主题: Speedrunning
PortugalSilentStorm5 years ago

Yep, people who aren't aware of SRW would be suprised at how story heavy it is, between every stage and even during the stages there is a lot of dialogue, as for attacks, there are some whose animation automatically plays in story moments where a character beats another one, or one of your characters unlocks a new attack and it's time to show it, i think you can skip those by pressing a button though.

And Super Robot Wars X is nothing, the OG sub series(there are various sub-series that are one really big story) is the king of long animations for robots as far as the series is concerned, X is just a stand alone game so the animations aren't always really long.

It's a great series, just don't know if it's that good for speedruns...OH, right, cool little detail about SRW, it has led to two animes being created, and it loves to reuse and reintroduce robots in new stories, Mazinkaiser in particular was created for SRW F Final for the Sega Saturn/Playstation and got so popular they made an OVA and movie out of him...not even kidding: You must be really damn popular when you aren't the main character in any of the games and you still get your own AU where you are the hero and a freaking movie.

Actually, Kabuto Koji and his robots tend to appear a lot in Super Robot Wars, to a point where the only games he skips are the OG series and he's pratically considered an unofficial mascot for the series, needless to say, the upcoming SRW T game for PS4/Switch features the guy and his mecha in the trailers.

CoolHandMike 喜欢这个
主题: Speedrunning
PortugalSilentStorm5 years ago

Super Robot Wars series, for those who aren't aware, it's a Fire Emblem like series that has mostly stayed in Japan though recent titles have had english translations from the start despite only being sold in Japan.

The reason why they would suck to speedrun, though?

A lot of dialogue to start, my God, SRW games put a lot of emphasis on story, though newer games have a fast forward function to help people who don't want to run through minutes of dialogue before each fight...though fights still have dialogue.

The problem is the fights, sure, it's like Fire Emblem...except the more recent the game, the longer animations it tends to have, some animations are really pretty damn long, and sure, you can skip them or remove them entirely...but then you get a SRPG where you just skip dialogue and you only see some figures on a map momentarily flashing and a bunch of numbers appearing, making for a boring speedrun, also a lot of menuing.

Playing casually, it's a really fun series with good plots and lots of awesome stuff and animations to watch: But as a speedrun, it's just a SRPG and menus with almost nothing happening but a few flashes and numbers for many stages.

CoolHandMike 喜欢这个
主题: Talk
PortugalSilentStorm5 years ago

Some roguelites and shumps mostly, shmups because they still require a lot of replaying a game to get good, but even without improving times you still feel yourself getting better and going further in the game as you play as a badass ship/character wrecking stuff up.

Roguelites i play because...well, they are always different whenever i play them, whether i try to go fast or not, there is always something that is noticeably different about each run and i love that.

As for which games in both genres have gotten my attention?

ZeroRanger is one of my favorite games released this year and the best shump of 2018, no questions asked, fast, fun, great soundtrack and a lot of quality of life features and twists i love about this game i don't normally see in shmups.

Slay The Spire is the roguelite i am playing right now, it's odd, i typically hate card games but i have been playing the hell out of this game, it's really addictive and pretty damn fun to me.

主题: Speedrunning
PortugalSilentStorm5 years ago

On the one hand, it's always good to see more games being speedrun, variety can only be a good thing after all, and making videos of runs or streaming them leads to a chance of creating a bigger community dedicated to beating a game fast.

But if it's only to make an easy WR or two and then abandon the game, it just feels a bit...hollow and pointless, what's the point of getting a WR just to say you have one after all, it's not as if you got a WR in a really popular game with a lot of runners like Super Mario 64 or Ocarina Of Time, you can even see it in the speedrunning reddit, people posting WR's at some indie games and maybe one or two posts saying "Congrats" and that's it.

Just run the games you like for yourself, not for easy WRs, because a lot of people will not care because they can feel the main runner doesn't even seem to enjoy the game all that much.

主题: Speedrunning
PortugalSilentStorm5 years ago

I guess it depends if the Score-Attack games have objectives or things to unlock, in which case it can be about you 100% by unlocking everything with the lowest amount of deaths possible rather than scoring.

