主题: The Site
Québechuxxny6 years ago

so months ago, i asked, the current mod of Splinter Cell Double Agent why he was using IGT instead of RTA and why he allowed a segmented run to appear on the leaderboards when it should only be SS (idk why the guy submitted it in the first place nor why it was verified and accepted since the title of his youtube video made it pretty clear it was segmented) but anyway my point being that he removed all the comments in that tread of the forum and locked it down...

i had other issues with that person in the past, like waiting forever to get my runs verified, which is understandable in most cases since some of us are more busy than others, like ok, but at some point you can tell its just getting ridiculous, especially when you can see that they are active online, you have to go reach them on twitter and even then they still ignore you for a while... or other time like when asking for simple changes like proper names for difficulty/categories and when they were not simply ignored, at some point, he manage to delete my run from the board (idk if he erased the whole board instead of renaming it or what, and created a new board for the now missing difficulty but if you're making changes and runs dissapears, i mean...) and i had to ask him to put it back after a while since he never realised his mistake...

and all of that was documented in that "tread", so i guess he decided to get rid of the evidences cuz it made him look bad or something...

therefore, i would ask here to be assigned as a mod for this game and i think one of the active runner of the other version (v1, i run v2) should be assigned as well (i think he already asked for it, but if not, i'm hoping he will) and i would also ask if the current mod could be removed so that we don't have to deal with this kind of behaviors again.

YUMmy_Bacon5 喜欢这个
Québechuxxny7 years ago

i'm really enjoying running Metropolis% aka 100K citizens, and even tho its slower, and my PB is sitll pretty bad, i feel like 100K citizens Glitchless or Metropolis NMG could be a fun and fairly accessible category for every1 to enjoy... imho!! ;D

主题: The Site
Québechuxxny7 years ago

Ok, so recently someone contacted me on youtube because they were impatient to get their run verified... then not long after that, all their runs were gone from the leaderboards and when i asked what happened, they told me they got banned from the site and even asked me to speak to the admins on their behalf... apparently they submitted game requests w/o proper capitalisation or something... so this might sound familiar to some of you since i saw at least 2 mentions of this case in the thread...

Anyway, now that same person is resubmitting his run but under another pseudo... so i'm wondering if i should verify the run, or reject it, or ignore it... i seriously don't know what to do here?!

Québechuxxny7 years ago

If it was a feature in the original game, to select world 8 directly, would anyone run only 8-1 to 8-4 and call that "SMB Any%"... is it really beating the game? So why allowing it for 2nd quest? That's just my reasonning... stage selection is a feature in many games, but nobody would ever argue that you could run those games by selecting the last one and start your run from there, would they? So why is the SMB community even have this debate? ô.Ô

Besides this has nothing to do with my personnal feeling about the categories, and i don't see how its too late to make any change... if anything, this the right time to make changes, as this is still a new thing, and not that many runs have been submited yet...

Now, even tho the nomenclature would be a little off, adding sub categories (e.i.NES and AS) would easely resolve any issues since you wouldn't have to delete or rename any categories/runs... and if someone wants to run "Both Quest" like it should be, all they have to do is to submit it for "Star8-4" instead, under the NES tab, or they could do like i_o_l and run it on AS version from which the name come from for this one if i undertsand correctly... this way, all the memesters win and are happy, and that's w/o saying how some of those memes could be fun and challenging to try in the AS version as well, like the walkathon, as its seems to me its far easier to wall jump in AS (idk, is it? maybe its just an impression)!!

But then again, that's just my humble opinion/suggestion, i'm just really glad you guys manage to put these leaderboards together so that some runs like pacifist, blindfolded, or simply 2nd quest could have a spotlight and a place in the community... ;D

Québechuxxny7 years ago

i feel like it would be a neat addition to have a sub-category tab for the AS version... ;D

AquaBlake, barnowl, OmegaFallon 喜欢这个
Québechuxxny7 years ago

Imho, allowing stage selection in "both quest any%" render it pointless... in no other game would you select the last stage/world, run it and called it a proper run (unless you're doing IL runs)... that would be like allowing it in "2nd quest any%"... effectively rendering the category pointless... or at the very least, misnamed!!

