LatviaSkLove2 years ago

With Valde's permission, I will start this thread.

I would like to share here any of my findings on this game, which I would like any of you to also be able to share something interesting here. More often in text form, because I consider making a bunch of short videos to be cluttering up the channel with garbage. Initially, I wanted to talk about one of the most exciting topics for me - this is the disappearance of the spended money on "Gunrunner's Parardise". But I will write about it later, as I prepare the text. For today, I can still throw off the results of my research in the latest mission "Meet Your Brother".

The results of my grind and research (3 world records, by the way =)):

With the help of a new strategy that I found random, disordered when I shifted the minigun from one hand to the other and accidentally pressed the fire button to shoot. To carry it out, after lifting the minigun and preparing it for combat readiness (the moment when you can start shooting from it), press the fire button 3 times. The first press means preparation for shooting, the second press means shooting, the third press means canceling shooting and restarting the scrolling of the minigun drum. Next, after 3 clicks, to kill the clone in the aisle, you need to quickly click on the "Holster" line in the weapon selection menu. We run to the passage, select the minigun on the way and immediately press and hold the fire button so that the minigun drum doesn't stop its course and we can immediately start shooting from it. Also, in order to run into the clone barcode scanning room, you must calculate well when exactly you need to select a minigun in the weapon selection menu. In the scanning room, we do the same actions, and kill the clones also without delay.

There are still things I would like to share. In the clone release room, they can be killed incredibly quickly, for this you need to choose a minigun approximately when your sight is aimed at half of the door with the symbol of a psychiatric hospital, if you run diagonally, as in my video. But this is generally very difficult to do. With the help of a minigun and without anything at the beginning of the level, you can make a time of 29 seconds, the main thing is to be: very lucky at the beginning, kill the Professor very quickly, kill the clones very quickly, and also throw out the minigun before killing the last clone instantly. But it's so complicated that I didn't even bother to grind it. To get the 30 seconds I wanted, I made 6 more runs before that, and gradually reduced the number of frames in the definitive speedrun.

As it turned out, a direct run out from the second door at the beginning of the level doesn't save anything, and it is better to run into the zone of the clone release trigger either in the corner or in the middle between the corner and a straight line. How the player can run out of the starting point and how quickly he opens the first door plays a more important role in saving time.

Fact №1: If the player has UZI or any other weapon to kill the Professor quickly, he can save about 1 second and 250 milliseconds.

Fact №2: If you drag a body and at the same time hold a minigun in your hand, you will be able to run with it diagonally, despite the fact that it's not possible to do this without dragging a body.

Fact №3: If you complete a level with the combination of two strategies with a sniper and a minigun at the same time, and also have an MP5 or M16A2 with you to quickly kill the professor, then you can make the best time in the high 26 seconds. I was doing it at a very slow speed (0.01 seconds) and it worked. But alas, only computer programs can do this. It is impossible for human to handle this. Because you need to turn around and aim almost instantly. After all, as soon as a player manages to run into the zone, when 48 can go out the first door in just a couple of frames, 48 starts running out, leaving no chance to perform a quick sniper kill through the wall.

You might have thought here, but you can skip the animation of hiding a minigun in 47's pocket by choosing a light weapon from 47's inventory. Yes, but it was maded with the help of this skip that I was able to combine two fast strategies at a very slow speed. Without this skip it is simply impossible to combine them, even at slow speed.

Fact №4: There is another strategy for faster killing of the first clone, but it's very unreliable. When selecting a minigun, we can instantly shift the minigun to the left hand, and we don't have to waste time on 3 clicks on the fire button. But we will need to press the firing mode switch button after we clicked on the "Holster" line in the weapon selection menu so minigun shoots in a burst. This way we can get into a more comfortable position before killing 48, but we will need to hit his head incredibly accurately to save time. And it saves very, very little. You can even save more time on the usual strategy by simply shooting and standing horizontally to the aisle in which 48 runs past you. So it's not even worth training.

Fact №5: Sometimes in some attempts, if you are very fast, you can cancel the animation of the sanitarium guard landing on a chair, which will allow him to immediately start shooting at 47. This will save time, and if you are very dexterous, 47 can die in just 7 seconds. But this rarely happens. And, probably, it doesn't even depend on the speed, but on the fact that perhaps the sanitarium guard manages to see 47 through the wall, or even something else. I can't say exactly how it works.

My thoughts about endings of Hitman: Codename 47 speedrun:

At the expense of the endings in the game and whether the ending with 47's death can be considered as a completion. I personally think that ending with 47's death can be regarded as the final cutscene. If you die in other levels, then nothing will happen to 47 (Training as an example), or the game will force you to pass the level again, including it again. There is no such thing in the final mission, you are simply thrown into the game menu, which means that the game is over, you don't have to play anymore. If the game considered 47's death to be an incorrect completion, then the game would always start the level again, but this doesn't happen. The ending with a death of the Professor differs from other endings in that it doesn't throw a player into the main menu, but waits until a player himself presses the cutscene skip button. But everything would be clear, only there is one snag and this is a bug with an instant departure to the main menu. It occurs when the Professor is killed quickly. It happens because the audio file of Professor's replica: "You have proved to be my favorite son - I'm so proud of you!" doesn't end in time before the next audio file is turned on, which begins at the third position of the camera in the final cutscene with a death of the Professor. This glitch completely kills the whole idea with an allegedly "canonical" ending, in which the player completes the game himself, and not the game stupidly throws him into the main menu. The main thing is that a player has no conditions on how to complete the game. He just chooses how best to pass it. With all 3 endings, the main command "Terminate_level" is called, meaning the completion of the level. If the task fails, commands are called to execute a particular scene (Execute_pop_scene) in "The Setup" this is to start the level again, in others show Mission_Status_0. The endings in the "MYB" mission differ only visually. In general, we can always look at the credits in the menu, in old games they were often provided for viewing according to the standard in the main menu. Yes, the "canonical" ending has a kind of excuse, where the player allegedly makes the last click. But a glitch with a complete skip of the entire cutscene destroys this concept, which is why I don't see any differences between the endings for main category "Any%" of speedrunning. After all, this is ANY percentage, and not "complete the game with this ending, not the one you want."

