Englandflicky8 years ago

There are a number of pretty affordable hostels in Copenhagen too which are worth checking out. I've stayed at Copenhagen Backpackers a few times and it's affordable, very nice and in a really great location (right next to the station).

I'm personally considering staying there myself for a night so I can go out too.

Englandflicky8 years ago

If any of you are travelling from the Czech Republic to ESA, you may need to buy me some Kout na Šumavě beer.

This is not a joke. I will pay you back for your troubles. Please let me know.

Planks 喜欢这个
Englandflicky8 years ago


It's pretty likely, but I would hold off on booking anything until I can confirm which shouldn't take much longer. Once we have tech sorted, the event is golden

Englandflicky8 years ago

(Dates - 25th-28th March)

There should be a full information thread here soon. I just thought I'd explain where we're at.

As Planks can't make it, we're just looking at how much tech we can use and setup for the event and who can run tech. Once this has been sorted, we're going to get full details from Multiplay and all will be posted here.

Damarsh, snerck 8 其他 喜欢这个
Englandflicky8 years ago

We already run events for Multiplay. I also know the event manager because I ran an event for him at Insomnia.

Englandflicky8 years ago

Alright guys,

We're sorry to say that we're going to be scrapping this coming Insomnia. I'm really sorry for you guys who booked time off or travel or whatever but we think it's the best idea for this time around.

Basically, we haven't heard a single thing from Multiplay since i55 (beyond me being asked about information for another event they want to run). I have emailed them myself and not heard a word. Considering Planks and I were supposed to go to Southampton and have a meeting at the offices and all of that, we're not too certain about what this means.

We had some stuff planned out for this event, but because we have no confirmation that we'll be there and have space and everything (I mean, we've heard literally nothing) we don't want to go into final organising (late) and get everyone on board to find out that they don't have space for us. At this point, it's too late for us to work on what was mentioned in passing ("we want you back") three months ago. At this point (less than four weeks out) it's just not a good plan to start all this in earnest.

Again, I'm really sorry about this falling through. We have no info about time-frame, accommodation, equipment, entry, food or indeed anything regarding the new venue so it's just too many unknowns for me to be happy taking you all to.

However, we will be doing our best to make i57 happen (Easter weekend in March) and I will be on Multiplay's case every day until we get it sorted.

Again, sorry guys! I'll see you March.

Englandflicky8 years ago

I've heard literally nothing about the event. I've tried asking but not had much in the way of responses.

I'm considering abandoning this Insomnia in favour of the one in April just so we can actually get something good organised rather than one based off four weeks. What do you guys think?

Englandflicky8 years ago

As far as we know there should be one, but we haven't got a confirmation.

Until you hear something however, assume it will be happening again.

Englandflicky8 years ago

We have no plans to raise money for charity right now.

Englandflicky8 years ago

Perhaps what I wrote was misleading, I don't know, but we will be looking to run all three events for at least 2016 unless things change with Insomnia.

Englandflicky8 years ago

Regarding streaming times, future events would be one of 10am - 10pm/12am/2am The "big" December event (meaning, December 2016) might be 24 hours if there are a lot of attendees.

Englandflicky8 years ago

Insomnia 55 Recap/Feedback

Hey guys! I wanted to write a little something about the event from my view, what might be happening in the future and to request feedback from you guys!

Recap First off, I have been going to meetups and the like for the best part of five years as an attendee and some form of organiser. This is the first time I've been fully in charge of something and I couldn't be happier with how we did. The plan was to not overreach for Planks and I, so we did a simple word of mouth advert for people and we purely used Speedrun.com for the first time, and you know what? We (as a group) fucking killed it. Our viewing figures were amazing and impressed the higher ups at Multiplay no end. That was of course thanks to the ESA channel, but we kept the viewing figures despite the main stage noise, the awkward spot and any other little problem. I'm deeply appreciative of you guys working with the shortcomings of the event (both on our end and Insomnia's) but more about that later. I really loved being at Insomnia despite all the new problems and a huge part of that was because of the attendees - I didn't know most of you before the event and you ended up being one of the best groups I have ever had the privilege to hang out with. The UK hasn't really had an open event and to see what our scene-within-a-scene can produce was wonderful. I honestly had a great time with all of you! To summarise - our attendees are wonderful and I sincerely hope all of you come to more events (be they ours or others) and I get to meet you all again.

