ItalyNazzareno2 years ago

@If_And_While I would put some advices about what is faster and what as is slower anyways, so that new runners know exactly what they can do to perform best in a specific category instead of wasting a month of their lives on PS3 and then wandering why those pesky PSP times are twenty minutes lower. I would also write down the info about fast disc being essential or the need to update your PSP to get the fastest loading times (as @xtra2Ez found out) for the same reason.

xtra2Ez 喜欢这个
ItalyNazzareno2 years ago

I would also add that, according to what we know right now, some platforms are slower than others despite them being in the same category (i.e.: PS1 is slower than PS2 because PS2 has fast disc). This implies that yes, for console category you can run with PS1, PS2 or PS3, but if you run on anything different from fast disc PS2 you're not going to be competitive. It is not the biggest problem, but I think it's important to remember that any console is allowed, but not all of them are equally comptetitive and current leaderboards don't answer to this problem because it would mean having way more categories.

xtra2Ez, Kaladere, RapixOnGaming 喜欢这个
ItalyNazzareno2 years ago

Hello! PS3 falls under PSN category.

VortexCZ 喜欢这个
ItalyNazzareno3 years ago

As an almost complete ignorant, I wouldn't expect YouTube analytics to be that accurate either, especially with small numbers. I do aknowledge @Vendettavic 's longer experience on the platform though, so I'm not sure and can't just say for a fact that the data are wrong. Put in this way, I find it a bit heavy of a situation? On one hand we have data of whose accuracy we are not all very sure, on the other hand we have... precedents of runs being poorly reviewed (by the current mod team)? I feel like there is a lack of mutual trust at the basis of the whole discussion, and it should definitely tackled, since the same could happen with (hypothetically speaking) a mod targeting a specific runner because for wathever reason they expect them to cheat.

EDIT: Also, moderators might have verified the run from your Twitch vod.

Kaladere xtra2Ez 喜欢这个
主题: Cocco Game
ItalyNazzareno3 years ago

With Veictas' autosplitter it was possible to track the time loss in individual levels and spot a weird glitch: it seems like the game deteriorates as the game's session ages, resulting in a consistent and ridiculously big time loss after several playthroughs. In my case, we are talking about 0.5 seconds of unavoidable time loss on stage 1, which is a lot and which magically disappears if I close and open the game again. The available solution right now is to start a fresh game session as soon as you notice important time losses. Ideally you'd want to start a new session on each attempt, but the game is already enough frustrating on its own. It's important to notice that this is just what I have experienced and I'm not sure the game works exactly the same on different setups. If anybody has more information or workarounds feel free to post them.

pewpewpewletsgo, Veictas, xtra2Ez 喜欢这个
ItalyNazzareno3 years ago

It looks like a pretty strict rule, actually. I agree with you: if the game audio is still audible and therefore proves you're not cHeAtInG by disabling BGM/BGS it should be totally fine.

Vendettavic, xtra2Ez, Kaladere 喜欢这个
ItalyNazzareno3 years ago

Yeah, it's fine for me to add the category, even if the leaderboards are going to look enormous, but more DC2 is not more happiness for me, so I might be biased.

ItalyNazzareno3 years ago

Same for me. The idea of more categories quite scares me, but no one is really forced to run in all categories. I think even for RE3 Light mode was kind of unnecessary, but I might be missing some nuances. The thing is also that RE3 community is much wider than the DC2 one, so I can see, at least statistically, runners being interested in easier modes, while here we are only a bunch of madlads.

Vendettavic 喜欢这个
ItalyNazzareno3 years ago
  • RTA vs IGT on current PC is freaking relevant, I might say.
  • No one ever mentioned mixing Patched and Unpatched.
  • Doorskip is for another happy thread.
Kaladere 喜欢这个
ItalyNazzareno3 years ago

Hello, everybody. Scary topic ahead, so usual disclaimer: we all know PC version is not the coolest, there is no point in killing the conversation with the usual comments like "PC should be banned, burned or time-travel prevented". Let's keep it straight on topic. So, this was quite a busy morning, culminating with the news that IGT on PC has actually been working fine for all this time. I'll recap all I've been told by the mods, which is based on information gathered by @GeminiREbirth while working on the patch.

  • IGT on PC is actually bound to the framerate. The intended framerate on PC is: 30 in normal game, 60 in menus, 20 underwater, and it pauses during FMVs and Pause menu.
  • This means the game knows that where the framerate is supposed to be 30, it has to count the time at a certain speed, and where the framerate is supposed to be 60 it counts at another speed and so on.
  • This means that framerate changes (as the overclocking thing we do by abusing the PC uptime) will not affect the IGT, but just make it run at a different speed. This results in a gap between RTA and IGT depending on how far we get from the intended speed.
  • This also means that people like @Dimension_Bomber, who had theorised the accuracy of IGT ages ago, are right.
  • This means, here we go, get ready, that an RTA leaderboard for the PC version could be considered unfair, because it rewards anyone who can make the game run faster.

