
Many people avidly follow the hollow knight speedruns, but only a few are so dedicated as my idol, hkspeedrunnertracker. This is why i have decided to dedicate myself to tracking their progress with speedrunner tracking, beginning with this thread.

So far, they have successfully tracked recent developments in the Any% and 107% AB categories, focusing particularly on the accomplishments of the runner Aribuge. Not many people would be able to draw such insightful connections between two categories that a specific person has run, but things like these are what exactly what makes hkspeedrunnertracker such a treasure to the community.

I must also mention how amazed I am by the incredible advice and encouragement they were able to provide regarding AlejsXY's Path of Pain speedruns, personally I never would have thought of the simple solution of just finishing a run already.

That's all I've been able to track on them so far, but I'm really looking forward to further following hkspeedrunnertracker's HK speedrunner tracking career!

aksel_sk, fleur_bleue, underlein 喜欢这个
1 year ago
1 year ago