主题: Hue
Florida, USANinjasx26 years ago

I second that we allow this to create a new category, but my only question is to how it would affect 100%. I'm literally the only person to run it and this COMPLETELY breaks the way you'd have to do it and my time can be cut down even further now and that's something that I like. I just want to know if a new 100% category would have to be created, but I feel like there should only be 2 100% category's and that should be 100% Anything goes and 100% Warpless.

EmeraldAly 喜欢这个
主题: Hue
Florida, USANinjasx26 years ago

I would like this very much

主题: Hue
Florida, USANinjasx26 years ago

That could work. I’d just need to play with a controller though

主题: Hue
Florida, USANinjasx26 years ago

I finished a run in 1:29:56 that is by far the best and most optimal route that I've tried. I changed only a couple of things from the first run and saved almost 10 minutes. I feel like we could get that time down to about 1:20-1:25 and then there would only be a little bit of time save left. If anyone would like me to make a set of "Notes" or a Guide on the route just feel free to ask. I can also watch the video back and manually put in the split times and significant Beaker count splits in and somehow put them on the video if I figure out how to do that. I do however plan on getting an Elgato soon so the splits won't be an issue.

主题: Hue
Florida, USANinjasx26 years ago

In my most current time save I talk about taking a better route that could save a bit of time. I will be testing this out later tonight, but if anyone can test it out sometime today and give me feedback on it then that would be appreciated. Thank you

主题: Hue
Florida, USANinjasx26 years ago

Thanks man. I would like to find a way to add splits to the already finished run so that there could be more of a comparison when doing runs.

主题: Hue
Florida, USANinjasx26 years ago

I have submitted a 100% Run and would like feedback on what should be improved. I am well aware of the fact that my late game strategies suck and I don't know the levels that well, but I intend on working out all the kinks. If anyone else would like to try and help me optimize the route and use things that I've done to try and bring the time down then be my guest. I'm game for some friendly competition :D

EmeraldAly 喜欢这个
主题: Hue
Florida, USANinjasx26 years ago

I'm currently working on a decent route. I finished a run earlier that was 2:36:00 but I unfortunately didn't get a chance to save the vod because of my twitch settings and the fact that I'm streaming on PS4, but I changed everything. I want to try and practice more of the late game (Mountain and University) with the color swaps and optimal routes that are already implemented. But I only just started playing Hue a day ago and I can already see that 100% is only going to take about 30-40 more minutes with barely any death's/messups

Modiseus 喜欢这个
主题: Hue
Florida, USANinjasx26 years ago

Hi, I'm kind of new to speedrunning and I watched a couple of your guys runs and just finished a full playthrough of the game to 100% it.. I'm not sure how many people have tried to do a 100% run of the game, but if anyone would like to work with me to find an optimal rout for this then that would be appreciated.

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