As you might guess, the situation is quite tricky. Here are the alternatives I can see, with pros and cons:

  1. We don't care and keep the PC leaderboard ruled by RTA. Pros: no change in the placing for anybody, everybody keeps their place. Cons: as correctly suggested by @RapixOnGaming, we open the leaderboard to be absolutely smashed as soon as someone finds a way to make the game run one frame faster than the current known maximum. To put things in perspective, this is what happened with the current wave of runners, who know how to overclock the game and rapidly beated any old school runner. Back in the days, they simply didn't know and couldn't get the top speed. For the future, we could all be beated by a guy who can make the game run at 90FPS.

  2. Close the current PC leaderboard. Pros: we don't have to worry about the bad ugly unpatched PC version any more. Cons: we just freeze the problem. The problem is still there, the RTA will still be unfair. Moreover, nobody will have a chance to improve their times anymore. I used to be for closing the current leaderboard after the patch's release, but @Kaladere and @Vendettavic brought this argument and convinced me that it would not be so fair (unless we lock the category with me on the podium. That's cool, that's fair, nothing against it).

  3. We rule the PC leaderboard by IGT, removing RTA forever from the last category of DC2 still using it. Pros: I get my one IGT second world record back :D ; the leaderboard can stay open because IGT will never be broken by overclocking the framerate; end of the PC session abuse: anyone can start running the unpatched game as soon as they boot up their computer. The game will run slightly slower, but IGT will be good. Cons: @xtra2Ez loses his three RTA seconds world record (GG), which might be a tiny tiny bit frustrating, even if IGT is more fair to everybody. Additionally, we'll have to say goodbye to our RTA splits and start all over with a fully IGT autosplitter, like with Gemini's patch.

I'm no one, but I would like the destiny of PC leaderboard to be left to a vote, more than to the choice of a single mod or person. These are the facts, according to what was discovered by Gemini, and I think we can come up with a decision nicely, quickly and like adults. Again, please, don't waste everybody's time with sterile comments on how stupidly broken PC version is: they don't help.

I would personally go with the option 3 and convert the leaderboard to IGT. I'm sure xtra will save two seconds tomorrow, so my record is just temporary, and it doesn't really matter, right? Everybody will be able to grind the hell out of it without limitations, except for the happy crashes.

Have a nice conversation :)

xtra2Ez Kaladere 喜欢这个
ItalyNazzareno3 years ago

It makes sense. I'll withdraw my request.

Kaladere 喜欢这个
ItalyNazzareno3 years ago

No, there's a misunderstanding. I'm not suggesting to remove RTA timer from PC. As the title says, my proposal is to make it optional for every other category.

EDIT: To clarify, I'd like the timer to become optional now, not when Gemini's patch will come out, since this thing is not related to and doesn't affect PC version.

Vendettavic Kaladere 喜欢这个
ItalyNazzareno3 years ago

Hello :) As the title suggests, I'd like to propose to make the RTA timer optional (at the moment it's mandatory) for all categories ruled by IGT, which means everywhere except for PC (prior to Gemini's patch, the broken one, we know the deal). A few reasons for making it optional:

  • It doesn't count for the leaderboard time.
  • It doesn't prevent cheating or make the run more legit: the timer is literally put over the recording. You can't really tell if I'm splitting during the run or if I'm just recording the timer separately for a beatiful spliced performance. Since RTA is not used (except for PC, the broken one, we know the deal), the timer right now is just a decoration.
  • Depending on your hardware limitations (totally not talking about me), setting up a timer or recording from a PC or even just having a PC might be a problem.
  • I personally don't see any reason for having it mandatory: the other side of a mandatory thing is that if it is not set up exactly as required it will invalidate the run, and I would find quite frustrating to have a run invalidated by a useless timer.

Thank you for your attention.

Klumpackis Kaladere 喜欢这个
ItalyNazzareno3 years ago

I agree on both changes. I don't see anything wrong in requesting the players to display the reading speed, since there could be an improvement in using higher, not allowed speeds.

ItalyNazzareno3 years ago

You also waste two additional hours of your lifetime on this game for each run, but first try elevator is Pog

Vendettavic, xtra2Ez, Kaladere 喜欢这个
ItalyNazzareno3 years ago

I don't like the idea of infinite ammo. Since we are going for 100%, just keep that part of the grinding. Unless we go for NG+100%, then it's fine, I guess.

Kaladere 喜欢这个
ItalyNazzareno3 years ago

For that case a rule like "If your run is from a stream, trim it accurately or we'll trim your legs" might work.

ItalyNazzareno3 years ago

All Bosses sounds not so great to me. There are no real optional bosses, except for Nessy. You can knock T-Rex down as many times as you want in the tank session (it will be back after a couple of camera angles). You could go for killing all enemies, since they should stop spawning after you've killed enough of them in each room ;)

ItalyNazzareno3 years ago

Also, about updating rules: there is still that dumb reference at VODs not being allowed, which formally invalidates pretty much all the recent runs.

A lot of pain.
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