For example, pinball, everyone knows that a lot of pinball tables and games have objectives or missions to do, right?

And if you complete all of them you enter Wizard King mode where as a reward for completing the "storyline" of sorts you get a special mode where the table looks different and everything gives you a lot more points.

I can see a pinball speedrun being just trying to get to Wizard mode as fast as possible and really not caring about score, though it would require a lot of skill and probably be boring to many viewers, even if you ran something from, say, Pinball FX3.

Imaproshaman 喜欢这个
主题: Speedrunning
PortugalSilentStorm5 years ago

Shmups, i guess?

I love the genre, and it involves a lot of repetition and skill improvement, but it's mostly auto scrollers with some games that do allow you to pick different routes, but again, mostly autoscrollers.

Though i guess one could play the game not caring about losing lives and even losing or making a continue to get more bombs to kill bosses faster if the game allows for it.

Basically, not caring about scoring or 1CCing a game, just being careless at some points to do more damage and finish the game faster.

主题: Speedrunning
PortugalSilentStorm6 years ago

Pretty much, nothing is stopping one from playing a horror game that isn't a Visual Novel, i mean, speedruns of those would basically consist of getting to the faster ending, or if it's a Kinetic Novel ala Highway Blossoms, just skipping the text until the end of the game.

And hell, Resident Evil has a community due to the series being very popular, same with Silent Hill, Amnesia and other survival horror games.

Heck, you don't even need a full blown survival horror game, just a game with horror themes, for example, DUSK is a fun FPS that can best be described as "guy finds himself in a place full of scary looking monsters, creepy looking backgrounds, jumpscares and creepy voices while having a full arsenal of weapons ready to kill everything" and at quite a few points it actually works as a horror game despite everything, particularly in the second chapter.

PortugalSilentStorm6 years ago

There were a couple of Power Rangers games, even a recent beat'em'up game that is according to reviews just ok, though the most well known ones come from the SNES/Genesis era, there are some other ones like a Lightspeed Rescue game for the N64 and some portable games too.

And Super Sentai(the franchise that Power Rangers is based of) has other games as well, like two platformers on the NES(including a Zyuranger game, AKA, the series that became the first Power Rangers series) and a platformer on the SFC(based on Carranger, which was turned into Power Rangers Turbo for the rest of the world.

It's only natural that Super Sentai, a franchise that has been running non-stop since 1975, and Power Rangers, which has been adapting Super Sentai since 1995, have a couple of games done about them, games that could be speedrun at that.

Heck, Super Sentai even has a Musou game which even has the very first Super Sentai team as playable characters!

TurnipWaa 喜欢这个
主题: Talk
PortugalSilentStorm6 years ago

Isn't that normal?

Spend a lot of time doing something and you are likely to get tired of it or just not enjoy it as much and look for other hobbies or other ways to spend time.

When not in a gaming mood, i like to walk around town, listen to podcasts(strangely enough, not much of a music listener...that doesn't come from TV, Movies or video games), watch tv or movies, or just read, sometimes there are periods when i do one of those things more than the others before going back into doing another more.

Right now i am in one of my gaming periods where i really like to game, before that it was TV shows(thanks Netflix!) and right now i can see myself going back to walking around a lot while listening to podcasts.

At least that's just me, there are just phases when i do one hobby more and do less of the others and ignore them only to get back to them.

主题: Speedrunning
PortugalSilentStorm6 years ago

Seydie is looking for games with active runners but with a small community, not dead or almost dead games(in terms of speedruns) so i don't think New Rally X is something Seydie will want to try.

But go for it, i am trying to run Fight'N Rage, which only has one run on this site, with Gal(as she is the fastest character even if dealing little damage and having low HP) and i am hoping i can make one run soon in the next month or so.

If you love the game, you should try to run it, arcade games seem like the perfect mix of challenging yet short games to speedrun, at least to my noob eyes, part of the reason why i am trying to run a beat'em'up actually.

Seydie 喜欢这个
主题: Speedrunning
PortugalSilentStorm6 years ago

I believe so?

