通关记录: Bubble Bobble (NES)
California, USAToad224842 years ago

Just watched this again, such a fun run

Zimond 喜欢这个
California, USAToad224843 years ago
  1. Continuing from a phase you game over in is fine
  2. Yes it is allowed, simply a faster restart
  3. I don't see why not, you lose time but still use an in game mechanic available to you to restart.

Sorry for the late response, honestly never saw or even got a notification for it.

California, USAToad224845 years ago

That's a bit steep. I don't necessarily agree with not allowing flash carts at all. It's expensive to get a lot of NES games even if this specific one isn't. Basing on the fact that someone could cheat isn't the best way to go or else we'd just ban all emulators and flash carts. Chimp is right with the resetting and streaming to show as much work as possible. If people try hard enough they will get their cheated run accepted anyways.

Also what is the purpose of hiding emulator runs? If the emulator runs the game to the specifications of the console then that should also be fine or else just have their own category.

Just my 2 cents. I did do it on a flash cart and the RNG reacted the same as any of the real cart videos so I don't see the big deal here. If you can spot someone cheating on flash cart then thats great! Allow the rest of us to not have to spend more money to play these games haha.

California, USAToad224845 years ago

"陽翼: hey toad 陽翼: The difference between the American and Japanese versions of the game is that 30 beans can be replenished. The Japanese version has 50 beans to fill up, so I think this should be separated from the list Today, 11:34:44 PM 陽翼: Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu"

I received this message about this game. @Sidetrakkd What do you think? Separate categories?

California, USAToad224845 years ago

that is correct!

California, USAToad224845 years ago

you can use the phone to help you with the passwords, same with emulator. it would be unfair to ask everyone to remember the password from memory but you must use the passwords you get during your run.

California, USAToad224845 years ago

I separated the 2 categories now. Segmented allowing a single save and normal Any%. Great job bringing this time down so far and even considering sub 3 soon!

JacksBileDuct 喜欢这个
主题: Gradius
California, USAToad224845 years ago

Oh? I might have missed it. I didn't even realize this response happened. I have so many submissions come in I miss a lot of these discussions. I would love to see a vid of your huge time saves! I've been waiting to see the record broken!

主题: Ghoul School
California, USAToad224845 years ago

Under the more tab, Users. To a lesser extent the actual statistics tab. These will be expanded on in the future. I'm admittedly always one who loves statistics so It'd be neat to see major categories compared against each other and such.

Edit: Categories are now added.

主题: Ghoul School
California, USAToad224845 years ago

The problem with this is it opens a ton of personal WR categories. Maybe someone else down the line would pick up this category but this is already a game that isn't going to be ran by many people. That being said when it comes to overall solid categories that could add to a game I'm open to it. Of the categories you posted, 100% and Glitchless are the viable ones.

The worst part of speedrun.com are boards with 1-4ish runners and 12-20 categories. I hope this gets cleaned up a lot in the future. I feel this way because speedrunning is still on the rise and ever rising, hell the twitch rivals race is today and looks awesome. There needs to be some form of consistency with boards and how records are dealt with. The bigger boards have category extensions for the 100+ meme categories which is fine but I don't think they should go towards your total rankings. Any MISC. category shouldn't.

I will add 100% and Glitchless as I think those are both viable, different enough and interesting enough for a game like this. I appreciate your interest in this game for sure. It's nice to see smaller games try to garner a bigger interest. @RandomEffekt was correct. I mod 100+ boards or so and I miss a lot of these questions. I appreciate you tagging me RE.

GL with future runs and heres to hoping more runners run this game, its a cool speed game.

sixsevsairis 喜欢这个
主题: Ghost Lion
California, USAToad224846 years ago

Haha you're welcome. I love seeing excitement for a game to be ran, especially a game thats barely been ran like this one. Good luck on routing and running!

主题: Ghost Lion
California, USAToad224846 years ago

No problem! It seems like Any% and 100% can both be legit categories for this game. Let me know exactly what 100% entails and I can add the category. Looks like its:

All [number] side quests All [number] Allies

I'm not sure which items would go long with this so let me know if collecting all items is worth while or to stick to allies and side quests.

