主题: PAYDAY 2
France_Carrot8 years ago

Hi, I recently started speedrunning this game, so I disabled all my mods, although I still had skins and gunsounds, but they don't affect the gameplay at all, so do I need to get rid of them too ? I did some runs that got rejected because I had skins, I think it's pretty stupid but you guys decide the rules. And also I have no idea how to remove the skins if I really need to, so anyone can help ? (I play on the latest steam version)

主题: Portal
France_Carrot8 years ago

You forgot the glitches.... And even if this is true, you can't have over a minute of loads since there is litterally 5 loads in this game, this is litteralyl impossible, it doesn't make sense. And since you have no demos or videos or any kind of proof for that run, until you make another one on stream or with demos, I'll keep thinking this is a fake time.

PackSciences 喜欢这个
主题: Portal
France_Carrot8 years ago

Well I don't know what you guys up there are talking about, what i know is that you did an rta run 50 seconds faster than the segmented Wr, so this seems a bit weird, unless you found some new strats but when you see the segmented WR, I think there's no way you can go any faster or at least no way to save 50 seconds, so if you really did this time well just stream a casual no reset run.

PackSciences 喜欢这个
主题: Portal
France_Carrot8 years ago

As Xeiz mentionned, I don't think more people will get sub 2s, as you need to be good at the game to get a sub 2 or even a cubethrow, it's not because you can reset faster that you'll actually get a sub 2 if you're not able to get one in the first place. I still think people will reset more, but on average the time will be the same, as personally I reset until I get a good 00/01. You could be a purist and say "You skip 53 seconds of the game", but Portal is a game where you reset a lot as you get better, since it's a really short game, and you actaully reset a lot, and those 53 seconds are really annoying, and I think some runners don't want to run anymore just because they got bored of all the waiting in 00/01, and some runners don't want to start running Portal just because of the waiting.

About the vault skip, there's no problem if you use a save, you'll just have to redo your run with vault skip to acually save time. Technically you're not skipping the vault with a save, the 53 seconds will be in your run anyway so there's no problem if we find a vault skip.

主题: Portal
France_Carrot8 years ago

I know, I don't really care about it, i'm litterally the only run, I just don't want any confusion, if anyone comes over the Prelude leaderboards to find a run. Even if there's one run on the leaderboards, that doesn't mean you can post fake, times in my opinion.

madsen 喜欢这个
主题: Portal
France_Carrot8 years ago

Alright, I know no one cares about Portal Prelude but I just noticed that a guy posted a run in 3:04, with no proof and an RTA time a minute over his game time, which is stupid as this game as fewer loads than Portal. Although this run is 50 seconds faster than the segmented WR, so I'm asking if any mods can request a video of this run, because if it exists then it looks awesome, or just remove this fake time ? (I post this in the Portal forums because I don't think anyone will notice this in the Prelude forums)

主题: Portal
France_Carrot8 years ago

That would be quite good, as long as you make a public save that we all have to use, otherwise anyone could set up the clipboard for a perfect stucklaunch and make a save, also i think most new runners will reset hard until they get a decent 00/01 instead of going with what they got, or going for a perfect cube throw, spending overall more time in 00/01. But that would be interesting and I think more people will be interested in running this game if this is allowed, so that would be quite good for the community.

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