Michigan, USAdiablo71 year ago

Correct me if im wrong here but there's a section in speedrun.com called resources. Thats where all the info would go we would need be. How is it against rules to provide a guide that goes into said resources area?

Michigan, USAdiablo71 year ago

I guess thats true now. I think theres only 1 glitch/sequence break console can do now as far as im aware. Now. Rip some of those were fun to perform too.

Michigan, USAdiablo71 year ago

You cant just downpatch like that from a digital download. Im not going to mess with my ps5 i play on the current patch because its the most stable. Im a NMG guy until a new skip is found. Telling me to downpatch when the original comment is about not downpatching but playing any% in the current patch which has since been answered with a respunding and unequivocally resounding no to my question.

Michigan, USAdiablo71 year ago

So many negative comments over a simple ask....

ShareW 喜欢这个
Michigan, USAdiablo71 year ago

I perfer to play on a stable version not some work around downpatch. My question still stands.

gw4yn 喜欢这个
Michigan, USAdiablo71 year ago

With the new patch out; the scope glitch has been patched. Any% is no longer really doable unless downpatched (most of us cant do that like steam accounts and digital downloaded versions of re4) will there be a new category or a change to an existing any%?

ShareW 喜欢这个
Michigan, USAdiablo71 year ago

Individual chapter segments would be fun for sure!

Decuscrub zgl 喜欢这个
Michigan, USAdiablo71 year ago

This has a checkpoint reset in it just after getting ashley including a long pause when getting her in a chapter end screen. The rules say you cant do the checkpoint reset at all so how is this even on the leaderboards?

Michigan, USAdiablo71 year ago

How is this first place?

Michigan, USAdiablo72 years ago

Sorry if its been asked already, new runner to the game. Is there going to be or already is a 100% category for the game? It would be really fun to do especially because all of the resident evil games prior had a 100% category.

主题: DOOM Eternal
Michigan, USAdiablo73 years ago

Hello, I've been waiting patiently for my runs to be verified, it has now been almost 2 months since I posted single segment runs and they are still pending, why? The feed says could take up to a few weeks not a few months. All the while I see others who play on pc have their runs verified the same day they post them. All im asking is to get to my runs in a timely manner. Waiting 2 months to find out if my run is good or not is really bad. Especially when I see others post same day and get verified same day. It is real annoying when I only do runs after verification. Please verify my runs or call them rejected because this waiting has ruined speedrunning for me.

主题: DOOM Eternal
Michigan, USAdiablo74 years ago

@THiEF_HD209 Lol wow dude. You have someone who agrees with your thinking of how pc and console should be separated and you go off on that person. Im not the problem its people like who yelling at those agreeing with you that makes shit worse, furthermore I don't care if I piss off anyone. I live my life they live theirs. If someone doesn't like my thinking they can ignore me. But in the end you can clearly see what I talk about and what you have suggested are literally the same thing. We both want to see console and pc separated your just pissed off at me for no damn reason other then to yell at me. Bottom line we both want the same thing so making me the bad guy for speaking my mind and actually expressing that is horse shit.

主题: Banjo-Tooie
Michigan, USAdiablo74 years ago

thank you for the response. I dont own a Xbox and the n64 version is the only one I got. Now to figure out how to stream/video it... cam Corder maybe? Idk ill figure it out lol

主题: Banjo-Tooie
Michigan, USAdiablo74 years ago

i am asking how i should time my runs if i use an n64 and have no real way of timeing my runs. I could use my phone but idk if that is allowed. Any help on how i can time a run would help greatly thank you!

主题: DOOM Eternal
Michigan, USAdiablo74 years ago

so it has been brought to my attention from admins who i wont get into about that they wont add a new game plus mode. So i am here today to potition it myself. Not everyone like playing doom i understand this. However when you bring up a topic or issue in this community im slowly realizing how toxic the admins are to ideas and opinions. However. If the speesrunner likes playing all the levels as if it was a new game plus why not do it? Ive been strong armed in my last 2 speedruns in an attempt to bring light to these guys that a New Game Plus category is warranted. If one person says something then thousands more will follow if they believe in the idea. New Game plus is not a new or original idea but it is apart of any game as a whole. I stand before you a man who was kicked off the discord for speaking my mind. Oh well you are toxic i see that. But my ideas are legitimate. In order to make these people see the truth behind a new game plus mode we must look back at doom 2016. This game had a legitimate category called new game plus. The idea was simple yet effective. So today i am laying down rules for Doom Eternal New Game Plus Mode. We need to ban together and start playing how we the player wants to play and not be bullied by modirators or Admins telling us our run is not legitimate enough for them. Theres currently no category but i hope bringing this to light will atleast spark the idea. I know im not the only one doing a make shift ng+ run on my downtime. But if these people to see no new categories then thats just wrong to an evolving community, i will always speak my mind it is how i was raised. Below is a basic ruleset for the new game plus mode i would like to see reach as a fun category.