主题: Ghost Lion
California, USAToad224846 years ago

Hello pianistman and good luck with your routing and running of the game! When it comes to things like "No RNG manipulation" I am generally not a big fan of those categories because who can tell whether they are or not when they so no manip. Explain what the differences would be in non RNG manip that would make it worthy of its own category.

100% is a fine category. What would 100% entail however? I feel this also has to be different enough to warrant its own category. I'm not apposed to multiple categories but I won't let a board divulge into 10 different categories with one slight difference and be a total free wr mess.

主题: Gradius
California, USAToad224846 years ago

I’d also note that much like Journey to Silius this seems to be a checkpoint manipulation and not a wrong warp. I’m really curious to see how low the time can go!

Edit: Do you have an explanation on how you get this to work? Is there a set up or are you just dying at the end of the warp?

xenkaroshi 喜欢这个
主题: Gradius
California, USAToad224846 years ago

Hello! Let me apologize for not seeing this sooner. This trick would definitely be doable. Death abuse to skip a major portion of the stage is very interesting. You’d have to kill 10 moai heads after to actually save time but yeah that’s really neat. Great find!

xenkaroshi 喜欢这个
California, USAToad224846 years ago

Buffalax has completed the golden challenge and thus it will be made

buffalax 喜欢这个
California, USAToad224846 years ago

Yeah I never discourage people in any way when it comes to speedrunning whatsoever. That was meant as a compliment to his skill level as hes grinded this game a lot and is clearly quite talented. There was no happiness taking down these runs. It hurts to take down a quality run. I was simply trying to encourage him to continue running this game without save states in the future because it'd be a shame to lose a quality speedrunner over this.

As for not being in every NES rules section, somethings are missed. We all do this in our free time and there are a lot of NES games and people get preoccupied with other stuff. That was my mistake and I will add them now and to every board I moderate for future reference.

To sum it up: No one thinks DAIKON was cheating whatsoever. There is no questioning of his skill. Save states are not allowed in speedrunning at all. It effects games in too many ways and is unfair to do so. No one was calling anyone out they simply wanted to know what was going on in the video. No need to add any further drama on this issue.

CloudyShoe, buffalax, SubStylee 喜欢这个
California, USAToad224846 years ago

This thread is rather ridiculous. Calling it a witch hunt is absurd. The rules have always been and always will be no save states allowed for any reason. It is not a natural part of the speedrun process in any way. There is nothing to take personally here and the attacking of the OP over his simple question, you need to calm down. Very unwarranted and unwanted. New runners may not know this and thats perfectly fine, it happens often. Speedrun.com is becoming the centralized source of speedruns but its still rather new in the grand scheme of things and all rule sets aren't up to date unfortunately. Buffalax linked the standard emulator rules in the thread already so I've no need to repeat any of them.

When it comes to speedrunning it's always best to try and emulate as close to console as possible. That in no way means you can only play on console. Emulators are a fantastic tool that help get many people into speedrunning, including myself. Everdrives are also amazing for allowing practice on the console itself or to play a game that is simply way too expensive to get (Little Samson for instance). When you speedrun though you won't be allowed savestates or Lua scripts or any of that because its simply unfair to console runners. All we're doing is making it an even playing field for everyone, that is it. Save states can muck up in game RNG a lot regardless of how early or late they're used. This is why they will never be allowed. I'm sorry if that disqualifies a good run but you definitely have the skill to pull off an even better time in the future!

puke7, CloudyShoe, buffalax 喜欢这个
California, USAToad224846 years ago

I fixed it. I left it as the previous amount of yards because thats the video that it loaded up as. I browsed your YouTube and put in the 1351 instead. Should look correct now.

Edit: thanks for letting me know though sometimes I don't get these forum pop ups.

Reidood SchmidttyGames 喜欢这个
主题: Jackal
California, USAToad224846 years ago


I love the Jackal enthusiasm! I will say that I've thought about a 100%ish category but this goes a bit out of the way of that and into meme areas. It looks like a fun challenge run but I don't think it'd gain any traction as a misc. category. I never knew that you could actually hold all your P.O.W.s that's pretty great haha. There is also a discord you can discuss Jackal related ideas in! Here is the link: https://discord.gg/qcrWKs3

It's technically the Contra discord but there's no reason every game should get a separate discord, that is just too much hassle.

NeoKad WoopVonWoop 喜欢这个
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