主题: The Site
San Marinoilluminati77771 year ago

Oh awesome that works!

I thought I had tried that on /games but I guess not.


主题: The Site
San Marinoilluminati77771 year ago

/games gives the list of moderator IDs, but to get the names it would require another request to /users to get the username for each moderator

/runs gives the examiner ID, and you can embed the profiles for the players as well, but there doesn't seem to way to get moderator (examiner) details that way, even though it's added as one of the links

Is there any other way to get this efficiently, or can it be added (embed)?

I'd rather not deal with caching if possible.


San Marinoilluminati77772 years ago

Fixed it so it won't split after reloading. I had no idea since I didn't really test it fully. Seems to be OK now though.

No idea how to implement a timer at the moment though, but if anyone has any ideas it would be nice to auto start/restart

mossfis 喜欢这个
San Marinoilluminati77772 years ago

I don't know how to get addresses for each mission, or a way to auto start/restart the timer like the autosplitter for the original games, but this will work as an extremely basic splitter (just reads the missions completed value - doesn't count "Give Me Liberty")

Better than nothing, at least for me. If anyone can tell me what sort of stuff to look for the other stuff, that would be appreciated

Edit: use Hoxy's instead


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