HungaryNABN00B3 years ago

Today I had a look at the MAIN.SCM script file in each of the ISO I have. I compared the files with 2 different hashing tools, HashMyFile and GUI File Signature Widget (gfsw.exe).

Previously it was assumed that all PS2 releases used the same script, but it turns out there are at least 3 different script versions on the PS2.

I will upload the files under Resources.

1	MAIN_PS2_DE.SCM	1 876 548	2006. 12. 21. 11:55:12	B05F19CC	7B1C7B6D4B35C6431E87412CDF5B2056	C183617B999FCF4C8C011ADA753E28D2136DA002	2006. 12. 21. 11:55:12	2021. 02. 28. 20:41:24
1	MAIN_PS2_EU.SCM	1 876 548	2006. 12. 21. 11:55:12	B05F19CC	7B1C7B6D4B35C6431E87412CDF5B2056	C183617B999FCF4C8C011ADA753E28D2136DA002	2006. 12. 21. 11:55:12	2021. 02. 28. 20:41:18
MAIN_PS2_JP.SCM	1 876 653	2007. 10. 11. 12:11:40	EB3079F4	19E2F5C8E6182F98CAD7D76B3AE67E28	29B08F5623321AE9D0C8CCE3D4BE9A572008A905	2007. 10. 11. 12:11:40	2021. 02. 28. 20:41:11
MAIN_PS2_US.SCM	1 876 562	2006. 12. 22. 10:43:30	18200544	B9FC0DE8A0DFB1FE9F79B728F7362AA7	8EB02108FAAC5AE67B8EB97AA36FA039A81EEA10	2006. 12. 22. 10:43:30	2021. 02. 28. 20:40:56
2	MAIN_PSP_DE.SCM	1 839 093	2006. 10. 04. 23:24:14	C19D55B2	2D74D96AE98B1C9671D0538EE73AC6D1	A1CFD126390CB0585F715590BABF50D65711910C	2006. 10. 04. 23:24:14	2021. 02. 28. 20:45:44
2	MAIN_PSP_EU.SCM	1 839 093	2006. 10. 04. 23:24:14	C19D55B2	2D74D96AE98B1C9671D0538EE73AC6D1	A1CFD126390CB0585F715590BABF50D65711910C	2006. 10. 04. 23:24:14	2021. 02. 28. 20:45:23
3	MAIN_PSP_JP_CAPCOM.SCM	1 846 729	2007. 10. 11. 12:09:22	B1CF74FC	0F4B975345DB56911606803230B9BFB1	032E3417075DE941A3386B5FF05CEF530A55A4D3	2007. 10. 11. 12:09:22	2021. 02. 28. 20:44:54
3	MAIN_PSP_JP_RC.SCM	1 846 729	2007. 10. 11. 12:09:22	B1CF74FC	0F4B975345DB56911606803230B9BFB1	032E3417075DE941A3386B5FF05CEF530A55A4D3	2007. 10. 11. 12:09:22	2021. 02. 28. 20:44:46
2	MAIN_PSP_US.SCM	1 839 093	2006. 10. 04. 23:24:14	C19D55B2	2D74D96AE98B1C9671D0538EE73AC6D1	A1CFD126390CB0585F715590BABF50D65711910C	2006. 10. 04. 23:24:14	2021. 02. 28. 20:41:06

https://i.imgur.com/68KWoua.png https://i.imgur.com/RCY0LuN.png

Momo_Ouali2001 fialhito 喜欢这个
HungaryNABN00B4 years ago

It's been known that in VCS the credits are triggered after completing the required mission chains in Chapter 3, regardless of the order you complete the missions. For a long time, Fry and me have been theorising about the possibility of skipping Last Stand via duping Over the Top. Quite a few months ago Fry successfully cutscene-duped the mission, but it could not be completed because the marker that leads inside the admin building is broken and softlocks the game.

However, last week Fry discovered that you can actually trigger the escape sequence of the mission by entering the Hunter before entering the admin building. This can be achieved by megajumping from the small building which you enter the army base from.

The video below shows the setup + the dupe itself. (Yes, it also works on real PSP - Fry has tested it.)

COMPARISON: Top-Left: Duped w/ MJ Top-Right: Unduped w/ MJ Bottom-Left: Unduped w/o MJ Muted version: (in case it's copyrekt in your country)

DIFFICULTY: The cutscene dupe (just like in the case of other cutscene dupes) can crash or softlock the game if it is failed (timed incorrectly). Currently, the most consistent method to get it successfully is to:

  • skip cinematic cutscene when rampage fails
  • wait ~1 second
  • spam X a little (until Loading text disappears?)
  • wait
  • cinematic cutscene starts playing (sometimes it doesn't though), can be skipped. (This might sound confusing at first, but it will work when you start trying.) When you respawn outside Diaz's mansion, you get the dupe even when you seemingly didn't. This is something that you can only really tell when you get to the cutscene where you meet Phil. (Although getting the 30k ammo from the Rampage is a good indicator.) For me, the dupe was harder to perform than Snitch Hitch

NOTES: 1.) RNG-ing a Police Car on the way Downtown and using the Drive-By rampage on top of the staircase across Ammu-Nation is not faster. You can't bring a Police Bike from Light My Pyre because cinematic cutscene at the end of the mission despawns it. Compared to the shorter drive, you lose time for having the Uzi instead of the MP5 when destroying the Mendez car on the bridge. RNG-ing a Police Bike on the drive hasn't been timed as far as I know, but I am expecting a similar result.

