fen Creeper ASAP from opening hand (Corruption, Final Gasp, Doomsayer, Unstable Shadow Blast)
  • I've put some self-kill cards as well because sometimes it's hard to kill your own Bonelord without it. Dark Pact also provides good healing.
  • The old regular token decks could be faster with lucky highrolls, but could easily be slower as well if he didn't play his Spore cards. And it's also not as safe.


  • Stickyfinger Mage similar to my old deck.
  • But I've added Depth Charge / Doomsayer because recent AI tend to have better board control somehow compared to 3 years ago.
  • Using Priest (like Mipha's PB) could be faster if you highrolled, but I can't make it consistent enough.


  • Using Marrowgar DK. Not the fastest deck, but it's the safest one I could find that doesn't go that slow.
  • I can't make Quest Rogue consistent enough, and it's not always faster either if you don't get to finish the quest quickly.
  • Tried Mechathunlock as well, but his Spectral minions could disrupt your Mechathun combo.

Four Horsemen:

  • Use Sigil of Silence or Showstopper at the start. This DH deck isn't 100% safe because we need one of those within the first two turns.

  • After silencing the horsemen, just keep playing taunts and attacking enemy's face. Usually will kill in turn 4 or 5.

  • This deck is helped by how AI tend to use his weapon to attack any taunts on our board, no matter how low his health is.

  • A safer alternative is to use the old 14-damage Priest combo AAEBAa0GAtYKw50DDpwC+AfRCrW7Are7AtHBAtLBAtD+AtGsA5nrA+jvA4f3A62KBIqjBAAA


  • Stickyfinger Druid where the aim is to use Stickyfinger on turn 3.
  • If can't play Stickyfinger on turn 3, can stall one more turn by using your armor cards (Claw, Gnash, Feral Rage) to get above 32 total health.
  • Consistent deck, and is faster than the old mage deck.


  • Mechathunlock works well. Normally you want to prioritise in clearing any minions to prevent him buffing it on the next turn.

  • Suffocating Shadows is effective in clearing his Spectral Knights (he have 4 copies of it)

  • Note that Arson Accusation will instakill any enemy because of Grobbulus' hero power.

  • An alternative list is the BEES+Linecracker Druid combo (based on Hess's idea). Current AI tend to ignore your Linecracker, so it's easy to setup the combo. From my timing tests, this deck is faster if we got the combo done before turn-8 by using Biology Project. But a turn-8 win is slower than a turn-8/9 Mechathun combo. AAEBAZICAq+ABMmeBg7pAb/yAo/2AvCJA7mUA6+iA9WgBLClBK7ABJ3UBITvBI3vBOScBaueBgAA


  • Two possible decks: Mechathunlock or the old Stickyfinger Mage
  • A turn-7 Mage kill is about 20s faster than a turn-8 Mechathunlock kill. But Mechathun is usually safer as Gluth isn't guaranteed to draw his Jaws weapon.
  • I'll use Stickyfinger Mage on the list above. Look at my 42:20 run for a Mechathunlock list.


  • Using the recent Warlock resurrect cards, the win condition is by summoning multiple Thaddiuses on turn 6+.
  • Usually get a turn-9 kill, can get turn 8 with some luck.
  • The deck contains mostly spells, so that Free Admission will guarantee a Feugen/Stalagg draw.
  • I tried Mechathunlock and it's not so effective. Can't play the 4-mana board clear spells on Mechathun deck, and sometimes I can't kill my own Bonelord quickly.


  • Rivendare Hunter. Weak tempo from the boss so Hunter can easily survive.


  • Mechathunlock deck, with plenty of heals (such as Dark Pact) to counter his hero power.
  • Hunter isn't consistent enough because there's no healing against Kelthuzad's hero power, even though this boss have a weak tempo.
Indonesiasrd_271 year ago

All of my latest Heroic Galakrond (League of Explorers) decklists Decklist: Deckcodes:

Most of the decks are OTK decks. If Rivendare Hunter isn't safe enough for a boss, then I normally just use Mechathun Warlock for a more consistent deck.

Kriziki: Note that the area spells (Shriek & Defile) isn't for early game. It's more for late game, to clear the Reborns or 1-hp minions from Volazj / Vivid Nightmare. Shriek is also useful to dump spells from your hand, for the Cataclysm spell at the end.

Slipstream: Linecracker + BEES seems to be faster than Mechathun Warlock. Druid have newer Discover/Dredge cards that increases the chance of getting the Linecracker & BEES combo by turn-7. A riskier strat is to use mana ramp cards and do the combo before turn-7. But these cards will be useless if we don't get the combo pieces quickly, so I decided not to use this strat.

