New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim7 years ago

I literally just searched for Gunmetal Arcadia, expecting it to not be here and then to send you a joke tweet about when someone will run it. I saw you tweeting about it a lot, before the release :D

The internet is always faster than me.

LovenityJade 喜欢这个
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim7 years ago


Also, thanks for taking the arcade version seriously. A ton of the games that people list as "arcade" are actually boards for the NES (or other) version. It's pretty annoying :P

AquaBlake 喜欢这个
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim7 years ago

Before everyone goes sub-35, I think we should take a moment to remember SlyLobster's premature boast, "Overlay% is dead." It is what initially inspired me to try to get the WR, and now look where we are.

Overlay% is back in business :D

Xcvazer 喜欢这个
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim7 years ago

Why is it so common for the rules of a game to be that the timer starts upon taking control of the character? Considering that a player will inevitably go through whatever sequence comes before gaining control, why not start the timer at a point before it coincides--and possibly interferes--with gameplay? It also seems as though starting upon control would be more consistently inaccurate than starting at a point that is more easily discernible. The margin of error may be small, and it may be easy to compensate for by re-timing post run or by starting the timer with a negative value, but why not eliminate these steps entirely by starting earlier?

I ask because I've always wondered. I also just got an arcade stick, and I'm looking into running a few games that don't have boards here. If I end up requesting them and writing some rules, then I'd like to know if there is some relevance to starting when taking control of the character.

Also, am I just doing something incorrectly? Is it easier than I realize to accurately start the timer upon control? Is there a method that I'm unaware of? (I've been re-timing or starting negative.)

Thanks for any help :)

Crockey 喜欢这个
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim7 years ago

(If we want, we can keep any future tips confined to this thread.)

I haven't tried the advice given in Guru's guide, but there is one point that seems like it could be done more effectively. To quote, "Another value you should change is your GamesPlayed to 0, after 7 games you will unlock the next power-up so keep this folder open and save over it every time you unlock the razor."

That doesn't seem like much effort, but I'd like to note that the step can be avoided by pressing escape as soon as the wrong dad is hit. There is some time between the hit and the reset screen showing up where you can press escape and the data values will remain unchanged. This was the way I did it before, and I would delete the data folder, if I ever missed the opportunity enough times. The game automatically re-creates the folder. With the info that Guru has provided, the folder can be edited to a player's liking, then left alone, instead of repeatedly editing it or deleting it.

As I said, I haven't tried Guru's method, so my old method might be less efficient.

Update: it looks like each method balances each other out. For the efficiency gained with one method, there is a loss that the other method makes up for.

unkownspeedrunner 喜欢这个
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim8 years ago

In a case where they share the same content, is running the Japanese version of a game always faster than the NTSC/PAL version? Is the reason only because of text density? If not, then what are other things to consider?

New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim8 years ago

Thanks for specifying the rules!

New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim8 years ago

The search bar is fixed, so we're throwing an official search bar party, sponsored by every single one of your favorite game companies and none of the ones that you don't like :D

Remember to come dressed as your favorite detective (searching for clues), herald of Galactus (searching for planets), or metaphysical philosopher (searching for meaning)!

Who (or what) will you dress up as? Who will be your +1? Who should we take off the VIP list? What fabulous reality TV star should we pay top dollar to have in attendance? What will you search for first?

unkownspeedrunner Pac 喜欢这个
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim8 years ago

Hey, milk :D

I saw you mod request this game, so I've been playing it and waiting to see if you got modded before mentioning these things.

This game looks fun, but challenge mode is brutal. I still like challenge mode, but it would be sweet if there was a category for a mode that doesn't game-over after every miss. Challenge mode might even play slower, in the long run, because double shots are so risky. Challenge mode is overall very risky, so playing in practice mode or timed mode would add variety to the board. 100% seems arbitrary, but I'm not opposed to it.

Practice mode would be like a freestyle mode. The timed mode wouldn't be relevant in terms of the timer (it doesn't function linearly), but it is possible to score many more points from combos, so it plays a lot different. You could even invert the board for the timed mode in order to keep track of high scores, rather than fastest to a certain score.

I just think that the board could use some variety besides challenge mode, and these are just some ideas. I'd like to hear your thoughts :)

New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim8 years ago

How do you learn a new game? How do you practice? Do you set goals? If so, then how? Do you have a personal philosophy or method? Do you take it seriously or casually? At what point to you post your first time? Do you wanna be the very best? Do you ever stop purely practicing, only playing for PBs? If so, then at what point do you feel that you don't need to practice? Do you play multiple games? When do you decide to stop playing a game? What motivates you to keep going? Do you go back to games that you already stopped playing? What motivates you to get back into a game?

Please share your perspective :D

Shade667 喜欢这个
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim8 years ago

Does anyone know of other mobile games that have an integrated timer? Being able to simply screen cap the time is very convenient.

New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim8 years ago

StrongestCirno just submitted this run as a 1:09, but it is clearly longer than that. Should we switch to real-time for all runs?

copied from my comment on youtube:

It looks like something caused the IGT to glitch.

If I had to guess, I would say that completing the level right as you were being arrested is what caused the glitch. The moment of completing the level seems to be a volatile and glitchy moment throughout the game.

New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim8 years ago


I just picked up Lady Sia, and I'm going to play through it to see if I'd like to run it. If anyone has any basic info to share, that would be kindly appreciated :D

I saw that one of the run comments mentioned a sword glitch. Can anyone explain how that works and if there is anything else along those lines that I should know about?

New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim8 years ago

Can someone explain to me what's going on with this game and how the ladder glitch works? All I have to go by is the WR video and the run comments of a few people.

Thanks :)

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