New Game + RULES:

  1. Only 2 bfg shots per mission unless there's bfg ammo then you have your default 2, plus the bfg ammo in said level.
  2. Categories are any% is patch 1.04 and up and no glitches which is also 1.04 and up.
  3. Sequence brakes are allowed however only if you can make the jump. Meaning no batista boosting to make an otherwise none existent jump. And it goes without saying no Slope boosting Jumps because patch 1.04 and up. However the slide jump used in exultia to reach the chains for air dash is allowed. In Any% you can balista boost to make a jump.
  4. Complete the game as fast as you can.
  5. Time starts when you enter the first level in question and Time ends when you reach the main menu after the final Sin fight.
  6. You can complete each mission in any order you like except Hell on Earth must be first and Final Sin must be last.
  7. The use of Cheat codes are allowed however only infinite ammo, idkfa, all runes, overdrive and quad damage are the cheat codes allowed. You can use party mode and quake con cheats if you wish as well.
  8. Any difficulty is allowed. Except extra life and ultra nightmare.

Lets all ban together and show these Administrators we love New Game plus and make it its own category. These rules are fair yet simple its a new idea and alot of it was taken from the ruleset of Doom 2016. I will not be posting replys on this thread it is there to make others aware of our new game plus controversy at hand. All we need is 1 or 2 more runners to agree to these rules and boom 💥 its a category. I hope you all have a great day speedrunning i know i will ng+ has always been a favorite of mine. All the best -Diablo7

主题: DOOM Eternal
Michigan, USAdiablo74 years ago

Who said I am mad? There's no new game plus which is why I suggested it on a thread because it was a great category on doom 2016. Bloodshot even suggested what I should do. Which is what i am doing. Im not going to stop speedrunning new game + and there's a whole community that would love a ng+ but unfortunately doom eterbal has no such game mode so if im the person to start a movement to create such a category then so be it.. I've already set forth great rules for the category. Its up to the admins of speedrun.com to decide if its a category or not because I'm not the only person running it that's the law of averages. If one person speaks up there's thousands who won't but feel the same way. That's just science.

主题: DOOM Eternal
Michigan, USAdiablo74 years ago

Seems my run was denied because it was not a brand new file and there were no cohesive rules... how many times adding my ng+ runs to the board will it take for the admins to actually look at my run as legitimate i mean the rules i laid down ain't different to understand. I was told this "NMG run are from a new game file with cohesive rulesets" ...i guess this is where it all starts for ng+ runs. I added this same run to any% in hopes it gets evaluated better. Till my next run for ng+!!!

No Major Glitches - Classic in 2h 27m 58s* by diablo7 - 7th place New Game + RULES:

  1. Only 2 bfg shots per mission unless there's bfg ammo then you have your default 2, plus the bfg ammo in said level.
  2. Categories are any% is patch 1.04 and up and no glitches which is also 1.04 and up.
  3. Sequence brakes are allowed however only if you can make the jump. Meaning no batista boosting to make an otherwise none existent jump. And it goes without saying no Slope boosting Jumps because patch 1.04 and up. However the slide jump used in exultia to reach the chains for air dash is allowed.
  4. Complete the game as fast as you can.
  5. Time starts when you enter the file in question and Time ends when you reach the main menu.
  6. You can complete each mission in any order you like except Hell on Earth must be first and Final Sin must be last.
  7. The use of Cheat codes are allowed however only infinite ammo, idkfa, all runes, overdrive and quad damage are the cheat codes allowed. You can use party mode and quake con cheats if you wish as well.
  8. Any difficulty is allowed. Except extra life and ultra nightmare.
主题: DOOM Eternal
Michigan, USAdiablo74 years ago

Well I literally put rules like aloud cheats(specific ones), no slopeboosting, allowing sequence breaks as long as you can jump it without balista boost. Things like that. I also made it a rule that you need to run on current patch to not allow slopeboosting. Stuff like that. I think it will catch on especially when I submit several NG+ runs. Only time will tell the rules I set forth for it are fairly straight forward too.

主题: DOOM Eternal
Michigan, USAdiablo74 years ago

Thanks for the heads up bloodshot, I just got a run done and added the ruleset in the comments. I always looked at the meat hook as an extention of your height but going super high from it seems over excessive but I look at the Hell on Earth as an example. The very first caco demon you see after killing the priest is at just the right height to meathook to the normal out of bounds area and im unsure if that is considered any% or NMG. I think its NMG because your not glitching to get there kind of like the rocket launcher area in cultest base were you can grab on to the top of a pillar and skip the fight. Both seem to be the same level of meat hook to me. For sure I look forward to seeing how this turns out maybe it will become a new catigory ill have to make rules on for any% but to make it fair I think current patch is a must or at the very least on slopeboosting in either any% or NMG for NG+ categories.

Just a programmer that likes to speedrun
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