Togwaggle: I'm using Big Priest, which isn't the fastest deck (usually turn 10-12), but has been the most consistent on my testing. Other alternatives I've tried:

  • Stickyfinger Mage (similar to my old deck): AAEBAf0EAvbWA/yeBA5NigGSBMsEhLsCtPwCv6QD9KsD+7ADhLEDiLED1OoD7O0En6QFAAA= Will be fast if we got Platebreaker early and enemy have a strong weapon. But sometimes could go really slow as well, and isn't as safe as Big Priest.
  • Mechathun Warlock: AAEBAcn1AgidxwLO6QLx+wLrrAOIsQP21gOa1AStogULigGSBJfBAo/HAufLAsfTAsPzAoSxA5XeA5PkA7LtBAAA Not as safe as Big Priest as well. Recent Cataclysm nerf also made it harder to get a turn-8 win, which slowed down the deck even more.
  • Rivendare Priest: Can't get this to work. Hard to deal with the candles if you play a spell-only deck. And playing the Rivendare + Zerek's Cloning Gallery is unsafe.

Rafaam: This boss is not completely safe if we want to play a fast OTK deck. Because once he turned into Galakrond, he'll easily spawn multiple 8/8s which can't be easily cleared. We'll die quickly if we don't get the key combo pieces on time before the Galakrond phase.

I added Urchin Spikes in case we'll need to clear his huge board during the Galakrond phase.

Note that the AI will end their turn immediately after the 5th invoke (when turning into Galakrond), and will not bother attacking with any remaining minions on their board.

Using this Mechathun Warlock might be slightly safer than the Rivendare Hunter deck. AAEBAcn1AgadxwLO6QLx+wL21gODoAStogUMigHnywLy0ALShgPtrAOEsQO9vgOV3gOT5AOD+wOxnwSy7QQAAA== The strats is to have Doomsayer / Depth Charge before 5th Invoke. Then, use 0-mana Twisting Nether after triggering the Bonelord, to get rid of his first waves of 8/8s during the Galakrond fight. It's still not completely safe if the combo can't be triggered quick enough, or the 0-mana Twisting Nether isn't useable yet by the time the 8/8s are spawned.

Indonesiasrd_271 year ago

Latest decklists and deckcodes. Decklist: Deckcodes:

Putricide: Rivendare Spell Hunter works really well. Note that Putricide has 1x Counterspell & 1x Freezing Trap. Tech cards for this boss:

  • Goblin Prank: Because enemy sometimes have weak board, I might need this on turn 7 to kill my own Rivendare.
  • Wound Prey: Good to kill his 1-hp Ooze at the start, and the Rush minion can be used to play around his Freezing Trap.

Minor changes on other decks:

  • Saurfang: I've replaced Gorehowl with a smaller weapon (Fiery War Axe) to increase the chance of the deck getting a turn-6 win. I also didn't use Sunfury Smithing as buffing minions on this fight is useless.
  • Lana'thel: I've used 2-health minions for my 1-drops, so that they won't get killed by the Hero Power after I buffed them.
Indonesiasrd_271 year ago

Rivendare OTK strats works well for a few bosses. I'll use it on Askaara / Amazing Reno / Wanderer. Decklists:

Rivendare Spell-Hunter deck doesn't have as good defensive cards as Mechathunlock, so this deck isn't consistent for quite a lot of other bosses.

Askaara: AAEBAR8EnvwCj84D9tYDxaUFDa4GgAff0gKkiAOU/AOpnwSqnwTjnwTknwTlnwSZrQTB0wSNkgUA

This boss is one of the easier bosses on this adventure, which is why Spell Hunter works.

Amazing Reno: AAEBAR8EnvwCj84D9tYDxaUFDYAH39ICpIgDlPwDqZ8Eqp8E458E5J8E5Z8Eu6AEma0EwdMEjZIFAA==

This boss is one of the hardest heroic bosses ever. One of his main strengths is the crazy late game or bursts that could pop up after turn 7. Fortunately, the Rivendare Hunter OTK often already win on turn 7 or 8. The Hunter deck seems to have about the same (or maybe better) winrate than the Mechathunlock, while also being a bit faster.

Wanderer: AAEBAa0GBI2CA/bWA8isBMWlBQ3XCrcX0cEC0P4CmJsDmakD+98DrYoEiqMEorYEutwE6pQF4KQFAA==

Recent AI change seems to make the boss use the Sharkbait or Bomb Flinger card even more than before, which made it quite a lot harder for Mechathunlock to win. If I want to keep using Mechathunlock, I'll probably add Steamcleaners to clear the bomb, and Wax Elemental to protect my Doomsayer / Depth Charge from his Sharkbaits.

