Norwayhavrd7 years ago

Thinking this makes sense to have now that more people are joining the game and we actually have to talk about the timing issues people are having. We also need another mod seeing as someone left.

Norwayhavrd7 years ago

I both know how to find the address and make a loadremover ("autosplitter" is something else). Unfortunately it would only be usable on the pc version. If you are PC savvy, you can add me on discord and i can teach you how to do it (it takes time).

Norwayhavrd7 years ago

Update on Valley: Because of a recently discovered way to retrieve old patches of steam games, we were able to obtain a fabled old patch for Valley. I would like to add a donation incentive to my run if it gets accepted, the donation incentive would either be playing through the game on that patch, or showing off what makes the patch so hilarious. Small taste:

Matse007 喜欢这个
Norwayhavrd7 years ago

NecroVision and NecroVision: Lost Company finally got their Speedrun.com pages. NecroVision: Lost Company has gotten routed for single-segment runs and has updated estimate. http://www.speedrun.com/necrovision

Update for Valley and Nikita, derusting has started.

Fatzke 喜欢这个
主题: Fallout 4
Norwayhavrd7 years ago

Tomatoanus has made a new indepth updated tutorial for the game, if you are interested in speedrunning the game, watching this is a good way to get going. The link below takes you to the Guide post.


Jinjenia Kevbot43 喜欢这个
主题: Aragami
Norwayhavrd7 years ago

might be fast-ish, might be slow-ish

Janmumrik 喜欢这个
主题: Aragami
Norwayhavrd7 years ago

Usually we have been using a private discord to share strats, but seeing as there are more and more people joining the game. Having a thread to publish new strats might be helpful.

主题: Blameless
Norwayhavrd7 years ago

Wouldn't the current "Normal" category be better named as "Glitchless any%"?

So Zefies question is really valid, where is the most common speedrunning category "any%"

主题: Fallout 4
Norwayhavrd7 years ago

Yes, that is becoming a ghost. We knew about that, and everyone should do it in all their runs. Because ghosts are cooler than stupid people

Hillboy 喜欢这个
Norwayhavrd7 years ago

Reminder to test how horsetilting works on console, it should work Chances of it crashing (even when you know how to do it) might be high though

Norwayhavrd7 years ago


Baffan heny 喜欢这个
Norwayhavrd7 years ago

I cannot register for the tournament without purchasing a venue fee. Is this correct?

主题: Fallout 4
Norwayhavrd7 years ago

[Solved] Locking thread to make room for other subjects.

Norwayhavrd7 years ago

Basically just a place i can put all the old tilt videos. Alot of these are proof of concept and really old / bad. Just showes potential and whatnot. Feel free to add your own.

High Hrothgar Tutorial:



Embassy: More Embassy:

For some reason i don't have my video of the Karthspire tilt. But that one should be self explanatory.

I have alot more, but i have to upload them, they are currently not uploaded.

Theoretical Tilts Getting down to Esbern in the Riften Sewers (you have to not hit dudes, if you hit dudes you cannot get through one of the doors)

Throat of the world

主题: Fallout 4
Norwayhavrd7 years ago

We didn't set up the leaderboard correctly. hold on

Jinjenia 喜欢这个
主题: Fallout 4
Norwayhavrd7 years ago

Active runners have gotten into a Discord call and had a reasonable conversation about everyones concerns. "any% no intro" will be it's own sub-category which will be placed under any% as a misc category. This quite arbritrary category is the culmination of everyone's concerns. I would like to thank the Fallout 4 community for trying to keep this discussion civil, eventhough we did not do the best at this. I want to apologize to Ewil for the way he was treated in this forum thread. But this discussion was really not for people who have not ran the game. This is the decision the active players of the game has made the 23.01.17.

This thread is getting locked as it no longer serves a purpose.

主题: Fallout 4
Norwayhavrd7 years ago

What do you want me to do as a mod then, people want to start from the freezer. We can make a new category, have the old any% still standing. Problem then becomes that nobody will play the old any%. Which is not that bad or anything, but this is a video game we play for fun first, whatever else second. Everything becomes arbritrary in the end.

Mabye we didn't handle Ewil the best way we could have, but this thread is not about if we should start from the freezer or not. It's how. Own category, what timing. People who have never ran the game should not have input on how people play and enjoy their video games.

Again i am sad that you feel very strongly about this, it's probably easy to come back and see all this. It might seem sudden to you. But we have been talking about this for a long time. I am glad that you care about the game and feel strongly about it. But we are all generally nice people and we can talk about things without things getting heated. I really want to hammer home that this is about having fun playing video games together.