2.) If you duped OoT but missed the megajump, the backup is to drive a Barracks OL next to the the fence and use that jump over. This loses a lot of time because the soldiers can wreck it in seconds as you're driving there, requiring you to kill most of them, but it's the only way to complete the mission at that point.

3.) For some reason, the interior of Diaz's mansion is located above Little Haiti, close to where you deliver the tank in Sir Yes Sir. Sometimes after a successful dupe you can get teleported there and skip the sequence with the Mendez car. However, getting this requires a different timing method from the one we currently know.

4.) Obviously, the sequence break by itself saves a good amount of time and it's worth doing even if you're not going for the OoT dupe. In this case, the fastest way to get a megajump weapon is to run on top of the ship in Viceport while driving the Cheetah to Phil. (Getting Remote Grenades during So Long Schlong was also considered but the idea was quickly dismissed.)

CONSEQUENCES: The reality of a possible OoT dupe skipping the last mission in the game but not the credits, raises the need to change the way Any% runs are timed. Timing should end when the credits are reached, instead of on the death of both final bosses.

Share your thoughts below. :)

Joshimuz, Momo_Ouali2001 8 其他 喜欢这个
HungaryNABN00B5 years ago

Hello fellow LCS runners!

For a while now I've been working on an autosplitter for LCS through the PPSSPP Emulator with the help of zazaza691 and Parik.

Currently the autosplitter can be used for:

  • Any%
  • Extension categories like All Missions, OoT% and Ingame 100%
  • Collectible categories
  • 100% with mission splits or combining them with collectible splits
  • Seagull Snipe The script also supports starting the timer automatically according to the current timing rules .

Currently the autosplitter works with:

  • PPSSPP: 64-bit executable, from v1.4 up to v1.14.1 in addition to v1.15, standard or Gold
  • GTA LCS: ULUS10041_1.05_ARTiSAN (CRC32: 87E2772E; v1 American UMD disc release; MAIN.SCM dated 12/10/2005) ONLY

You can always find the latest version here. Make sure to check back regularly after a new version of PPSSPP gets released!

After opening LiveSplit and the layout you want to use right click on the timer and select Edit Layout.... Click on the big + icon on the left side of the new window and select Control -> Scriptable Auto Splitter. Double click on the new Scriptable Auto Splitter element in the list of objects. A new window will open. Click on the Browse... button and locate the downloaded .asl file. Wait while LiveSplits is processing the script.

The window should look like this. From here you can select what events you want the script to autosplit on. All options show tooltips when you hover the cursor over them, telling you exactly what event triggers a split. If a compatible PPSSPP version is being used, Game Version will display detected otherwise unknown. If Game Version doesn't appear at all you launched the wrong emulator executable (eg PPSSPPWindows.exe instead of PPSSPPWindows64.exe).

In the future I would like to update the script to:

  • Add individual options for splitting for each mission (on start and pass separately)
  • Add individual options for splitting for each Import/Export vehicle
  • (complete)
  • (complete)

Any feedback and new ideas to implement are welcome. Feel free to post a reply in this thread, open an issue on GitHub or simply contact me on Discord.

SpeedyFolf, HumaidA19 6 其他 喜欢这个
HungaryNABN00B6 years ago

So we've discussed the idea of this a few weeks ago. For those who don't know, I suggested that we reate segmented categories for VCS on the Extension Boards like for SA.

This way, runners who have had a very good first half of their runs but the second part killed it, or just don't want to run the game in its entireity (in 1 go) will have a place to submit their results.

Here are a few suggestions to break the game up: VERSION A:

  • Chapter I: from New Game to the completion of 'To Victor, the Spoils'
  • Chapter II: from Empire Site #2 (where you appear after Chapter I) to the completion of 'From Zero to Hero'
  • Chapter III: from starting 'Brawn of the Dead' (with no Empire sites taken over on Vice Beach) to Any% completion VERSION B:
  • Chapters I-II: from New Game to the completion of 'From Zero to Hero'
  • Chapter III as defined in Version A

Either way, strats that are not applicable for a full Any% should not be allowed.

What do you guys think? Would there be demand for this?

Elmotus 喜欢这个
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