主题: The Site
Englandcallumbal6 months ago

still looks like shit :)

SioN Walgrey 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Englandcallumbal1 year ago

Ever since the "new" website launch in July, every pieced of box art has been forced into portrait dimensions.

Thousands of games have landscape, square, or other sized boxes, which has left thousands of boards will mangled box art with over half of the information cut-off at times.

Really hoping this gets fixed soon.

Walgrey Ivory 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Englandcallumbal1 year ago

The functionality to filter by system has always felt a bit flawed to me, as you get results that overlap highly frequently on certain systems. One basic example would be Gamecube/Wii.

If you filter by Wii, almost all the top results are Gamecube games that you can also play on a Wii because of backwards compatibility.

This makes discovering Wii exclusive speedruns substantially more difficult, as you have to wade through a sea of Gamecube games to find just a handful of Wii games.

Another problem is how Cover Art doesn't reflect what system that game is on. So sometimes you'll get raw art with no markers to signify what system it is on, to then click on it and find out it's not on the system you're looking for. This makes discovery further obscured.

All this doesn't even touch upon the games that get added with a dozen or more systems listed underneath. Who actually finds benefit from Super Mario Bros. 1 being sat at the top of the list for every Nintendo system you can name? It just gets silly!

通关记录: Old School RuneScape
Englandcallumbal1 year ago


Drewsef 喜欢这个
通关记录: Super Monkey Ball 2
Englandcallumbal2 years ago


dwaitley24 喜欢这个
通关记录: Super Monkey Ball 2
Englandcallumbal2 years ago


eddy0777 喜欢这个
Englandcallumbal2 years ago

I agree too. I unmodded myself recently as I don't have the time/energy to moderate the game anymore, and the other 2 mods haven't been active in a really long time. Hopefully a new person can be found soon.

AntBlueR 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Englandcallumbal3 years ago

It says I am not allowed to request moderation without having email verification tied to my account, the issue is that I've had this enabled since day 1, as it is mandatory for all leaderboard moderators. I can't even toggle it off and on again to try fix this, as again, it is mandatory and unchangeable.

Please fix this oversight so I can be added to a game with an inactive mod, thanks.

主题: The Site
Englandcallumbal3 years ago

Can I be given Super Mod for https://www.speedrun.com/supermonkeyball please?

I am already a moderator, but our only Super Mod stepped down a few months ago, so we have been left without any Supers since. I really need to add more mods to the game, cause I'm the only active one at the moment. Thanks!

主题: The Site
Englandcallumbal4 years ago

@Habreno Having zero moderators for a game seems like a solid reason to add one to me?? I'm sure others will wish to submit runs in the future, and this issue will invariably come up again if the game continues having no moderators. If it makes things simpler I can be made a mod for the game and source others who are more knowledgeable than myself to take over. Leaderboards without any moderators are just pointless.

主题: The Site
Englandcallumbal4 years ago

I discovered that the leaderboard for the game "Popful Mail" doesn't have any moderators at all, as the previous mod deleted their account. Can somebody please be added as a mod for this game? The 1 runner with a submission on the page hasn't logged in for over a year either, so might be best to pick someone other then them also.

主题: The Site
Englandcallumbal4 years ago

Hi, can I be given mod for Kururin Paradise please? The moderator for the game only logs in a couple of times a year and hasn't done a run of anything in even longer. I also mod the other Kururin games and want to update this games categories etc to fit with the rest. Thanks!


主题: The Site
Englandcallumbal4 years ago

Hi, can I be given mod for Kururin Paradise please? The moderator for the game only logs in a couple of times a year and hasn't done a run of anything in even longer. I also mod the other Kururin games and want to update this games categories etc to fit with the rest. Thanks!

Englandcallumbal5 years ago

So I looked into it and figured out the hundredths score digit + your lives count are what influence the patterns you receive in the bonus games!

mitch3a TheTerrificTracy 喜欢这个
Englandcallumbal5 years ago

I have absolutely no idea! Any info about it would be great. All the minigames apart from the last one only seemed to have a few set patterns. The last one is hell though, too many variations to account for manually when I tried figuring it out back in the day.

Englandcallumbal5 years ago

Well then, that was a pretty big overreaction. I was just curious how the runner got so many hits in on a particular boss fight and I couldn't replicate it on console, both with timing hits and mashing them (the point I'm referring to is when he lands 5 hits before being struck by the boss). He posted a link to it above. I have also never seen another player do this before.

After asking, the runner got very defensive and apparently deleted his runs from the leaderboard. Hopefully this is just a miscommunication and the runner took what I said the wrong way. I'm sorry Pikachu for any offence given, I just wanted to hear your explanation...

Here is the entire conversation we had. Pause to read if you wish. https://gyazo.com/d084f75bae8f084e3b35020eb9319047

主题: The Site
Englandcallumbal5 years ago

@Voxelse Thanks for the insight. That's neat how you did that! I wouldn't even know where to begin doing something like that honestly, sounds tricky.

主题: The Site
Englandcallumbal5 years ago

@HowDenKing The logic behind only having Gamecube to begin with was that the game was only released for that system. There also didn't appear to be any difference in load times between the systems.

Removing all the consoles and starting again was a last-ditch effort to see if that would fix the issue. It's not like removing all the runs listed as Gamecube is a big deal when we want to change basically everything to Wii anyway.

主题: The Site
Englandcallumbal5 years ago

I did as I described in the latter part of my post and made my own variable. This is NOT a viable solution though. The formatting looks messed up on peoples profiles as the console won't be where it's meant to be.

We'd also have to keep 2 versions of console options on the submission forms to have the game still show up in console lists, which then means manually editing anyones run who chose a console in the right box and put it in the wrong one. It's just a mess.

Not every run was done on Wii, no. but 90%+ have been. That's why we want to change so many runs to read Wii instead if Gamecube (GC was our only chooseable option until yesterday).

10 years ago
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