Fresh% Changes
6 years ago
New York, USA

Hey friends, there has been suggestion for the devs to add multiple save files. If this happens, the current Fresh%, June 11th 2018, will most likely be deleted and replaced with a new rule set which is as follows.

Start the game from a new save file, you MUST complete the tutorial, and Defeat Sura. You may NOT purchase any Relics or Arcana in the Plaza. Any Arcana picked up during the run are allowed. Starting relic must be the Museum Ticket or Freezing Sprite Naya. Any Relics picked up during the run are allowed. You may talk with Jade for 200 gold. You may talk with Mah-Lind to choose starting area. Real time is used for this run. Timing starts on spawn in front of the museum, time ends on Sura result screen.

After the end screen, run through the museum to show your Arcana and Relics. This helps with verifying runs.

Please let me know your thoughts, and hopefully they integrate save files sooner than later.

G3 reds0l 喜欢这个
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