主题: The Settlers
Germanytz3 years ago

so gold gold gold gold gold;)

Yes, mostly. But you need to find the fine balance between the resource and time-investment and what you get out of it.

In the first levels you have enough gold in your castle. So its sufficient to just build the building producing gold (sorry, I do not know the English word for it :D). This way you can speed up winning the level enormously. :)

主题: The Settlers
Germanytz3 years ago

Gold increases the morale of the knight. There is a display of it. Its a relative value, but basically if it says 10% you win 1 out of 10 fights. And so on.

There is no difference in its value if it is in the castle, warehouse or guard structures EXCEPT two (based on the manual):

  1. You can lose the gold if it's in the guard structure. If you lose the guarding house, you lose the gold in it
  2. The gold will increase the development of guards into higher levels where it is stored. So if you have gold in a guard house, the knights in there will develop faster into higher levels.

This can create some interesting strategic choices in later games. Building bigger castles take longer and often puts you in a disadvantage. EXCEPT it will make your knights faster more powerful. So you get better and faster high level soldiers you can fight with.

23Banzaj 喜欢这个
主题: The Settlers
Germanytz3 years ago

I have no idea about WinUAE. I am still playing it on Dosbox and there I have the original sounds. :)

Cheers, Torsten

主题: The Settlers
Germanytz5 years ago

As far as i know this isn't a bug but a feature. You always get multiple carries at longer roads. But you need to be very careful how to distribute them. They can stack up on flags and you can easily create a traffic jam. :D

steppehaan 喜欢这个
主题: The Settlers
Germanytz6 years ago

@steppehaan Congratulations to your new PB! :) Happy to see a new run for this great game :)

steppehaan 喜欢这个
主题: The Settlers
Germanytz6 years ago

Its more complex: to win you need to get more than 85 % in the statistic. But the 85% contain military strength, amount of land and number of buildings. But i'm still trying to figure out how the values influence each other. Everything is at least relative to your opponent. Military strength is based on the number of your soldiers and military buildings compared to your enemies. But gold doesn't seem to be a factor at all. Also it seems that the factors limit each other. So you need a very very high military strength if you have less land than your opponent. That is why i dropped various barracks. Otherwise i had to kill many more soldiers.

This opens up for various strategies. And its the reason why i build so many barracks without any need away from the computer. Without them i wouldn't have got this time. :) And with some more builds in the open land i should have got an even better time. I think its possible to shave the new time down a minute or so.

steppehaan 23Banzaj 喜欢这个
主题: The Settlers
Germanytz6 years ago

Thanks :) And you are right about the rule. I was assuming the wrong screen. -.-

The victory screen doesn't seem to be RNG, but to follow an interval. I'm still trying to figure out that interval, but it seems that you only get the victory message, when the statistic is updated and you reached 85% or more. But the statistic is not real-time. As soon as i figure it out, i will post it.

Also i didn't get it this quickly. I should have got it earlier. Fighting the castle and the barrack was just a little speed-up; i didn't win the barrack nor burned down the castle. :D I just did it to reduce the military stat of the enemy faster. And i maybe could have skipped some fights. I went for building more barracks and after finishing the latest one i waited around 10 seconds and thought i need another one or more kills. And than the victory message popped up.

主题: The Settlers
Germanytz6 years ago

@Eino I submitted a new run. Since its my first time using MPC: i think the start is at 00.33.261 and the end at 21.51.286. So the time is 21.18.025 Minutes. Is this now 21.18 or 21.19? I'm very unsure. But excited about the time :)

主题: The Settlers
Germanytz6 years ago

@Eino Thank you :) I have no clue what MPC is? Can you provide a link? Than i will use it for the next run. Yes, that slow down was bad luck - but the run was on my old laptop while i was in the train. So i'm very happy with it. :)

主题: The Settlers
Germanytz6 years ago

@Eino @23Banzaj I created a test run and used the video capturing: https://owncloud.toco-domains.de/index.php/s/0YbaxL9r0ImAUGJ

As you can see the video has some obscure displays of shadows etc. I tried to avoid this, but i can reproduce it every time not using SVGA. Since its faster not using it: is it okay or do i need another capture method for better quality?

主题: The Settlers
Germanytz6 years ago

Yeah, i already noticed on my PC that it slows done when going over 20.000 cycles (or 4 frameskips). I did a run in around 29 Minutes but i'm unsure how to record it properly. I used ffmpeg with a framerate of 30, which doesn't look as fluid as your run (but i'm happy with it. Much better than my first tries!). I tried it with 60 fps but may laptop is definitely to slow for this. @Eino: how did you capture your video?

主题: The Settlers
Germanytz6 years ago

Hello 23Banzaj, that is good to know!

Was the cycle setting checked in the submitted speedrun? Or is there one cycle given? When using Dosbox the default config is "cycles=auto" giving different speeds on different systems. I'm not 100% sure but i would say that the video has more cycles than the game on my Laptop. So it would be good to set a specific number of cycles used in Dosbox and to require them to be visible (at least once). When capturing my runs i normally capture the full screen and the cycles (and frameskips) are displayed in the header of the dosbox.

[Just to be clear: i don't want to invalidate the submitted run. I really like it :)]

Since i never did speedrunning before just another question: what runs should i submit? Only if i beat the run? Or my PB as long as it is in TOP X?

Best Regards, Torsten

主题: The Settlers
Germanytz6 years ago

Aloha, i just started running this game too. But there needs to be many thinks analyzed :D But i come relative close.

@23Banzaj: Are there really no other requirements? Its very easy to set up the cycles in Dosbox to get a game running faster?

Greetings, Torsten

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The Settlers
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