At least i heard that the Xbox version is not as bad, but still not what AGDQ wants, looking at runs, the most gorey or crass games do not seem to appear, really giving the PG-13 feel, so i doubt Conker will ever appear unlike Super Mario 64 or the Banjo games.

Same deal for games like the Senran Kagura series, their content is...not exactly what one wants from a family friendly event even if the game isn't super gorey or crass.

主题: Speedrunning
PortugalSilentStorm6 years ago

Great, i was just worried about the repetition since i won't be going for WR's so i am glad that it's not really such a bad idea to run more than one game.

607 喜欢这个
主题: Speedrunning
PortugalSilentStorm6 years ago

Maybe this is a really noob question, but it seems like a lot of speedrunners seem to run only one game.

And i am noob which still has to complete a run, but there are some games that i am interested in running because i find them fun, or i think they could make for a fun speedrun.

I know that it's best to really practice just one game a lot and perfect it, but i was wondering if it's a really bad idea to try to learn to speedrun two or three games at the same time?

主题: Speedrunning
PortugalSilentStorm6 years ago

If you're looking for other platformers, while these aren't really Megaman style, there is always these ones:

Noitu Love 2: Devolution- Awesome and fast paced platformer game, with the twist that it was made with Keyboard and Mouse in mind.

Broforce is also pretty damn awesome, some big RNG depending on what mode you play in though, as there are many playable characters and most modes have you going through levels with random characters each time, requiring you to have to know what each character does and adapt to each level and situation, still, it's a fast paced game that is an homage to old action movies about a team of 'Merica mercenaries fighting the terrorist forces of Satan, Xenomorphs(and the Predator is a playable character!) and then going to Hell itself to kill Satan with explosions everywhere.

Rayman Origins and Legends- Both are great platformers, enough said.

Cursed Castilla(Maldita Castilla EX)- Remember Ghosts N Goblins?

Because that game is a homage to that series, with all that entails, still, it's a fun game if you like that particular series.

主题: Speedrunning
PortugalSilentStorm6 years ago

RosenkreuzStilette is a Megaman like game that you could try.

20XX is the closest thing to a Megaman roguelite in the world right now, if you don't mind the idea of running a game like that.

Rom hacks and fan games of Megaman are always there for people who want to play Megaman but don't want to play one of the old ones, there are even clones using the same style of gameplay with characters from other franchises, like Megamari which is Megaman with Touhou characters.

主题: Speedrunning
PortugalSilentStorm6 years ago

Honestly, it seems that there are many games without many runners, you just have to look for them, particularly for indie games.

After all, the games with most runners are those that are considered classics or mostly mainstream(or hacks of them), if you look, you can easily find a game with little to no runners and start a community...or get an easy top 5 due to it.

For example, the metroidvania Ghost 1.0 only has two runs here for the bad ending category, same goes for Castle In The Darkness.

Granted, it means less competition, and if you stream, less viewers than a SM64 run attempt would get, but you would become a new member for a small community.

Seydie 喜欢这个
PortugalSilentStorm6 years ago

Yeah, but from what i understand, emulators aren't taken as seriously as the original console because they change some things, to the point that they are their own category.

Besides, PC has many games already, many of which don't even seem to have big communities, and as a guy that likes to be slightly contrarian, the idea of speedrunning an indie game like Castle Of Darkness, Broforce or Iconoclasts over becoming another person speedrunning Mario 64 or Ocarina Of Time appeals to me.

PortugalSilentStorm6 years ago

Hi, i have no experience with speedrunning, but after watching some speedruns from AGDQ and more i got inspired and felt the need to start.

It's just amazing seeing people destroy or complete games pretty fast, that being said, i won't be trying for World Records or anything, just think that speedrunning could be fun and a good way to get more out of a game.

Sadly, i only have a PC so any runs i try in the future will be based on that, thinking on trying runs on platformers and metroidvanias, at the moment i am considering starting speedrunning with Celeste, as it's a recent game that i have been enjoying a lot.

Either that or something like Slime-San or Rabi-Ribi, i dunno, the idea of speedrunning a RPG is not that great to me as they take quite a few hours, same with many other long games, maybe later on in the future.

6 years ago
5 years ago