Ontario, CanadaSableBC3 years ago

I recently downloaded Madagascar 2005 on my pc in hopes of speed running it, every time I open it, it runs fine but when looking around and moving my mouse it will move the mouse onto my second monitor so that when I left click it minimizes the game screen. I cant find any options for full screen borderless in the display settings or settings in general. Any help or incite would be very much appreciated.

Ontario, CanadaSableBC3 years ago

I recently downloaded Madagascar 2005 on my pc in hopes of speed running it, every time I open it, it runs fine but when looking around and moving my mouse it will move the mouse onto my second monitor so that when I left click it minimizes the game screen. I cant find any options for full screen borderless in the display settings or settings in general. Any help or incite would be very much appreciated.

5 years ago
2 years ago