It really is not easy having the runners of this game call out that they want this, and get yelled at by people who never have played the game or haven't done so in a long time. I have tried to be open to all sources, i have made everything democratic, i have made this forum post so that people know. Section of my original Discord post on the subject in November: "Wasting 10 minutes of your only life on earth to do something impossible to fail that everyone can do should not be mandatory to have fun. I suggest that people who want to start their runs from the freezer may do so, they would have to start their timer at 8:00 so that people who grind the start still has an advantage." With an attached poll under the post, which was then pinned in the Discord. People did not want to start from the freezer at a disadvantage and felt it was splitting hairs even more.

So it would be nice if you could realize that we are all on the same side, we can all talk about anything and there are other solutions.

主题: Fallout 4
Norwayhavrd7 years ago

Bl00dThunder Im not sure what to say to this other than it makes me sad. You were not contacted because everytime i was about to mentioned the game you would brush it off, made it seem like you really didn't care.

"Does the intro to this game suck to do every time? Sure, but it is still part of the game where time can be saved/lost. Don't like sitting through it everytime? Just don't run the game."

This is something i could see myself saying, only problem is that it's Fallout 4. It's a bad dead speedgame. The only ones mad enough to care don't feel like doing the intro is worth their time, and this is a hobby. They can skip the intro with or without us and the leaderboard, i as the only mod that cares has to take action, i did a poll over 2 months ago, i waited a long time for everyone to have time to vote. Then i made this post, i wanted it to be visible and scrutinized.

"2a) The other games you bring up start from a save file after a cutscene/auto-scroller where you have no control" Half Life 1, you have to move and walk around and talk to people... Fallout 4, you have to move and walk around and talk to people...

Again there are more games, Deux Ex Human Revolution. These are some of the most popular PC speedruns. We all pick when we want a run to start, this is a video game. We route and run it for friendly competition and fun, to make friends. Not enemies, drama... It's supposed to be fun, everyone draws the line somewhere. I feel sad that some people actually think this is about getting record in a game like this. These kinds of reactions should be more applicable to big games where people run them actively, that's just my thought on it though. I wish you had been there months back to see the original requests and my early responses to them, you would see how much plans have changed.

"What qualifies as "FULL" control of a character, once outside of the house you have the ability to walk, sprint, crouch, jump, talk, and pickup items (there are none to pickup in the intro but that's not the point). "

You cannot pick up items actually, this is what happens in Warp%. you are still the pre-war Character, you cannot pick stuff up / use any items at all (They finish the game by entering a power armor and meleeing people.) So we have basically defined "full control of the character" walking, running, crouching, jumping and picking up items and interacting with PC's / Armor / locked doors.

"Why discount the opinions of those who don't agree with you just because they don't run this game. Why even bother making this post if you don't care what anyone besides 'runners' think? You apparently did all this voting in the Discord server but now you come to speedrun.com to post about the issue of timing? I'm even more glad I left the Discord server now, I'd rather not be associated with such elitism. "

It was all dependant on how such a response was given, they only guy who came here basically said "you are cheaters SDA". Im not sure how im supposed to reply to that. Your reply has been the first one that somewhat seems to be a nice one. Although you are calling us elitists and threatening to leave, which again im sorry that you feel that way. There are legitimate discussions to be had, i have tried to do right as a mod and do what all the runners want.

"If you cared about the views of 'runners' why was I never contacted as someone who put a ton of time and effort into bringing down the time? Just because I'm not currently doing runs? Neither are some of the other people that seem to have had an input into this discussion. There are tons of ways to contact me besides only in the Fo4 Discord, yet I never saw any word of this. "

I have surely written about Fallout 4 on your stream, sometimes it might just be because it get's lost in the chat. I get that, but other times i knew you didn't care. :(

The shortlist of games i provided are but a few of such games though, sure some of them have more autoscrolling. But some of them actually has tech, rng, skill to some degree.(You can lose runs in Skyrims autoscroller) In the larger scale of things, would you not have tried out this game if we already started from freezer? I somehow think not. This is a change active runners voted on, mabye i should have pinged everyone who had not run it in a good few months. But that's why after such a long time, it's still not an active rule. We took it slow, we made sure everyone eventually got to know.

I get problems gathering my thoughts in longer replies, it's not that easy to write in English while trying to sound coherent.

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