Florida, USApolsvoice4 months ago

The Salsa Shack's May event is a joint concept between Polsvoice , LadyGalaga , and inspired by BlackwoodRecordings and Mizzuzbizzy for the NES speedrunning community to reach for the top 5 fastest Low% times in The Little Mermaid. join us in the Discord! https://discord.com/invite/PyUuAVwZ

Florida, USApolsvoice6 months ago

If i had to set it i'd say 7:30 it's doable but still hard enough you'd have to grind for it.

Florida, USApolsvoice1 year ago

yeah hopefully this game will be at least as broken as botw.

TrenttheN642, Ballistic08 2 其他 喜欢这个
Florida, USApolsvoice1 year ago

Thank you for doing this! Super helpful and easy to follow tutorial... also thank you for taking the time to add chapters in YT for every round.

burst_error KumaKhan22 喜欢这个
Florida, USApolsvoice1 year ago

This is a great resource for new runners of the game. Thanks for putting these together MTK!

blacksquall, BlackwoodRecordings 2 其他 喜欢这个
Florida, USApolsvoice2 years ago

Hey Insipid, welcome to the Z2 family! If you download OBS you can use that to record your runs by using FCEUX as a source. it's fairly simple to set up but if you're not great with tech stuff i would suggest the streamlabs obs version as it's more user friendly. you can find that here https://streamlabs.com/

InsipidInspector 喜欢这个
Florida, USApolsvoice2 years ago

might be good for category extensions. i'd like to see how the run could be optimized more without using clips or screen scrolls.

Florida, USApolsvoice2 years ago

that's perfect. i think "suggested" wording is a great addition.

Zarc0nis, CrabbyCrab101, KumaKhan22 喜欢这个
Florida, USApolsvoice2 years ago

The more i think about this more i think it's a meh point to add. People can add ms but i'm going to check it anyway and i wouldn't want this to be a reason why someone would be turned off to running the game. Not everyone knows how to frame count their runs and i like to say that speedrunning is for everyone. i just feel like adding that in doesn't sound as inclusive as i would like.

KumaKhan22 喜欢这个
Florida, USApolsvoice2 years ago

i'll let others chime in but for me i prefer to see at least a soft reset before any run. For me it's just easier if everyone is using the same method to start. I'm on console and just used to resetting after every run (or run dies) so it's not a big deal for me... but i'm totally open to seeing what everyone else thinks.

Muten_Pizza, CrabbyCrab101 2 其他 喜欢这个
Florida, USApolsvoice2 years ago

Yeah the -5.00 is dead on for timing from start input and Kuma is hard at work on updating all the rules at the same time. This is such a new game and we want to make sure we get everything possible in there so we only have to make slight changes if any later.

i agree with Steve though. it's such a short run that if you know how and can add ms it would be nice... aaaaand also pls highlight your run on Twitch if you're not uploading an individual run to YT. It's not fun to hunt through a 2-4 hour stream to find that one 5 minute run where you got a PB. Those are few and far between but it happens. /shrug

Florida, USApolsvoice2 years ago

I totally agree that language should be used in the rules. I'm for anything that make things absolutely clear and brings everyone more in line with running the same version of the game be it on hardware or emulator.

As KumaKhan already said we very much appreciate everyone jumping in to make the community around this game better by both asking questions and providing information. We're all learning as we go and having everyone throw their knowledge down is super helpful to building up a smaller game like this.

KumaKhan22, Zarc0nis, Thee_Deadguy 喜欢这个
Florida, USApolsvoice2 years ago

I fully support Zarc for mod. @BEACHBUM is the supermod for the game so I believe they would need to add you to the mod team.

KumaKhan22, Thee_Deadguy, Zarc0nis 喜欢这个
Florida, USApolsvoice2 years ago

Looks like you've already got this handled but I agree with everything that has been said and when I did my first run I made sure -5.00 was accurate to the frame for mash start to control of nick on NES/Famicom hardware. If I get time I'll start going through the current submissions and edit any that need fixed.

I'm thinking maybe note any that have been checked with either (Mod Note: frame counted to xx:xx:xx.xxx 3/x/22) or (Mod Note: no edit of frame count needed 3/x/22) to make sure we get it all checked and we aren't stepping on each others toes.

Florida, USApolsvoice2 years ago

thank you for creating this @Rossy__ !!! I think this will make the game more accessible and easier to learn for everyone.

PGHGuitarGuy ZeroThe14th 喜欢这个
Florida, USApolsvoice2 years ago

KumaKhan has been really pushing to see what is hiding in this game. Just check out the new secret ending they found in the "All Hidden Items" category! I'm really looking forward to people pushing this one to the limit and seeing how low we can drive these times down.

LadyGalaga 喜欢这个
Florida, USApolsvoice2 years ago

Kumakhan22 added it as a submission for an upcoming speedrun marathon and i jump right on researching it as soon as i saw that it existed. I'm spreading it to every runner i know who might be interested.

KumaKhan22 喜欢这个
Florida, USApolsvoice2 years ago

Small boards like this with 1 or 2 runs get abandoned all the time. These are the mod rules from SRC support: -Moderators are generally given 21 days to process run submissions. -Moderators should make themselves available for feedback from runners for rules, categories, and board organization via the game's forum page, social media, or Discord. It is not a requirement for moderators to verify all runs every time they visit the site, we understand people have lives. -If you are unable to handle these tasks, please request other runners of the game to help moderate. -Site staff may designate additional moderators due to inactivity or repeated lack of response to feedback.

grescokit, KumaKhan22, LadyGalaga 喜欢这个
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