Ontario, CanadaMASH3 years ago

For categories that are not competitive like the ones currently tracked, there is a forum thread that has them listed, should you end up doing a run and perhaps its note worthy it may end up on the list of runs not tracked. Not every possibly category is ever listed on any organized and competitive board.

Not Tracked runs: https://www.speedrun.com/sotn/thread/2s54q

Ontario, CanadaMASH3 years ago

Individual Levels will be added at a later date, Full Game runs are currently a focus while things get ironed out. Expect changes with the board regarding categories and rules, things do change and we will adapt to said changes as necessary.

If you are a PC runner I would like to ask you to please discuss any bugs,issues and or problems you may experience as with the other titles in the series that have gotten ports in the past there are numerous things that may be common with this title in the series as well. Z2 has a framerate issue, SGZH and Z2 both also suffer from crashing as well. I mainly play on Playstation at this time.

What I am aware of at this present time for PC is the following: ◦ Prone to Crashing pending various specifications ◦ Various Audio issues

Ontario, CanadaMASH3 years ago

This thread will serve as focus to openly discussion the board and future updates and or changes as time moves on.

● Please keep stick to relevant topics in discussion in this thread or make a new one if necessary.

● Keep discussion civil, we don't want to get into arguments because that is not fun and takes away from time better spent running or doing other things.


Ontario, CanadaMASH3 years ago

Onechanbara Origin leaderboard has been created upon request and after some time experimenting with runs and exploring what the game has to offer now that it is finally released in the West (everywhere else outside Japan).

Main Game Rules: ● Rules were added that cover all Full Game and Individual Level(IL) runs

Main Categories Added: ● New Game & New Game+

Sub-Categories Added: ● Difficulty Modes for New Game & New Game+ ◦ New Game - Normal & Hard) ◦ New Game+ - Normal, Hard, Violent(Beast) & Berserk

Variables Added: ● Character & Additional Character for New Game+ ◦ Aya, Saki & Lei are now tracked for New Game+ runs

Ontario, CanadaMASH3 years ago

Updates and or Changes to the Origin Leaderboards will be posted here for reference.

If you would like to discuss the Leaderboard please either do so in the "Leaderboard Discussion" thread or feel free to contact a moderator for the board if necessary.


Ontario, CanadaMASH3 years ago

New game runs don't use existing data so that would be a place to start in that case, otherwise no. If you don't have a recording of the run then there is no way to have it verified.

LightningFeral 喜欢这个
主题: Omega Boost
Ontario, CanadaMASH3 years ago

I'm making this post in regards to giving some input on the current IL structure.

The "Campaign" and "Any Boost Level" categories are completely unnecessary and should be removed. If at some point someone does runs of the "Extra Boost Levels" for the them then it would make more sense to add/rename it to something along that line.

Main "Zone Play" category ruleset is proper as with any IL category it should follow a general NG+ ruleset that would apply for its case. No one will do a boost level lower then 9 which is the highest achieved during normal play unless they are attempting it as more of a challenge so it so probably have the rules updated to say "Maximum Boost Level 9".

I would suggest adding in "Boost Level 1" as a category that would be fun and challenging for IL runs as a replacement to the ones being removed.

Keeping the "Normal" and "Hard" as sub categories.

Anyways I hope to continue to do more runs of this fun game and Should the suggestions go through likely expect submissions for those in the near future and for the main Full-Game runs.

Cheers and Good Luck!

Ontario, CanadaMASH3 years ago

Newer runs like others do not even bother with chests as they are not essential requirement for completing all medals. As Soulless has mentioned we add IGT from all stages to get the total time it took to clear a Gauntlet set. Showing your setup/loadout for this games much like others allow for proofing gear and additional verification for runs as well as to showcase what was used to preform the run. We do a similar thing for Monster Hunter IL runs as there is vast amounts of builds that can drastically affect runs. Using IGT as we have it is a even playing field for everyone when attempting runs regardless of platform.

We have older discussion topics and information on the threads of previous discussion way back from when the lot of us were running Raid mode myself included around that time as we discussed many things, there is no reason to have any other categories outside what we have as it covers every aspect that matters to the game and going fast which is our goal when doing runs. 100% runs are Completionism/Challenge runs in a sense were as the fastest runs will always be the Any% runs which don't require you to met a Character Lvl req when attempting runs.