In both cases, if you want to allow stage selection, call it "1st quest + 2nd world8" or "2nd world8%" or something... i mean i'm sure anyone can see what's the spirit behind a category called "BOTH Quest" or "2nd QUEST"... ;D

Québechuxxny7 years ago

The doors in the background are pretty much the equivalent of pipes in SMB and in stage 3 if you break the bus stop the level ends early... the idea behind this category is to see more of the game, like the warpless run of the game that inspired the name i gave to this category, that make the game longer but more challenging...

Now i really do enjoy running that game, and its just one of the way i challenge myself, i'm not asking you nor anyone else to appreciate it, but i do hope it will inspire someone to try and run this game knowing there's more than one way to do it!!

Also i didn't make it to have Free WRs, as a pioneer in many games, i don't enjoy that much having undeserved/uncontested time, its just the way it happen to be, on the contrary, like most speedrunners, i thrive on compitition and i just want to see the time in the game i enjoy to go down, i want to inspire ppl to run games that deserve more love... i simply want ppl to look at my runs and be like «hey, i can beat that» and actually do it!!

So in that regard, i strongly encourage you or anyone else reading this, to pick up that game (or any other that i run) and show me and everyone else how its done!! ;D

Now i do believe and i intend very much to beat the WR time on Easy since there is less ennemies and most of them have less hit points so in theory it should be faster... which will eventually present me with another dilemma: once i achieved a faster time, i'll be able to say that i have the WR, but only for Easy mode, not for Extreme since it is way harder (at least a bit) and i have way too much respect for the actual WR run to pretend mine would be better if it isn't done on the same level of difficulty... so at that point, i might have consider making the difficulty setting a sub-category instead...

主题: The Site
Québechuxxny7 years ago

hi, many snes games are being ported to New3dsVC and i found New3ds in the obscure platform, but unless i missed it, New3dsVC would be a great addition!! ;D

Québechuxxny7 years ago

yeah, i guess i should...

Québechuxxny7 years ago

So, Dugongue, if you ever found 5mins to fix those leaderboards, i'm really enjoying running this game and i started doing runs of what i call Warpless, where i basically go through the game w/o using any of the skips (the doors in the background or breaking the bus stop on lv3...), so if you could add this 2nd category, that would be greatly appreciated!! ;D

Québechuxxny7 years ago

So 3 things that could improve the current leaderboards, making it easier for ppl to submit runs with correct informations:

  1. Adding the other difficulty levels, Easy, Normal, Hard, instead of only having the option to select Expert...

  2. Adding the other platforms available like WiiU VC and New 3ds VC, and idk but it might also be available on regular Wii VC...

  3. Setting up rules, which i think are basically SDA timing in a nut shell, start when taking control of character, stop on last boss final hit...

主题: Gunman Clive
Québechuxxny7 years ago

sooooo, is there a particular reason why 2 of my runs have been randomly deleted from the leaderboards... e.i. wiiu clive & ms. johnson, any%?

Québechuxxny7 years ago

Even tho i still believe the old method of timing is wrong, i decided to "fix" the current leaderboards and let the old and new runners time their runs using the «Time start as you take control of Trevor and stop when "All Clear" appear after Dracula's death.» rule instead of what i suggested and tried to impliment previously...

Hoping this decision pleases everyone else... ;D

Québechuxxny7 years ago

So the other day, i went and follow my convictions and wrote down the rules for when to start and stop timing in Cv Rebirth and then proceed to finally adjust the leaderboards consequently... its something that i wanted to do for a long time, but as i saw a new runner taking interest in the game, i wanted to clearify that so that there no confusion for future runners/submissions...

Now, i know that the runs were originally timed using SDA timing, which in many cases is an accepted and well recognised method of timing, but sometime, like in this case, i feel like it has its flaws...

Therefore, instead of timing runs on 1st movement of charater, i truly believe that we should start time on 1st meaningful input from the players, and since we can skip the 1st cutscene, we technically "have control" before taking control of the character...

Of course, i'm open to discuss this, hence why i started this thread, and i welcome new runners or members of the speedrunning community in general to give me some feedback on this issue!

