New Glitches + Discord Server
New Glitches + Discord Server
发布于 1 year ago

TL;DR: new discord, new glitches called Early Pause (EP) and Dialogue Moving (DM) and DM is banned in Sewers% and all Glitchless categories. you can still use it in Any%, HotDogWithMustard%, Egg%, Speech 100, and Highloft%.

2 New Glitches

Early Pause (EP) Dialogue Moving (DM)

Early Pause allows you to pause right before the game actually starts by spamming ESC / P at the beginning. What this does is keep your character from moving to Gelato automatically during the cutscene, saving you about .75 seconds.

Dialogue Moving allows you to, well, move during dialogue. Dialogue Moving is banned in Glitchless categories, and Sewers%. You're allowed to use DM in Any%, HotDogWithMustard%, Egg%, Speech 100, and Highloft%.

To Dialogue Move, you must start with using EP, then press down to select Options in the pause menu. Once the first dialogue box appears, press Z, which will open the Options menu. From here, press X to go back, and when the new dialogue box appears, unpause.

Now you will be able to move during the dialogue. Unfortunately, every time you jump, you'll go further in the dialogue. Talking to Lee (the guy by the chains,) will overwrite the current dialogue, and once that dialogue ends, start the timer.

---- Discord Server ---- I created a Discord for Wonderflower (WF) You can join with the link here: You can talk about glitches, PBs, WRs, and anything relating to Wonderflower or speedrunning!

(Note: You can't PCJ to get to the sewers during DM. Since you are in dialogue, you cannot pause. Once you end the dialogue, start the timer.)

Looks like Wonderflower is dead.

No runs in months, I didn't find anything in the source code, the other mod even left the discord,

I think Wonderflower's speedrunning is officially dead.

If there are no runs soon, no more runs will be accepted.

It was fun while it lasted!

11 months ago