So, I tried an alternate strategy in Rivendare Priest instead. Probably a bit slower than Mechathunlock, but seems to be more consistent. Often get a turn 9 win. Still not fully consistent though, I probably have about 75%-80% winrate. Still unsure if the decklist is optimised or if there's other better strats I haven't thought of yet.

Indonesiasrd_271 year ago

Sewer Debug exploits on v1.1.1: Cat Rocket can't trigger the debug boxes anymore, so the Dude needs to go directly to the debug boxes.

This is done by using Cat Rocket QS to deathwarp on top of the boxes one by one. It's possible (but harder) to do two of the boxes with only one Cat Rocket, by doing the QS in the middle of two boxes.

To exit the sewers, use Cat Rocket QS on top of the entrance tunnel.

SerWolfy les gusta esto
Indonesiasrd_271 year ago

Pit Boss on v1.1.1: There are two locked doors on the top vault room, that only opens when all the fires are extinguished. Old strats doesn't work anymore.

A slower skip is possible, with cat rocket QS trick on front of the locked vault door, before starting the riot.

v1.1.2/1.1.3 update: Ragdoll is gone, but the checkpoint inside the counting room is still skippable. Simply walk to the counting room and trigger the checkpoint at the start, before going up to do the QSQL trick. The counting room checkpoint won't re-trigger when you get back down.

Indonesiasrd_271 year ago


Cat rocket doesn't trigger any event or cutscenes anymore. This impacts these errands:

  • Sewer: Can't easily trigger debug boxes with cat rocket. The Dude have to go directly to the debug boxes.
  • Game Tester: Can't skip levels or unlock level 4 with cat rocket anymore.
  • PMS: Can't spawn Hardrock by shooting a Cat Rocket from bottom floor.
  • Can't unlock the locked doors on Bidet compound or the Fix Race no-weapon door.

Pit Boss: There are two locked doors on the top vault room, that only opens when all the fires are extinguished. Old strats doesn't work anymore. (Slower skip is still possible with cat rocket QS trick on front of the locked vault door)

Dev Room warp: The time window to QS in the middle of loading screen is significantly shorter now. Manually mashing QS might be inconsistent. Turbo or binding F5 to scroll wheel will make the Dev Room warp consistent.

Minor errand changes:

  • Meet Associate: Scooter cutscene warp doesn't work anymore, as you'll be properly warped to El Plago's house. For a fast trip to Border Smuggler, setup scooter warp on a Fast Travel platform before Meet Associate (old strats).
  • Border Smuggler: For the third soldier that pops up just before the 10th smuggling, he will stay behind the wall even longer. If we shoot the last smuggler too quickly, he'll notice it and prevents the errand to be finished.
  • Bully Dog: Spike piss cutscene can be skipped.
  • Bully Dog softlock bug: QS/QL during the cat phase will make Spike permanently gone, and it's impossible to complete the errand.
  • Kunny Island: Power boxes can be blown with explosives (e.g. rockets)
  • Get Champ: The weapon drop strats at start of Thursday is now consistent, with no more chances of having the weapon getting stuck and can't be dropped.


  • Liebermode is now available. Enemies never use any guns, they're either unarmed or have a melee weapon. This made some NPCs usable for petitions (e.g. Kunny/Carter, some unarmed NPCs on Bidet compound)
  • They Hate Me / Postal / Impossible difficulty options are available, but it seemed bugged/unfinished as the AI acts normal

Ragdoll changes:

  • For successive jumps on first person view, the Dude's second jump might start with a lying down posture, which reduces the jump height. This issue doesn't happen on third person, so use third person if a high jump is needed.
  • Wheel ragdoll jump doesn't provide much height if done on first person view.
  • Control bind option for ragdolls isn't on the settings anymore. (Binds from previous version will still remain on this version) The binding can be edited by editing the ToggleRagdoll on the "Input" config file, which is located on \AppData\Local\Postal4\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor

Deathwarp changes:

  • When deathwarping from a Cat Rocket QS, you'll respawn at 10 health.
  • When deathwarping using a save on a different loading zone, the loading zone won't change, only your position change.
  • When deathwarping to an errand checkpoint, your health will start at the health value you have when triggering this checkpoint, instead of being at full health.

