Victoria, Australiastoot6 years ago

Obviously, 100% runs will require rank S on all levels, and I'm guessing all geocaches on levels where there aren't ranks. But what about optional objectives, such as finding the room keycard in Off The Grid? Is that required, or can it be ignored? I was personally going to skip it, since you can skip objectives and still get rank S (like the guestbook in Wayfarer).

Victoria, Australiastoot6 years ago
  • Everything has been whittled down to 2 categories with subcategories for ECC, IJ and YOLO mode.
  • Infinite Jump Glitch is now a subcategory for Any%, which requires RTA and the setup run to be timed. If someone somehow manages route it into 100%, we might add that too.
  • Links have been removed from the rules. It was too out of the way. Does anybody have thoughts on changing the name to "You Have To Win The Game (non-Steam)"? For the moment I think we'll keep it as is unless an overwhelming majority support that.
  • Does anyone have any thoughts on removing the console history rule from IGT runs? Seeing as it doesn't actually affect the timer, I don't really think we need it, but I'll leave that to democracy.

Feel free to tell me your thoughts on these changes and questions I've asked. If everyone's fairly happy, I'll make the applicable changes to the Steam leaderboards as well.

turnipp 喜欢这个
Victoria, Australiastoot6 years ago

For those who haven't seen it: https://www.speedrun.com/post/6ry4z

There are a few questions that arise out of this:

  1. I'm guessing most people do think that runs using infinite jumping should be separated from the current any% runs, but where should they be located? What should the category be called? Does the current Any% need to be renamed?
  2. How should timing be done? RTA or IGT? If RTA, should we move the leaderboards entirely to RTA? Last time this was discussed, general consensus was that IGT made it much easier for runners to submit. Has that consensus changed at all, or should this IJ category be the exception in timing?
  3. How seriously is everyone going to take this category? Is it the new Any%, or is it just a meme category? If it's a meme category, does it need to have a place on the leaderboards?
rarelike 喜欢这个
Victoria, Australiastoot6 years ago

[section=Introduction]So, you’ve just received moderation powers for one of your speedgames. You want to do a good job of it, right? Look no further than this handy guide to good moderation.

If you are an experienced moderator, then you can probably skip the first section. If you are happy with your game’s theme, then you can probably skip the second section. I’d recommend that every moderator reads the third section.

[section=Part 1: Setting up the game] To start with, if you’re on PC then the tabs to the left will probably look something like this (I recommend following the game to be notified of forum threads, if you aren't already following it). First, let’s head to the “Edit game” tab. Filling out the first section of this page should be pretty easy. The URL should be a unique identifier for the game in lower case letters. This will make it much easier to access. Some examples of this are “oot” for Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and “pkmnredblue” for Pokemon Red/Blue. Down the bottom of the first box, you’ll have to start making your own decisions.

    • Times in milliseconds: This is useful when the game has really precise movement (and an autosplitter) or the game has an in-game timer that records milliseconds. For most games, this can probably be turned off.
    • Separate load times: Does the game have an autosplitter with load removal available? If so, this can be turned on. You can also manually get rid of load times, but this requires a lot of work on your end. Games with loading screens need load removal to have accurate leaderboards, so it’s probably less work overall to make an autosplitter that pauses during loading screens. If the game is small, then separating load times isn’t particularly necessary.
    • In-game timer: Does the game have an in-built timer? Then you can turn this on. However, all this does is have 2 boxes in submissions for real time and in-game time. You can have this turn off and only enter in-game time instead (i.e. This game uses in-game time but does not have in-game time turned on, this game has it turned on).
    • Runs require verification: I’d recommend always having this turned on. Some people say that having it turned off can encourage runners to run and not wait for the moderator to verify runs, but to other it seems like the moderator is lazy and discourages runners from investing time into it. It can also encourage trolls to make bad submissions.
    • Runs require a video: If you want to make your leaderboard the best it can be, you’ll want this on. It is very easy to record speedruns with plenty of free screen capture software available for computers. I could understand the argument for turning it off for small console games, but even then it’s not hard to point a camera at a TV. For the rest of these, you can probably figure out for yourself. It’s easy to change these things later when you and the community have more familiarity with the game. The next box that we’ll be looking at is the moderator box. It is generally a good idea to have at least 1 other person moderating the game. If the game is small and doesn’t have a community, you can probably skip this. Now we get into categories and variables. It is impossible to cover all my bases here, because different games will have completely different categories and variables. The golden rule is that if people are running it, it should be on the leaderboards, but I’ll get into more detail in part 3.

[section=Part 2: Having a good theme] First things first, you don’t need to have a theme at all. The default theme for SRcom looks fine, and I’d suggest that having no theme is much better than having a terrible looking one. But for those that are willing to put in effort to make your game’s leaderboard look good, I’ll go on. Themes are very easy to get wrong if you don’t know what you’re doing. The important things to remember are:

    1. Everything on the leaderboard must be easy to read.
    1. The theme should not look like no effort was put in. Step 1 is easy to judge (if you don’t use contrasting bright colours, then you’ll probably be fine), step 2 is the one I often see people run into trouble with. When picking a background, there are a few different ways you can go:
    1. A simple static background with a relevant logo of some kind. The best example of this is the most popular game on the website, Ocarina of Time. This isn't a complex background, and it's easy to look at. There also won’t be an issue with people who have different screen sizes.
    1. A desktop wallpaper. This is probably the easiest method. Find a wallpaper online and add it to the background. A few issues with this method is that it can take a while to load on a slower connection, and people with smaller/bigger screen sizes than you won’t be viewing it the same way. Some examples of this are Super Mario Sunshine and Super Metroid.
    1. A simple moving background. The most important word there is simple. If it’s a complicated moving background, it’s distracting and will make people think you turned it on in some feeble attempt to make it look interesting. As an example, I’ll plug a game I moderate, the Steam version of You Have To Win The Game. I don’t think there’s a background much more simple than that. Using the game logo in the background of a game generally looks tacky, especially if it’s tiled. Watch out for that, because I see people do it all the time. There can be some exceptions to the rules above, use your good judgement. Here are some of the things that’ll get you into trouble with site staff:
    • Be sensible. If site staff find your leaderboard has bright yellow text on a bright yellow panel, the background is a picture of Gabe Newell, the logo says “MEMES” and the 1st place icon has been changed to a picture of a gorilla’s face then site staff will remove your theme and possibly ban you from moderating games in the future.
    • The logo must say speedrun.com, just like it says. Otherwise, your logo will be removed by site staff. You’d be surprised how many people don’t follow this rule, even though it’s plainly stated.

[section=Part 3: Moderating] Now that you have your game set up and either no theme or a kick-ass theme, it’s time to get into game moderation. Are you feeling powerful with that red/green sword next to your name? Well, you shouldn’t be. One of the golden rules when it comes to game moderation is: “You do not decide for the community, the community decides for you.” Or alternatively: “You are a representative of the community, not the ruler.”

    • When it comes to making key decisions about how the leaderboard is run, you need to consult with the community. Should a big game breaking glitch be allowed in the any% category, or should it have its own category? Should we switch to real time instead of using in-game time? Should we start enforcing load removal? These aren’t your decisions to make. Of course, you can take part in these discussions but you need to keep your ears open to other ideas and (this is important) be willing to accept decisions that you don’t agree with when it’s clear you aren’t part of the majority. Almost all leaderboard drama I’ve seen in the last 3 and a half years have stemmed from the moderators of a game shutting themselves off from the rest of the community because they wanted one thing to happen and most others disagreed with them (which usually ends with site staff intervening).
    • Another key part of moderating is verifying and rejecting runs. When it comes to this, no runs should be rejected for anything other than gameplay. If they do something against the rules of the category, then it can be rejected. If they have an annoying voice, you don’t like their LiveSplit background or you simply think they are an arsehole, then you have to accept it. Generally, most drama arises from this when the moderators have decided they don’t like someone and they insta-reject all their future runs. This is not the right way to go about this. If someone is submitting runs all the time and you really don’t want to watch a run every time you log in, just don’t watch it yet. You don’t need to verify runs every time you log in, and the run will still be there when you come back. If you really don’t like the runner (and maybe no-one else in the community does either), it’s not your job to ban them from the leaderboards. Ban/block them on Discord, block them on Twitter, but accept their legitimate runs on the leaderboards (remember that if they’re breaking SRcom rules on the forums, you can report them to site staff). If the runner is a known cheater, then it probably gives you grounds to reject based on the runner, but that’s really the only situation I can think of.
    • Another important rule is to always provide a clear and legitimate reason when rejecting a run. If the runner doesn’t know what they’re doing wrong, then they won’t fix it up next time they submit. Even if you’ve previously rejected them for the same reason, it’s a much better idea to explain to them what they’re doing wrong again. Mods who reject runs with the reason “.” have been reported for mod abuse in the past by runners who don’t remember why their first run was rejected.

And that should be it. Go forth, and bring good moderation to your leaderboards.

I welcome any comments, critiques and questions.

Thanks to Gyoo and ROMaster for proof reading this.

Zanum, WagnerBrasil 55 其他 喜欢这个
Victoria, Australiastoot7 years ago

When I originally added rules to the leaderboard, I was not aware at the time that opening the console actually pauses the in-game timer. Looking back now, however, I feel like having a rule against using console history is pretty silly considering it actually has no impact on IGT. Thoughts?

Victoria, Australiastoot8 years ago

Just wanted to know everyone's opinions on it.

I elected to keep them separate a few months ago when shufunk submitted a Cat run as his Any% PB. I thought they were being treated as separate categories and I also thought it would be a good idea to not have overlapping runs that apply to multiple categories. However, ZZKer just verified his Cat% run as his Any% PB, so obviously my opinion isn't shared with absolutely everyone.

Victoria, Australiastoot9 years ago

Yes, I know we're currently looking for opinions on the Steam forums as well.

So, OrangeCrix told me quite a while ago that opening the console pauses IGT, which means that the time it takes you to type "arc" is not counted, and I've been wondering for a while whether we should move to RTA instead of IGT for the non-Steam version (I believe noclip also said something along these lines a while ago).

Victoria, Australiastoot9 years ago

http://www.speedrun.com/yhtwtg/guide/wkfru It needs a lot of work, I know. Suggestions here would help, thanks. :)

Victoria, Australiastoot9 years ago

I messaged Pac about this a few days ago but he hasn't responded and I realised someone else might be able to help me.

A few days ago I was looking at the ROM Hacks section of a leaderboard I moderated (You Have To Win The Game, the non-Steam version). I was on the Add ROM hack page, but I had nothing to add and I hit "Delete Game" up the top right. This deleted the leaderboard. I checked the other leaderboard I moderated (the Steam version), and on the same page it only said "Delete". Just thought I should make this report, as it seems someone else could easily make the same mistake.

By the way, if there is any way of recovering the leaderboard (the times still exist on the runners' profiles, from the looks of things), that would be great. EDIT: I don't really care if the theme can't be recovered, but I'd like it if the rules, categories and times coud be.

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