Québechuxxny7 years ago

as much as i agree that using quick save/load would render the runs less interesting and way too easy, i have to play devil's advocate here for a sec and agree that in games like Doom, they allow their usage, however, in other community like for metroid games, saving and loading are totally forbidden... so its up to each community to define their guidelines, and in this case i would side with ppl saying that using what is basically save-state should not be allowed...

now the same way i wouldn't run doom using save-state, nor stop myself from running a metroid game using save stations, i would understand ppl that would like to run a splinter cell game using the build in options of quick saves/loads, so i don't know how we could accomodate both groups, but there's should be a way, like creating separate leaderboards for exemple...

i mean, in the end it is up to everyone to runs games the way they please, and worst case scenario, one categories will simply become way more popular than the others... for exemple, its possible to run SM or alttp using heavely broken glitches that make those game boring and pointless to run, which is why most ppl will run those classics using NMG rules as their main "Any%" categories... but they still keeping tracks of those less interesting categories since they are still ligit ones...

the same way i'm currently running DA actively again, and i wouldn't use the quick load features for the life of me, cuz it would ruins all the fun and challenge out of it... but would i get a better run doing so, absolutly, would i be able to put together a run on Elite mode in a reasonable among of time, once again, sure, ... but what would be the point of doing that... now, would i try the categories that allow save-states, just by morbid curiousity, to see what kind of time i could get even tho i thing of it as shameful if it ever become a reality... tbh, maybe...

so to resume, i hope we will come to the conclusion that using what is basically save-state should only be a tool for practice, but if we ever come to the conclusion that it should also be considered, i would not agree, but i would understand why its considered ligit... ;D

Québechuxxny7 years ago

yeah this is modifiying the game, and it should never be allowed imho, whatever the game... in the case of PoP it gives an truly unfair advantage to the PC runners compare to ppl who run the game on console, and even if they would make a seperate leaderboard for PC and one for consoles... i would still be wrong in my mind... then again, its just my humble opinion... also, i'm a fervent advocate of NOT comparing DIFFERENT versions of a game together, so i totally agree with you that we shouldn't compare PC and console version, and in the case of Chaos Theory for exemple, the game are so widely different, its barely the same game anymore, so yeah... ;D

主题: Jackal
Québechuxxny7 years ago

Like i already said on Twitter, i was really displeased when i 1st saw that rule being implimented on the SMB1 learderboard a while back, and i was and still am opposed to it... even tho i assume it was meant to prevent cheating, since not everyone streams and i personnaly do most of my runs offline, i considered this unfair...

Now, i personnally have made jokes myself about the chinese runners being hacks, and as much as i'm sure some might not have been joking, i feel that we shouldn't assume that ppl are necessairely dishonnest, and i'm talking about both ppl in chats talking about it and the runners themselves... we should give the benefit of the doubts in both cases!

I always been a fervent advocate of inclusivity, and i feel the more runners the better, no matter who you are... too many time i've seen elitiste attitudes in some speedrunning community, and the truth is, there will always be some rotten apples to try to ruin it for everyone else, but i feel that generaly speaking, the whole community feel the same way i feel, and is mostly compose of genuinely good hearted ppl who will warmly welcome in new commers and share their passion with them!!

Québechuxxny8 years ago

Hi, i wanted to submit my PB for the demo, but the WiiU "Event Preview" Demo version seems to be a bit different (shorter)... so i was wondering if it could be added as its own category and i would also greatly appreciate if the WiiU could be added as a plaform as well!! ;D

主题: Turtle Tale
Québechuxxny8 years ago

We can all agree that the time start as we select "yes" when asked if we are sure we want to start a new game since we gonna overwrite our save file in the process, no problems there...

But, i feel like we should stop time at fade out instead of on the Boss last hit like we are currently doing, since we can still died after him and games that have this feature usually wait until fade out.

Also, since most WR are still yet to be optimized in most categories, maybe except in any%, we can probably leave the time like they are right now w/o having to re-time all the runs, but once we update the rules, we can then apply them on future runs.

Of course this is only a suggestion and i would really appreciate any feedback from the community weither you are an active runner or not!! ;D

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