Indonesiasrd_272 years ago

Anyone feel free to post locations of Vitamin X here.

Vitamin X will boosts your speed by 20%, and lasts for 1 minute. So that's about 12 seconds saved on a 1 minute of full walking.

It can also be bought on the Specialty Shop for $125, starting on Tuesday.

The effect will disappear when a cutscene starts.

SerWolfy les gusta esto
Indonesiasrd_272 years ago

Before dropping the Fine Ticket inside the police station, you can drop a catnip to block the front door from closing, allows us to escape the lockdown immediately.

(Edit: Bucket of wings also work to unblock the door)

There's a red side door near the weapon drop box that's actually faster to escape from, but the Catnip need to be placed pretty precisely for that door to open wide enough for you to escape. So using the front door is easier.

Indonesiasrd_272 years ago

Paladin seems to be the best class for Rafaam now, because AI likes to use Vilefin Inquisitor to swap his hero power. Most of my games did end with a swapped hero power.

Decklist: AAEBAZ8FAr2KA5fUBA7dBPgH5hHTqgKgqwKJtAKrwgLd9QLq9wLZ/gKumwPRoASIsATHwAQA

I've also tried putting Crystology in the deck, so the AI will tutor Vilefin or Finley to his deck. AI doesn't play Crystology that often though, but thought I'll add it cause why not.

Also noticed that the recent AI likes to play the pure "Can't Attack" cards, so I put them back in my deck.

I've tried Renounce Darkness but AI only played that spell once he have nothing else to play

Indonesiasrd_272 years ago

For the final escape part, we can escape through the Zag north bridge which is normally blocked. Turns out the bridge is actually present on the Affluent area east of Zag, and not blocked if we reach it by ragdolling through the Zag Zap Zone.

Funny thing is that the bridge isn't solid for walking, but is solid for any other objects including scooter. So we need to carry a scooter over the bridge.

  • After final boss, go to the east tunnel
  • Use Vitamin X so you can kick the scooter through the Zap Zone, and ragdoll to bypass the Zap Zone
  • The bridge isn't solid for walking, but is solid for scooter somehow
  • Fall OOB up north so the game will send you near the final exit point
Indonesiasrd_272 years ago

after Tag Turf, when walking back to the subway, could ragdoll to bypass the Zap Zone to skip one loading screen and to have less walking overall

Edit: Found an alternate OOB route from Tag Turf to subway for Border Smuggler. Unsure if this is faster than the route above, it gives an extra loading screen but we're using loadless timer anyway.

SerWolfy les gusta esto
Indonesiasrd_272 years ago

Pit Boss errand will actually be completed if the timer runs out and you failed to save the casino. So, by ragdolling to bypass the intended checkpoints inside the casino, you can just deathwarp out of the casino (straight to the subway station if that's the last save), and complete other errands for the whole day while the timer is still running.

Two checkpoints to bypass with ragdoll. The second checkpoint inside the vault room need to be bypassed twice.

(Edit: The timer will be stuck at 0 if it runs out when you're outside of the Zag area, and the errand won't be complete. This seems to be useless after all. Ragdolling through the checkpoints will still be useful for deathwarp though)

SerWolfy les gusta esto
Indonesiasrd_272 years ago

Ragdoll skips on Treasure Hunter, allows you to go to the second half of the dungeon immediately, and to deathwarp outside straight after taking the alien head by bypassing the intended checkpoints.

  1. Ragdoll through the entrance Zap Zone, allows you to fall OOB and the game will transport you to the middle of the Lost City area.
  2. Ragdoll through the temple entrance to skip the forced checkpoint, so you won't be deathwarped here later.
  3. Once errand is done, deathwarp will get you out of the Lost City. And if you make your last save next to a subway station, this will warp you to the subway station immediately since we bypassed all the intended checkpoints.
HoonGoons y SerWolfy les gusta esto
Indonesiasrd_272 years ago

You can ragdoll to bypass a Zap Zone without going to a loading zone.

This is a bit useful for the start of Wednesday. You can bypass the Zap Zone that forces you to trigger a checkpoint. By bypassing the checkpoint, you can deathwarp closer to the east subway after finishing Kunni Island.

I also tried this on Tuesday to go to historical area for Tag Turf without triggering the checkpoint. None of the billboard loads (so errand can't be done), but you can go to the Treasure Hunter zone early since the roadblock isn't there :O

This doesn't seem to be of any use though. Once you take the alien head, nothing happens. And when you get out of the treasure hunter zone, you got blocked by the roadblock in Historical area.

HoonGoons y SerWolfy les gusta esto
hilo: The Site
Indonesiasrd_272 years ago

Showing the boosts on the game page just made this site looks worse in a few ways:

  • Cluttering the page with more unnecessary infos.
  • Gives the impression to newcomers that the website only cares about selling boosts, instead of showcasing speedruns.
  • Almost all game pages will have 0 boosts.

Honestly, who looks at a speedrun leaderboard and cares about how many people boosting it?

Hope this site doesn't go to a similar direction to Twingalaxies, trying to encourage us in showing off pointless "medals" like skill points.

hilo: The Site
Indonesiasrd_272 years ago

Yes, this could be really useful in some games.

For example, if a game have 10 chapters, and each chapters have 10 levels. Having chapter leaderboards on the full-game section could be messy with 10 different categories. But mixing it with the 100 levels on the IL leaderboard can be messy as well.

Will be good to have two different IL sections, one for the 10 chapters, and one for the 100 levels.

YUMmy_Bacon5 les gusta esto
Indonesiasrd_272 years ago

Alterac decks update: Slight updates on Scarvash, Skelesaurus & Rafaam Unleashed for new cards. Also added Waste Warden on the Giantfin decklist, makes the deck quite a lot safer.