TBH kinda want to get back to the game because I left it when working on other things at the time and never finished what I wanted to with speedruns because the grind at the time was time consuming, which is why the 100% runs were mainly my focus back then as you don't need crazy gear to start getting into those runs but it sure helps to have better gear and character skills to some extent.

Soulless_Persona 喜欢这个
Ontario, CanadaMASH3 years ago

100% is completing all the medals that can be earned in the stage(s) which is defined by the game, which has nothing to do with chests. Not sure what you are trying to say because getting chests losses you time and if your doing speedruns you are not farming for gear anyways.

I get a slight impression you have not really even played Rev2-Raid or at all based on your post, because if you did you would know how silly your opinion is when you actually look at or have played the game enough to know.

Also I find it very ignorant to make topic posts that are straight up just complaining about things in a rude way rather then a proper topic title followed up with some actual discussion pertaining to it rather then your simple "I don't like this" post and that is not even remotely correct at all.

主题: The Site
Ontario, CanadaMASH3 years ago

I have had nothing but positive interactions with you when it came to issues as well with the people you have had helping you over the years, hoping that things will stay within the same realm of community as we have but more refined and updated moving forward. It's been many years for sure and hopefully many more for everyone here within communities.

Ontario, CanadaMASH4 years ago

@HamAndABear - Nothing is being removed or being disallowed in the current runs, the issue is to at least have a way to accurately and properly track a players time to complete a run which accounts for the players understanding of the games mechanics and the experience they display in the runs in a much more consistent way that is not dictated or manipulated by a timer that does not reflect the games true run time taken.

After contacting site staff, we now have all runs properly labeled as IGT. This being said, we will now be able to properly track RTA along side IGT for comparison purposes and to at least have the accurate reflection of the real time it took to complete.

IGT as it has been the main defacto timing method will currently remain as such, and will still be required when submitting runs at this time and must still be shown with video proof of the run from start to finish of the lobby screen and readying up to the very end results screen in which the In Game Time appears.

RTA timing is currently a supplementary to IGT in which is a more accurate reflection on the time taken to complete runs, this is entirely optional to the runner at this time and will be an additional verification method that moderators will use when verifying runs going forward starting JULY 1st.

RTA Timing rules are as follow:

  • Time starts after the deploy countdown has ended and the player(s) gain control of their characters.
  • Time stops upon "Victory" appearing on screen shortly before the results screen appears.

The above RTA timing rules are stated as so, to follow as closely to IGT as possible and to remove all added time before and after the IGT clock should have started or stopped counting.

This is the closest compromise I can offer to at least keep things moving forward and still having things tracked accurately and fairly while still conforming to the currently established habits of IGT runs we have had over the last several years and still properly address the glaring issues with the game within the speedrunning scene that was brought to our attention 4 months prior to the rehash after taking time to look into it.

So to reiterate in short form what is happening going forward starting July 1st: ( These changes only apply to Individual Level runs unless otherwise stated in the rules )

  • IGT will remain the default and required timing method for runs which it applies to.
  • RTA is now an additional timing field that will be tracked and verified with runs.
  • The additional timing field is not required by runners to be submitted with or displayed during the submission.
  • Submissions will be timed or re-timed by the moderators during the verification process in which it will be added or updated to reflect the Real Time Attack rules.
  • RTA time starts when player(s) gain control, time stops when "Victory" appears on screen.

I hope that these aforementioned changes to how we will be handling things is met with a much better response then the initial topic discussion was, Our goal as moderators to these boards is to ensure that the boards reflect the current game state and community as accurately as possible as things change or evolve within the game or the community itself.

主题: StarCraft
Ontario, CanadaMASH4 years ago

And this is exactly the reason people like you should not be left to manage a community board, if all you plan to do is make categories for no reason other then just because you want to. Have fun running UMS but tit does not need to be on the board for you to speedrun it if that's what you claim to already be doing. If you don't want to run the actual game then thats all fine and dandy but that doesn't mean anyone else needs to attempt to track things that add nothing of value to the community boards. If UMS were not so abundant and were actually worth tracking then they would likely be here already.

主题: StarCraft
Ontario, CanadaMASH4 years ago

But it's not part of the official game so why would we want to track it. There is no reason reason for competition to exist for it. I don't see much of any reason for people to care about UMS from a competitive stand point. Also just as reminder that just cause it's not tracked doesnt mean you can't speedrun it.