__Future__ Now for the future, Multiplay are very, very keen to keep speedrunning in the future at their events and to support us more and more as time goes by. Planks and I are due to have a meeting at some point with the Multiplay directors in their offices and plan out what is to happen with Insomnia 56, this December at the NEC in Birmingham. The general deal is likely to be:

3 Events a year (April, August, December) A 24 hour space, possibly our own, possibly shared with FGC/esports/Retro Increasing sponsorship of equipment from Multiplay/Retrogames (Stream PCs, Tech Equipment, TVs etc)

All this is with a view to making one of these events (December) the second big event in Europe after ESA - due to the location of the NEC and the heavy support we could be getting, I don't see why this can't be a 100+ attendee event. These are obviously lofty goals and it's possible we could miss completely with this, but basically, they really want to support us and with the growth of each event, will only support us more. As far as we could read from our chats, their goal is to use us to help expand their online presence while growing our scene with them.

**Feedback** Finally, for feedback, we want to hear what you guys think about all this and the event itself. If you could sort of list the feedback into sections like my example below, that'd be great and I hope to see you again next year!

Feedback about Organisers Problems directly attributable to Planks/myself - lack of information on forums etc. I know there was a lot of missing information leading up to the event, some of that was us but a lot of it was because we ourselves weren't told by Insomnia, so sorry for that. This will naturally become less of a problem as we gain more experience with Multiplay and become more important in their eyes.

Feedback about Insomnia Problems about the event itself. We might not be able to do much about that, but we can at least lessen the effects. Gate 27.

Feedback about the future Literally what you think about the future plans and what you would like to see. My only qualms as it stands right now are running three of these a year might be too much for many people - that is just a feeling however and I could well be wrong. Multiplay are aware that many scenes have on and off seasons and we may be able to cut out one of the events should this become a problem. If all goes well, we'll probably be running the next four Insomnias regardless.

Misc. Anything else

Twiggy, mobiusman 3 其他 喜欢这个
Englandflicky8 years ago

Twitch stream I still don't know - Insomnia said they might have their own channel for it so I'm waiting to find that out.

Henneko - if someone says they're willing to switch I can do that, but otherwise I have no idea who is going to be around then.

Empty space is there because ChristosOwen dropped out of yet another event.

Englandflicky8 years ago

You get free entry to the event as outlined in the first post.

Why would you think you would need to pay all of a sudden?

Englandflicky8 years ago

Alright, shout out any problems with the Schedule. We don't have a lot of space to make things really uniform, but the timing works out.

Tyzerra - We get free entry to the event. We're free to walk everywhere other attendees are.

Englandflicky8 years ago

Alrighty, adding some information updated from Insomnia. (Camping information is to come later):

The event will be running 10am-6~pm each day now, not until Midnight. I'm not sure where the misunderstanding was, but that means shorter time for streaming - I will do my best to accomodate everyone (going to drop my run and Planks' run).

When you arrive, you will need to head to the Press/Exhibitor/Player desk and give your name. They will give you your entry. You might not need ID, but please bring it anyway. If you don't know where to go, if you ask for the "Kayam" you should get directions.

Insomnia should be providing us with the setup requested + 2 PCs, 2 Monitors, a TV, Chairs and some HDMI/DVI Cables.

We haven't got strict confirmation on streaming yet, but we should be golden there.

Alcohol - We are allowed to drink in the camping area and there are bars at Insomnia where we can drink if possible. No alcohol in the speedrun area though. Bring a coolbox and we can buy ice at a nearby Tesco.

Englandflicky8 years ago

Have added you to my list hypno.

Englandflicky8 years ago

Kitty, you already asked this question regarding yourself on page one.

If the person isn't running anything or helping out, they need to pay to enter the event.

Englandflicky8 years ago

Lee Reeves Andrew Bell Steven Wilson

Jadon Wylie George Bradley Chris Owen Ian Green

Josh Byrd Jason Collins Victor Haugan John Brennand James Browne Dylan Rothwell Charles Kimmelmann Jackson Payne Tom Baker

Lauri Männistö

Kieron Reynolds Joe Usher Lee Rawlin Alfie Mussett

Shannon McGrath Jonathan Cockroft Mycroft Mead Joshua Aubury

These are all the people on the list.

I have emailed everyone who emailed me. If you didn't get an email, I'm sorry but if your name is above, I have messaged you all at some point to say you're down.

Englandflicky8 years ago

I should be having a meeting with the multiplay guys some time soon.

If you have any last questions, let me know. Schedule will be out Friday~ish

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