Denver, CO, USAShesChardcore3 years ago

Howdy folks. I'm going to be making a couple of formatting changes to the main high score board.

First, we will drop the last 3 places in the score (the hundreds) for the "time" submission. So a score of 5674380 would be entered into the time field as 5s674ms. I'm guessing that we'll never see a 60 million score in the main category but we'll figure it out if that happens.

Second, a custom variable will be added to the submission process where you can enter the full score including the hundreds. SRC does not let us rank runs by their variable so this is mostly for accuracy and the very unlikely event of 2 scores being within 999 points of each other. In the unlikely event of a tie, the universe will probably implode or something.

Probably going to work on it tonight unless anyone has a last minute objection. Thanks folks!

AriesFireTiger, Elohzee, MagicK 喜欢这个
Denver, CO, USAShesChardcore3 years ago

50 line subcategory has been added. All previous any% runs have been converted to the 25 line subcategory. Have at it, folks!

Denver, CO, USAShesChardcore3 years ago

I will look into implementing this later today. Thanks for the suggestions and for posting a run!

Denver, CO, USAShesChardcore3 years ago

The following changes have been implemented:

  1. Speedrun categories can use any dip switch configuration since it wouldn't really affect anything.

  2. Main high score category must use dip switch 3 on and nothing else to match the original intended competition. Your run will end around 6:08 using our timing rules.

  3. We made a misc category for "high score all dip switches" to give people the max amount of time to see how silly the scores can get. I legitimately hope some shenanigans happen that break the game somehow, haha.

AriesFireTiger MagicK 喜欢这个
Denver, CO, USAShesChardcore3 years ago

I like Aries' suggestions here. It doesn't require any retimes, it seems reasonable and fair and it would spark competition in the way the original tournament was built for.

dlloyd10 喜欢这个
Denver, CO, USAShesChardcore3 years ago

That would line up, my "zero switch" time plus switch 3 would get us to the 6:21 limit which I feel is reasonable. We don't have to adhere to the tournament rules but I feel like the main Any% goal with Tetris 25 lines should be locked to the 6:21 time and require only switch 3 by default. I don't think this is unreasonable and should allow most runners to finish the goal. High Score could then be a misc category where anything goes, including all 4 switches so you can see the astronomical scores people will be able to get.


dlloyd10 喜欢这个
Denver, CO, USAShesChardcore3 years ago

It appears that there are DIP switches that modify how long the player has to complete the goals. By default, all switches are off for me (using Mesen) which locks the time limit to around 4:54.XX (starting from the 400 frame in SMB 1, so I guess it's like 5:07ish overall real time)

If all switches are set to on, the player has considerably more time (9:48ish) before being kicked out making the current Any% Tetris 25 line goal much more achievable and allowing for potentially crazy high scores.

The actual cart uses these switches so there's no unfair hardware vs emulator advantage (unless you can't set the switches for some reason on Everdrive/Power Pak)

Basically, do we allow the changing of DIP switches to make the Any% run more friendly? If a Powerpak/ED user could chime in on this as well, that would be good.

MagicK, dlloyd10, TwitchName 喜欢这个
Denver, CO, USAShesChardcore3 years ago

Sure, I'm down to help. This game is going to be in one of my Chardcore 20 events so hopefully we can bring more runs to the board since it's a special piece of NES history.

AriesFireTiger dlloyd10 喜欢这个
Denver, CO, USAShesChardcore3 years ago

I wouldn't say I "deserve" it but I am definitely willing to help. JSR and Aries and others are treating me like a speedrun ambassador so I might as well play the part :p

AriesFireTiger dlloyd10 喜欢这个
Denver, CO, USAShesChardcore3 years ago

It looks like things are calming down, which is great. If you do need the help, I'm willing to be a mod or at the very least, part of the discussion about categories, timing etc. Starting a new board with unforeseen growth is challenging. I did try to get this game on SRC a bunch of months ago and it was rejected for being "fragments of a game" and not a full title, but I'm glad to see it here now.

AriesFireTiger, Runaway 2 其他 喜欢这个
Denver, CO, USAShesChardcore3 years ago

Sub 10 Metropolis will happen. Might not be me but it's on the table for sure.

Bokonon_Lives junkyard_dave 喜欢这个
Denver, CO, USAShesChardcore3 years ago

Thanks Dave! It was a really fun experience with all of the runners finding new stuff like we did. The evolution of the strats was a sight to behold

junkyard_dave 喜欢这个
Denver, CO, USAShesChardcore3 years ago

Either way is fine but I lean towards option 2.

junkyard_dave 8BitsOfJoy 喜欢这个
Denver, CO, USAShesChardcore4 years ago

I decided to delete the no continue categories and will just be making a subcategory for those per difficulty.

Denver, CO, USAShesChardcore4 years ago

Subcategory should be live. Let me know if there are issues

retro_smitty 喜欢这个
Denver, CO, USAShesChardcore4 years ago

Thanks for the video. I'll get it set up as a subcategory tomorrow.

retro_smitty 喜欢这个
Denver, CO, USAShesChardcore4 years ago

I will get them added soon once I figure out the best way to implement it. If any timing rules are slightly different in the Vs version we can update the rules accordingly, just let me know.

Denver, CO, USAShesChardcore4 years ago

It's really up to the community sometimes. You could certainly make a new board for the Vs version, or we can add a subcategory to this one to split between NES/Arcade. I'm open to whatever you folks want to do.

Denver, CO, USAShesChardcore4 years ago

I'm not familiar with the Vs version, but what categories would make sense? The same ones?

主题: The Site
Denver, CO, USAShesChardcore4 years ago

Hello. I am requesting moderation for https://www.speedrun.com/the_chessmaster_snes - I have a pending run over 21 days old and got no response from either mod on Discord. Thank you..

No longer speedrunning as of 4/12/23. For real this time.
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