Decklist: Deckcodes:

Hess les gusta esto
Indonesiasrd_272 years ago

Here's my most recent decklists: Decklists: Deckcodes:

The main changes are in Phaerix and Slitherspear, using a new deck compared to ssjoen's 2020 run.

Key changes:


  • I removed some of the boss synergy cards (Mana Addict & Saboteur), don't think they're that useful for the Token Druid gameplan. Only Gibberling is the useful boss-specific card.


  • Now using the Necrium Apothecary + Deathwing Dragonlord strats.
  • I didn't put in Witchwood Piper to tutor the Apothecary, cause using the combo on turn 5 is usually a bit too late for you to survive next turn. This also allows me to play some cheap defensive minions.


  • Newer cards helps quite a lot overall, for both early and late game.


  • Generic Mechathunlock deck, works well for this fight since this boss have a pretty weak early game. Still normally want to use Depth Charge or Doomsayer early though, within the first 3 turns.


  • Added Battleground Battlemaster, the extra Windfury occassionally helps finishing the game one turn faster.
  • I tried using Morshan Watch Post, it could easily gives lots of value. But having to attack with lots of tokens costs lots of animation time.


  • I tried adding Rolling Fireball to have an extra board clear or removal later on the game. It might help to control the board while allowing your minions to just attack face. Not really important change though.

Skelesaurus Hex:

  • Only change is addition of Golakka Glutton, which is very good since this boss have lots of beasts.


  • I tweaked the decklist to have minions that AI likes to play. I've removed couple of minions that seems good for this boss, but AI seldom likes to play it unless they have nothing else to play (such as Ancient Watcher and Spirit of the Dragonhawk).
  • AI will now like to play Sir Finley Mrrgglton, which helps a lot by removing his strong hero power.
  • I tried Renounce Darkness on Warlock, but it seems AI seldom plays it. They usually only play it when their board is already full on late game, and have nothing else to play.

Rafaam Unleashed:

  • I removed a lot of the late game cards used on ssjoen's deck, since the new Vol'jin Mechathun trick is faster overall.
Indonesiasrd_272 years ago

Magic Mirror with Mo'arg Artificier + Soulbound Ashtongue: AAEBAcn1AgAP3AbOB/0Rj8cC58sCw/MC7awDv7kD474D6b4Dld4Dk+QDg/sDsZ8E56AEAA==

Summon Moarg Artificier and Soulbound Ashtongue on his side so we could deal super-high damage spell to him on one hit.

I'm using Warlock since it has minion tutor draws (Sense Demons / Free Admission / Dark Portal), lots of cheap damage spells for the final kill, and lots of cheap board clears for his minions.

Haven't tested a lot of this, usually takes turn 6-9. Probably faster than old Apothecary strats since the Apothecary triggers a lot of animation, but I haven't done any proper comparison tests.

hilo: The Site
Indonesiasrd_272 years ago

is it for a pokemon game? you can ask the series mod to request for the mod position, if none of the other runners are active on the site.

hilo: The Site
Indonesiasrd_272 years ago

I don't know your past issues but I have a question.

Why do you really want to be free from the mod ban? What's the issue in having someone else as a mod?

Most speedrunners I've seen never cared that much on who's mods or not, as long as they have fun speedrunning. It's only an issue if the mods are inactive or if you run a game with no other runners.

hilo: The Site
Indonesiasrd_272 years ago

Will you guys mention why this website needs a comments feature?

AsagiriX, 4 y 8 otros les gusta esto
hilo: The Site
Indonesiasrd_272 years ago

yeah, no link to go back to the "The Site" forum page from here...

YUMmy_Bacon5 les gusta esto
hilo: The Site
Indonesiasrd_272 years ago
  • Font size on leaderboards are too small. Right-side contents took too much space, and I doubt if people really care about contents such as Game Stats to have it take such a huge space on the main leaderboard page.
  • The right-side contents is even more irrelevant on a game series page, especially when series forums are very rarely used.
  • Hard to find the full IL page, the text "Level Leaderboard" on the drop-down menu should be clickable to go to the full IL page at least. Or just show it directly on sidebar instead of having to click the drop-down.

Recent runs feature is neat though, but definitely could be spaced in a different way to not push the actual leaderboard too much.

Gaming_64, WiiSuper y 3 otros les gusta esto
Indonesiasrd_272 years ago

@IwerSonsch if the moderators are inactive, contact the site staffs through support hub

I speedrun Hearthstone PvE adventures and I was curious on how it looks like on another popular card game. Unfortunate to see the original mods went inactive after the game starts to have decent activity.

Indonesiasrd_272 years ago

A profile file from a previous playthrough can bring couple of benefits for a new game that won't be possible on a fresh new playthrough. So it might act like an NG+ mode.

NG+ benefits:

  • Arcade mission: Have to get bronze to progress the story if haven't done it before, so have to spend all 1 minute on that mode. NG+ can just fail the arcade or quit and reload autosave.
  • Switching characters: A fresh NG file can't switch to Scooter or Al before they got unlocked, but you could do it early if another playthrough have done it. This allows you to buy speedup powerup for Al way earlier before he's supposed to be unlocked.

I suggest that Any% should ban skipping Arcade mission, and swapping characters before they got unlocked.

Notmanz's run skips the Arcade, but since there's only 1 runner so far, should be fine letting that run stay on the boards. But probably should ban the NG+ benefits from now on.

And if someone actually do a 100% run, they should obviously start from a blank profile file.

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8 years ago
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