Other minor changes:

  • Hate Group animation can be skipped
  • Cat on rocket launcher doesn't get restored for free anymore, after deathwarp / QSQL / day transitions. Will have to collect more cats for any cat rocket tricks.
  • North Zag bridge is now fully open, and is still accessible during the final apocalypse.
  • Patch Notes said there's more item and NPC spawns. Exact changes are still unknown.

Minor bug fixes from previous versions:

  • Cat rocket can be detonated early again with LMB
  • Spike doesn't spawn before turning into cat
  • Fast Travel cursor bug is fixed
  • Treasure Hunter map overlay bug, or the rotating map on interior, are fixed
SerWolfy y HoonGoons les gusta esto
Indonesiasrd_271 year ago

All of my latest Heroic Galakrond (League of EVIL) decklists Decklist: Deckcodes:

Few things to note:

  • I've tried aggro Token Druid for few other easier fights as well, but chose not to use it for the run. For Reno, his board clears still make the Token Druid inconsistent. For Talritha, Token Druid is still consistent, with a small chance of getting a turn-5 kill. But more chance of being slow as well with bad draws.

  • For Wanderer, I'm using Mechathunlock instead of the Linecracker + BEES. Mechathun strats is now as quick as the old Linecracker strats. While the Linecracker strats seems to be less safe for the current AI, as they often use the Sharkbait spell to deal 7 damage to Linecracker in a single turn.

The fight is also still not 100% consistent (maybe around 80%-90% winrate). Sometimes his Sharkbait spell stops your Doomsayer or Depth Charge, and you don't have enough backup board clears or heals to survive.

Linecracker strats might still be good for the Slipstream fight on Explorers run, as they don't have the Sharkbait spell.

  • I tried Mechathunlock for Dragonflights. It works consistently, but it's still slightly slower than Freeze Mage on average. Maybe could be faster than Mage one day, if the Mechathun combo got even faster.

  • Amazing Reno still have some chance to lose (maybe 70% winrate?), but is much less horrible than the old times. (also faster with the newer Mechathun combo)

Indonesiasrd_271 year ago

Galakrond by AI suicide manip: AAEBAa0GBMUEkNMC87sD9tYDDbe7AujQApeHA8vNA/vfA/jjA62KBMGfBPCfBIqjBPnbBIaDBYakBQA=

Galakrond have a 4-durability weapon that can't attack face. Current AI always use it on any minion instead, without caring about his health. Alexstrasza made it easy for the AI to kill himself.

Galakrond have 1x Time Rip spell, which he will use to destroy Alexstrasza before using his weapon. If this happens, the Scrapyard Colossus acts as a backup. It'll guarantee 28 damage to his face if his weapon still have 4 durability.

When playing Scrapyard Colossus, don't need to care if the opponent still have plenty of minions on the board, current AI will still kill himself before killing you with his board.

I made this deck to be an almost minionless deck, as I don't want to use any other minions that will cause Galakrond's weapon to lose durability. This also allows the use of Insights as a tutor for the late game finishers. Although don't keep Insight or any minons on opening hand, 4/5-mana board clears are the priority for mulligan.

Indonesiasrd_271 year ago

Free Medivh with Big Priest: AAEBAa0GAo/OA7/OBA63F9HBAuXMArTOApmbA5mpA9msA/O7A/rfA/zfA62KBIWfBKK2BLrcBAA= (credits to Mipha for this deck idea)

This has been mostly consistent, unlike the Grand Finale Mage deck which still have some chance to lose.

Grand Finale Mage could be faster than Big Priest, if the Mage got the combo pieces early (which isn't always the case). But the Big Priest tend to have more consistent finishing times since we often have Shadow Essence on turn 6.

Main priority is to use Shadow Essence on turn 6. Also mulligan and discover for the early board clears at the start.

After Nazra dies, just rebuild the board with the various summon/resurrect spells.

Indonesiasrd_271 year ago

Here's my latest Heroic Karazhan decks (look at previous page for explanations on new decks) Decklist: Deckcodes:

Julianne: I'm using Mechathunlock instead of an aggro/tempo deck. Recent AI will often trade with her Romulo, which will get respawned for 0-mana every turn. This made it harder to get a good board, so I just use a combo deck instead which usually wins this on turn 8-10.

Curator: Generic Mechathunlock works well for this boss, since this boss is also not that consistent with an aggro/tempo deck as he have lots of board clears. There's still a small chance to lose if he summons two big murlocs immediately at the start, and if we don't have the board clears to handle it.

Illhoof: Defile strats is more consistent now as we have a tutor (Hullbreaker), and an alternate win condition from the Spammy Arcanist.