Something like that for the first post =)

Skulli007, valdemarka, Zick 喜欢这个
LatviaSkLove4 years ago

Yesterday, August 2, I discovered exactly how to make a glitch like "Replay skip", which I wrote about earlier in the discord server in June. This glitch was found by me in January 2020, but then I didn't know how to make it. Now I finally have the instructions:

  1. The player is on a certain surface (grass and roadside asphalt - on these surfaces, the mechanism of this glitch has already been studied; asphalt and different layers of roads - happened accidentally, but you can make it on these surfaces, but the mechanism is not studied).

  2. On this surface, you need to click any way on F3: most likely I didn't work F1-F3; F3-F1 exactly worked; whether F3-F3 I didn't check.

  3. The player changes the surface on which he is located to another (for example, such transitions as Grass -> Asphalt or Roadside asphalt -> Asphalt) Asphalt is the road surface and all its layers; roadside asphalt is the surface on which Tommy appears at the very beginning of the game and takes the first steps. Grass - any green surface.

  4. Glitch is that when you change the surface of replay, which can be skipped begins after the key has been pressed F3 and as soon as the player changes the surface to another while suspended; and on the other surface is a sufficiently large amount of time (I don't know exact, but roughly equal to 10 or 15 seconds)

  5. then you need to go back to the surface on which the key was pressed F3 (as soon as the feet of Tommy or the wheels of the car touches the surface of the replay will be played next, but not visible on the screen)

  6. You need to wait this amount of time, which you want to skip this replay, so here we need to clearly calculate what time you should be at this surface, prior to activation of the replay (In the SSU run player coming out of the store and should be very clear to all calculate not to lose any seconds - the countdown for the replay and for SSU)

  7. Press the F1+F3 at the same time and you have played back the replay, but not at first, but since you gave him from the surface in a normal game.

In SSU, I have found only one way to use this replay skip for a normal route (I haven't checked for TAS-route, but I am sure that this may be possible as the replay skip can be used even after I reloaded the save). (NG+ stuff or something?)

I use the standard keyboard layout. We go to the SSU zone, press Tab+F1+F3 at the same time, after the replay quickly press and hold Capslock and release after the appearance of the label all, as always.

I don't know if I can press Capslock+Tab+F1+F3 at the same time, but I couldn't. I didn't find an easier way to click replays, I'll add that you can press F1->F3 while waiting for the replay skip, maybe you can use this to find an easy way. And you will only have one chance to click on the replay for skip.

I will leave interesting videos that I made yesterday, maybe they will clarify the situation more clearly for you:

  1. Replay skip showcase (useful glitch for Any% SSU speedrun) My fifth recorded replay skip (Other records were lost due to the fact that I didn't know how this skip works).
  2. How replay goes, but is not shown in the screen.
  3. Bugs when using replay skip.
  4. Place to move to the spawn circle of the seller with a strategy with a replay skip.
  5. Showing a usage of replay skip in Any% SSU speedrun on usual route.
  6. Showing a usage of replay skip in Any% SSU speedrun on TAS route.

Update (September 6, 2020): I combined six previous videos into one:

Unfortunately, I don't have time to create a video, so I will at least pass it on here to you. Note that the replay does not stop at nothing, it is paused in the game after the player has changed the surface. So here you need to look at the presence of NG+. I called this NG+ restart save, but I don't know yet if it's possible to call a replay through a new game for TAS-route, for example.

Instructions for using Replay skip for TAS-Route in Any% SSU:

  1. F3 -> F1 at the beginning of the level during landing in Faggio (to enable rampage);

  2. F3 -> F1 on the grass for the start of the replay, which will be skipped (for the failure of the rampage);

  3. Store robbery;

  4. Dupes stage via F3 -> F1 - F3 -> F1;

  5. Every time you drive along the road from the store to the dupes, you need to be on the grass as much as possible, as the replay in these frames begins to go;

  6. Jump out on the grass and cross the despawn at the right time for SSU;

  7. You are looking for a cop car, and then Tab+F1+F3 -> Capslock, as I wrote earlier.

In the end, I would like to apologize to all of you for the immature behavior and for the toxicity, I don't know, I was just filled with envy, because I have a weak computer. People, like me, tend to blame others for their own insignificance. It's sad, but it's life. So sorry.

Update (September 25, 2020): I found a strategy that no one has ever used before in Any% SSU speedrun. It saves almost no time at all, just a couple of frames. And it's better to just drive the car into the seller's spawn zone, and click: Capslock(h)→Tab→F3(f), as demonstrated by RoK_24 in his PB. I noticed that it worked very often for me, despite how badly I pressed the keys. When I tried to push, just like RoK in his PB, I did not succeed the first time, but with this strategy I almost always succeeded. Because of this, you can understand that it is much easier and faster than what Marushko, guywith and Anti_rta did in their PB.

And so here is the instruction:

  1. Run into the car
  2. Get in the car
  3. During the animation of landing Tommy in the car, press: Tab→F3(f) Note: instead of F3, you can safely press F1+F3 to the Replay Skip glitch, and even with this skipped replay, everything will work fine.
  4. During the replay, you will need to press Capslock to activate Vigilante later and hold it without releasing it.
  5. After the end of the replay, just wait for the cutscene of purchasing a safehouse and do everything as usual.
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