主题: The Site
Pac5 years ago

[quote=Kungkobra]Are custom game themes supposed to only work in night mode?[/quote]Yep. It was impossible to make sure any theme colour could work on both Day and Night modes. It worked for some neutral colours like dark blue and green, but not for others like yellow and pink.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64, Noice 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Pac5 years ago

[quote=Finalflame]the ability to add custom themes to game[/quote]That's not gone, only the backgrounds. Games can still have custom themes.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64, Noice 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Pac5 years ago

We decided to get rid of custom backgrounds because very few of them actually looked good. Most themes didn't look good at all and just made a lot of leaderboards illegible. At least with banners, they don't interfere with the rest of the page.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 10 其他 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Pac5 years ago

@Liv Fixed.

@Uniwersal I'm afraid so.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64, Noice 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Pac5 years ago

EDIT: Please see the new thread for amendments to the layout.


I've spent the past few months completely re-doing the site's front-end, and it's finally ready. There are too many changes to mention, but the big differences are better-designed UIs (for things like managing games and submitting runs), day/night mode, and a new theme system.

Please let me know of any feedback here. I may have missed a couple pages or forgotten to update some parts of the site to the new layout, so please post any bug reports here too.

Hope you guys like it :)

  EDIT: Okay guys I've heard you. I'll see tomorrow about possibly bringing back some of the customisation options.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 39 其他 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Pac5 years ago

Thanks for everything, Kirkq. You've been absolutely invaluable to the site and it won't be the same without you. Best of luck with the future. o7

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 11 其他 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Pac5 years ago

It'll be ready by the end of 2019, I promise.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 19 其他 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Pac5 years ago


YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 8 其他 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Pac5 years ago

You were banned for spamming. Ring any bells?

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 13 其他 喜欢这个
Pac6 years ago

No, I did not forgive you, and I did not say it was okay for you to come back. I said I would consider letting you come back in a month. But then the very next day you said this:


Congratulations, you blew it.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 21 其他 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Pac6 years ago

Done! Thanks for the great suggestion.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 7 其他 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Pac6 years ago

Yeah the Japanese name field is hidden for now, because I'm making some changes to how languages work.

[quote]I believe Pac is fluent in Japanese[/quote]Nah only about half. There's a native speaker, 0xwas to translate the site navigation. I've been trusting game mods to translate the Japanese names of games, and for the most part, it's worked out fine, but a lot of the time "Japanese characters only, no rōmaji" is too difficult to understand apparently.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 4 其他 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Pac6 years ago

Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of the domain scorerun.com. Sure, it's analogous to speedrun.com, but it doesn't stand very well on its own; if speedrun.com didn't exist it would sound dumb.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 13 其他 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Pac6 years ago

Honestly, I don't even like the domain name highscores.com. It's not intuitive and would get confused with highscore.com. However, if I manage to get highscore.com, I might buy it as well some day to account for any confusion, like I did with** www.speedruns.com **

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 13 其他 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Pac6 years ago

So, something that's been on my mind lately is high scores. As you all know, there's no go-to / universal site for high scores on the internet. And for a while now, people have been asking me to add high scores to speedrun.com, however I don't particularly want to do this because high scores are not what the name "speedrun dot com" implies.

So I started looking at the alternatives. There are existing sites rivalling Twin Galaxies, such as Cyberscore and highscore.com, and while some have significant databases of records, none of them are quite what I think is needed right now, and that is a centralised high score website, where records wouldn't be verified by a higher team of moderators, but rather by moderators of game, pretty much the same way it works here on speedrun.com. This site would ideally collaborate / pool data from the existing alternatives to Twin Galaxies, and I believe if it's done right, it could become the most reputable high score site, and could even incur a surge in popularity of high score attempts, and streaming them on Twitch.

I would be willing to build such a site, or at least, if we could get a team together, collaborate and direct its development.

One issue however, is the name. Of all of the existing sites, one that really caught my eye is highscore.com. What a perfect domain name that is. I actually reached out to the owner in January and said all of the above, and offered to buy his domain name for a certain amount of money. He declined, adding that he's not currently interested in selling it (and that if he were, that amount doesn't come close to what the domain is worth), adding however, that he would be willing to consider collaboration / cross-promotion. We chatted a little back and forth throwing some ideas around, but nothing has yet been decided.

However, I'm not sure if I'm personally up for that, or if it would even work out. I feel like in order to see this through fully, then I need full control / ownership of it.

Last week, I was chatting to one of the head admins of Cyberscore, and mentioned all of the above. We had an informal chat, and basically, they would be very up for helping out / pooling / sharing data if this were to happen, which is good to know.

So, I'm now left with 4 options:

  1. Add high scores to speedrun.com.
  2. Work with the owner of highscore.com to try to improve the existing site.
  3. Try again to buy highscore.com (offering more money), make a completely new website in its place, while trying to salvage as much of the existing data as possible.
  4. Make a completely new high scores website under a different name / domain name.

Personally I would like to try option 3, but I'd like to get all of your opinions on what you think should be done, so please leave a comment with any thoughts or ideas you have.

Note: We wouldn't necessarily be expecting the same people to moderate on both potential sites, and a speedrun.com implementation would need discussion.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 215 其他 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Pac6 years ago

I've changed your name. For future reference, admins can bypass the 60-day cooldown, just message me on Discord.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 13 其他 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Pac6 years ago

What I would like to implement is run Likes ?

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 12 其他 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Pac6 years ago

Hey folks.

Bounties are an idea that has been brought up in the past, and while it's not something that's at the top of the priority list (coughprivatemessagescough), it's something I'd like to get an idea of how to pull off before I consider implementing it.

For those who don't know what a bounty is, it's basically where a certain goal would have a price on its head; a person (or persons) would choose to put a monetary reward out for a record to be broken or a skip to be found, and the one to do it would receive the monetary reward. The idea is to give people an extra incentive to make certain achievements in speedrunning.

However, there's a problem: potential cheating. People have cheated in speedrunning before, for the glory of getting a world record, and that's a problem that's relatively under control. However, someone might be more likely to cheat if there's a monetary reward.

As one solution to this problem, we could require that the goal be achieved live on stream, but what if the user precorded a video of a cheated run and just played it back on stream? It's never been an issue before (unless you count this, which only shows that it is possible, and doesn't count as foulplay), but again, it could be exploited in this case.

So I'd like to ask you guys if you can suggest any solutions to this problem?

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 20 其他 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Pac6 years ago

So with Gyoo and ROMaster2 leaving, we're gonna do a little staff reorganising, and we'd like to invite anyone who's interested in being a Content Moderator or Full Moderator to put through an application :)

You can find the form here: www.speedrun.com/staffapplication

Thanks folks.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 34 其他 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Pac6 years ago

Thanks for everything ROMaster2, take care!

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 7 其他 喜欢这个
10 years ago
3 years ago