Indonesiasrd_271 year ago

Silverware Golem with Marrowgar (Triple Unholy) Death Knight:

Marrowgar can build a huge board without any setups. So all we need to do is to just keep defending until we got Marrowgar and probably at least 12 corpses. Usually win on 1-3 turns after playing Marrowgar, depending on how many corpses you use and if you have Platebreaker or not.

One reason why DK works well is the Unholy 4 & 5 mana cards on my deck. They're very useful for defending/clearing small tokens, and to generate corpses for Marrowgar.

Don't need card draws in this deck as the Marrowgar tutors (Polkelt & Taelan) are usually enough to set up the combo on time. (Edit: I've added a bit more card draws as there's still chances of losing due to not drawing Marrowgar on time. I've replaced Icy Touch with Chillfallen Baron on my final decklist.)

I've tried to use The Scourge for my DK deck, but The Scourge usually creates a mediocre board, with lots of minions having 3 or less attack.

I've also tried few other decks (Mechathunlock, Venomizer + Missile Launcher, old warrior strats) and none of them works well for this boss. For combo decks, even just spending one turn to setup the combo (such as playing Hemet) could potentially kill me with how quickly the enemy's board can grow.

Indonesiasrd_271 year ago

Town name animation skip:

Town name animation will sometimes be partly skipped, where a skipped animation will be about 3s faster. Although some of the animation skips doesn't actually helps since you still need to wait for dialogue box to pop up.

Success or failing the skip is on a fixed cycle. First animation is not skipped, second is skipped, third is not skipped, fourth is skipped, and so on…

This cycle also got carried on through different playthrough/saves within the same game session.

On Whiterock Hills, animation skip let’s you start walking before the camera is focused on your character, which gives quite a lot more than the regular 3s timesave.

Whiterock Hills animation skip can be consistently setup before starting a run, by seeing a town name animation from another save prior to starting the run. The optimal sequence is when first animation (Mudtown) is skipped, which lets us do the Whiterock Hills animation skip later on.

Also note that no button press or mashing is required for this skip.

Indonesiasrd_271 year ago

There's several world map exploits that lets you skip parts of dungeon, by just exiting the dungeon immediately and go to the endgoal through world map. (Some of these haven't been used on the latest speedruns by the time of this post)

  • At the start of Orsea story, exit Orsea Plains, and you can go to Orsea immediately through the world map. This trick can be repeated on end-game during Aria & Lucienne's personal event on Orsea.

  • After talking to Matthew on Eastwood, exit Emerald Forest, and you can go to Aramis Mansion immediately through the world map, instead of having to walk through the eastern part of Emerald Forest.

  • On Parce story, exit Parce Plains, and you can go to Parce immediately through the world map.

  • On Blood Mantler story, it's faster to reach the boss by going to Whistling Delves from the world map.

  • Before the Westwood Dryads fight, exit Aramis Mansion instead of walking to Westwood. There's an Emerald West option on the world map, selecting it will give two "Enter Emerald West" options. Choose the second one to go near Westwood immediately. (iirc this option isn't available before the latest patch)

Indonesiasrd_271 year ago

Kiohonoa quest allows you to ask for the same materials over and over, which lets you get infinite materials to sell.

Although on the speedrun route, we already have enough money to get Scythian Bow Plus, so this exploit isn't needed.

Indonesiasrd_271 year ago

On Godland, choose "Church Offices" story path, but go to the docks instead.

Talking with the Blacksmith somehow triggers the "Docks" event branch, and we can carry on with this path using Isaac/Cammile/Aria instead of the usual Ylianne/Reynard/Lucienne

Although this is obviously slower than the regular "Church Offices" story path.

Unfortunately, I didn't find any way to trigger the "Church Offices" event branch while using the "Docks" characters. The Inquisitor fights could probably be quite a lot faster if Ylianne is on our party.

Indonesiasrd_271 year ago

On the Thug/Faeries storyline branches, we aren't actually restricted to do one story branch at a time. It's possible to carry out events from both branches simultaneously.

If we trigger both "party split" cutscenes one after another, without restoring our party members beforehand, we can have an empty party. If we do a battle with an empty party, it's an instant game over.

We can also exploit this the opposite way, to get a full party before doing one of the boss fight. For example in this vid, I've already done the Faeries fight, but I started the Orsea story without returning to Babat to regain my party members. Then, before the Thug fight, going to Babat will let you get the full party back, which could speedup the Thug fight significantly.

However, doing this trick requires a lot of extra walking. I've timed this compared to doing the fights normally, and this exploit is definitely slower than normal strats.

Acerca de srd_27
8 years ago
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