Ontario, CanadaMASH4 years ago

This community as a whole for this game is a joke, there are some reasonable and respectful people out there but seems like non one here is at all inviting. I'll either continue playing the game in the true any% category or just go back to playing not garbage Streets of Rage games.

Still no actual IL's on the boards and the way things look is just disgusting and could have been handled much better.

Ontario, CanadaMASH4 years ago

Indeed and I have yet to hear back about this, I personally have been busy with Charity event stuff but I did have a chat with @The_Numbers_Mason , there is no reason why we cannot switch to primary RTA timing for accuracy and to shorten the added time given to runs after the boss is dead and also the inaccurate timing during zed time. IGT can and will be kept at this time for legacy purposes and as an additional form of verification altho not accurate it will give us all a greater visual comparison when it comes to how drastic the differences are with the IGT being so inaccurate.

Starting June 15th we will begin also timing RTA alongside IGT, runners do not have to submit runs with rta time as we will retime the runs to verify them.

Updates to the board rules will be added, Any runs submitted prior to June 15th should remain unaffected.

Ontario, CanadaMASH4 years ago

This has been something I have brought up a long while back now with little interest at the time, But still something worth considering. Would allow us to have and set those up under FG section of the boards.

This addition tho will have to wait while current things are sorted out and perhaps more input about FG categories such as what you have suggested.

Ontario, CanadaMASH4 years ago

Present facts and testing has been proving IGT as an unreliable way to continue to track runs.

I'm sorry if this is hard to grasp but sadly it's just not something we can ignore when the simplest way to resolve multiple issues is to switch to RTA.

And my statements were general not going to target out people for being incorrect or disagreeing with this.

My apologies, but I'll be speaking to an srdc staff member about this for some guidance to see if there is alternatives we've yet to consider.

Ontario, CanadaMASH4 years ago

It all boils down to the fact IGT does not work correctly in the game at present time because of how its implemented and how Zed Time basically makes IGT inconsistent. RTA removes the timing issues and allows for a much more open play style that obviously will require proper use of Zed time and perk combinations to skillfully complete runs in a fast setting on a consistent timing ground.

It seems very clear that those that are not wanting to switch to RTA care not for a fair standard in timing while still playing the game in a competitive setting where adapting strategies and techniques with the games mechanics will greatly show player skill and understanding of runs.

Expect to see some comparisons with runs IGT vs RTA to really show how broken the current timing method is thanks to the poor coding and implementation that is tied to a slow down effect. Simple perspective: 3 seconds RTA = 0.6 seconds IGT during Zed Time (Zed time slows time down to 20%) minimum Zed time = 3 seconds RTA = 0.6 seconds IGT ( minimum activations 1 ) maximum Zed time = 18 seconds RTA = 3.6 seconds IGT ( max activations 6 ) Commando class perks can reset the Zed Time to its maximum of 18 seconds RTA. ( full 3 second resets/extensions) All other classes can only extend it to a maximum of 15.5 seconds RTA. ( 2.5 second resets/extensions) Note this is only the equated difference in time based on the duration in which Zed time can be in effect for, its not perfect math either because they are not truely equivalent.

Part of speedrunning is not always playing the game as intended. I will be putting RTA timing into a Trial period in the coming weeks, you will need to submit both RTA and IGT together during this period. ALL RUNS during this period will be retimed RTA to ensure they are being accurately submitted.

If you have an issue with this then sadly I'm gonna say too bad, you can still talk about it openly as discussion which is fine or directly or go speak to an SRDC site staff member and voice your opinion to them. I'm not going to shy away from making sure things are tracked accurately and fairly.

Ontario, CanadaMASH4 years ago

Also gonna point out that Boss Rush is not a difficulty selection is a game mode so thats done incorrectly.

Sure Adam is the fastest SOR4 Character but, While the character cast is vastly different we have this magical thing called filters that allows us to sort the board to see the fastest SOR4 BLAZE runs or to any specific character we would like. On the main view you will see a list of all the currently run fastest characters perhaps the same character multiple times showing where the competition is really at currently.

This does not influence ones choices to do runs with other characters but does provide easy access to information in an organized view in the simplicity way possible.

As I've said I do not care that much about story being included at all because maybe ill stop doing it and do the other modes maybe I won't. But thats just how I see things take however you'd like because I don't expect people to agree with it but at least acknowledge what I'm saying outside that.

ARPGME Organizer, RRLAT Tech Admin, Marathon/Event Staff and Volunteer.
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