Alberta, CanadaMKCocoon6 years ago

Come run KNiDL, there's also a tourney going on that I'm running. Schedule is at speedgaming.org/knidl. Also come join the Kirby discord!

btw Chinese is also my second language. pretty cool coincidence lol

Alberta, CanadaMKCocoon6 years ago

Killer that's Chinese, not Japanese lol

I'm permanently retired from Gourmet Race, wooper and Natto bodied me too hard xd

私はGourmet Race、Wooperpls、Nattooooから永久に退いてしまって、私をひどく倒しました。

Alberta, CanadaMKCocoon6 years ago

There's already a thread in the forum that answers your question. If you're looking at Any% Beat RotK, Japanese saves 1:46.

Bobbyp02 Zoroarkfilms 喜欢这个
Alberta, CanadaMKCocoon6 years ago

A N Y % N C A

let’s not upset kinnin now. Keepo

thomasyim99 Tron_Javolta 喜欢这个
Alberta, CanadaMKCocoon6 years ago

Huh @Primal-Spire i’ve seen you on the boards enough that I figured you knew but just never joined.

Anyways here you guys go https://discord.gg/0Skz5kxn82KVp7aS

Discord’s poppin right now with KSA discussion

CrabsForBreakfast blueYOSHI 喜欢这个
Alberta, CanadaMKCocoon6 years ago

Wind sword is the most broken ability in the game, just try it

Alberta, CanadaMKCocoon6 years ago


Alberta, CanadaMKCocoon6 years ago


Alberta, CanadaMKCocoon6 years ago

問題ない。私はあなたが私の記録を打ち負かすことに神経質になっています LOL

Alberta, CanadaMKCocoon6 years ago

Hey no problem dude. I actually recorded a video of course 3 in 37.70 for Nattoooooooo and it’s in Guides along with videos by CronoNes for courses 1 and 2. Do check those out if you haven’t already.

I’ve more or less moved on to full game runs but this category got me into speedrunning, so I feel like I owe it something, know what I’m sayin?

Alberta, CanadaMKCocoon6 years ago

So I’m going to pick up this game in the near future, and I was wondering about the RNG of getting Coo in specific bags for any%. swordsmankirby says this applies in 4-4 and 6-4, but I notice, bbqsauz, that in your PB you don’t even stop in 4-4 to see if the bag contained Coo. Instead you grab him in 5-3. So I have a few questions. First, is it optimal to have Coo in 4-4? Second, about how much time do you lose if you don’t get Coo in 6-4? And lastly, do you have something like a list of what bags have set helpers and which ones are random?

Thanks in advance.

Alberta, CanadaMKCocoon6 years ago


no one uses these boards though, do single-segment and just put your runs on here instead

Zoroarkfilms 喜欢这个
Alberta, CanadaMKCocoon6 years ago

The movement's way tighter compared to kssu, but it's also much faster. Might take a while to get used to

Alberta, CanadaMKCocoon6 years ago

Kirby NiDL's fun and allows you to record on emulator

It's what I've been running the past 2 months :L

Alberta, CanadaMKCocoon6 years ago

Same here lol, it's pretty crazy. I asked him actually, and he doesn't remember. I think 36:50 is absolutely possible but it would require two pause block breaks, insane movement and REALLY good dive cancels. Maybe also the dive bomb momentum trick coming out of the water or something, but idk if that'd be necessary. Keep in mind TAS time is 31 something.

Regarding ILs I never really seriously grinded those, but iirc they are my pbs. Course 1 is 19.27, course 2 30.17, and course 3 37.79

I haven't touched Gourmet Race in months, I basically stopped running it after you beat me. Didn't want to reset course 3 another hundred times LUL

Alberta, CanadaMKCocoon6 years ago

Lets freakin go! WOOO

Alberta, CanadaMKCocoon7 years ago

Just watch Halodude man, that's what I'm doing lol. Only thing that's not necessary is the wheel mix at the beginning, just use burning instead

1-up 喜欢这个
Alberta, CanadaMKCocoon7 years ago


Dude, I'm convinced you're a TASbot now that learns after every run. Congrats! 1:26 is gonna happen sometime.

Also, regarding Anwonu's 36.50 that none of us have even gotten within a SECOND of, the man himself has spoken: https://twitter.com/Anwonu/status/896600045667135489

s'pose we just have to get gud now lol. I think the main things are just pause trick on all 3 blocks and optimal dive bomb cancels

Alberta, CanadaMKCocoon7 years ago

WOW these tips were very effective, thank you! I could already consistently get very fast starts (I use the sound of the noisemaker as an audio cue), and I knew all about the frame-perfect jump, but I had no idea that you could press right a few frames early to get out of the water running. That was really helpful! I will also keep in mind the slide thing.

After only ten minutes of trying these strats, I got a 19.27 of my own, and as long as I make the final jump I can consistently get 19.30 or below! No 19.25 yet, but once again, thanks a bunch!

Alberta, CanadaMKCocoon7 years ago

Human WRs are as follows:

Course 1: 19.20 Course 2: 29.85 Course 3: 36.50

So adding these up gets you a 1:25.55. That course 3 time though... I don't know if it's ever realistically possible in a single-segment run, probably only in time attack.

Also, I can't seem to ever get faster than 19.35 on course 1. Could you give me some pointers? I don't know what I'm doing slow.

Soli Deo gloria.
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