主题: Dishonored
Englandmathedpotato7 years ago

okay so, even dumber answer to your dumb question... no. I hadn't, I didn't see it at first, just found it in the drop down XD Wow, I feel like an idiot, but thank you very much. And now for speedruns. :D

主题: Dishonored
Englandmathedpotato7 years ago

I saw it go to 61 just now, could it be my system then? Intel Core i5-6400 (2.7GHz) Nvidia Gefore GTX 970 (4GB) 8GB DDR4 Maybe my specs aren;t high enough to get 100+ fps?

主题: Dishonored
Englandmathedpotato7 years ago

Okay, I now have MaxSmoothedFrameRate=250 and have tried with smoothing set to true and false. Still stuck at 60 :( Just hope I don't have to retire from speedrunning before I started.

主题: Dishonored
Englandmathedpotato7 years ago

I'm new to speedrunning, but I heard the FPS needs unlocking for elevator glitches. I've changed the DishonoredEngine.ini to turn off vsync and frame rate smoothing as such: UseVsync=False bSmoothFrameRate=FALSE I've also set the .ini to read-only so Steam doesn't change it back. But my framerate is still locked at 60 (I'm using fraps to view my FPS in-game). I cannot figure out why, was hoping someone could help? (I even went and turned Vsync off in my Nvidia control panel just in case). Any help would be appreciated. :)

7 years ago
7 years ago