EstoniaIndrek2 years ago

Anyone know how patching the game impacts running the game with -direct -txt? If I extracted 1.05 for direct txt client and patch the game to 1.06 then what version am I running exactly?

EstoniaIndrek2 years ago

I tried it and feels real good, I'm good with this.

EstoniaIndrek2 years ago

D2R has a new -players setting. For example setting -players 8 always starts games with players 8. This should be good for running players 8 runs, don't have to set it every time.

This could also work well for other categories. Having the default be players 8 instead of 1 might make leveling less of a pain in certain parts. Need to remember to set it back to 1 instead of 8 every time.

This does make verifying players 1/8 runs kind of a pain however.

327 喜欢这个
EstoniaIndrek2 years ago

Hey, no worries, I added the time that was paused to the final time. Timer was paused from 14:10 to 25:09. I added the extra 10:59 to the final time.

EstoniaIndrek2 years ago

Our load time removal tool also works in mutliplayer. Does it make sense in any way to use it in co-op runs as well? How would final "time without loads" look like if there are multiple runners? Is this something other games have a solution for already or are co-op runs always real time?

I guess one solutions is to add together all the runners time without loads and calculate an average. If it's needed at all...

EstoniaIndrek2 years ago

Currently it's already setup in a way where p1/px/p8 and hc/sc are both shown if you have ran both. They don't obsolete each other. I'd really like to keep things in the same leaderboard as much as possible to avoid the data getting messed up and unmanageable.

I'd like to avoid this from happening: https://www.speedrun.com/d2lod/gamestats https://i.imgur.com/qUkXiyB.png

EstoniaIndrek2 years ago

There used to be the building blocks of 8man leaderboard here. What happened to it and are there plans to finish it?

EstoniaIndrek2 years ago

D2R has a new target line command -resetofflinemaps. You have to make a shortcut of "D2R.exe" and add it to the target line the same way it was done in legacy.

Here's an example of how it could be used for sorceress Jail resets:

  1. Start client without -resetofflinemaps
  2. Get Jail waypoint, close client.
  3. Open shortcut with -resetofflinemaps
  4. Check Jail maps until you get leveling setup
  5. Close client and open the regular client
  6. Regular client will maintain the last map you had so you can keep leveling with it

The idea is to have two shortcuts and swap between them when normal map reset is needed: https://i.imgur.com/M8EhmFR.png

Are you okay with this? Should -resetofflinemaps and client swapping be allowed in our runs?

EstoniaIndrek2 years ago

There is a new version available. I recommend updating it to avoid bugs that were reported by users: https://github.com/DiabloRun/diablorun-igt/releases/tag/21.10.18-pre

Just delete the old version and open the new one instead. Use Control > Start Server through LiveSplit as usual.

Here's the full guide if this is your first setup: https://www.speedrun.com/d2r/guide/yv0f3

EstoniaIndrek2 years ago

Totally forgot about co-op. It's a good thing you mentioned this. Would have been much more difficult to make the category adjustments later.

To make co-op and other categories possible on speedrun.com I had to change the layout a bit. I made the mistake of not thinking of other categories through initially and only had the usual solo Baal kill categories in mind. I fixed my mistake.

I currently added 8man, 3man and duo categories into co-op. When submitting runs into categories with less than 8 players then the speedrun.com intended method is to just leave those players empty and select a category with the correct player amount.

EstoniaIndrek2 years ago

#Download LiveSplit and Server Component

#Setup LiveSplit

  • Open edit layout window
  • Add > Control > LiveSplit Server
  • Save layout and make sure you have a timer that tracks "game time"
  • Make sure you right click LiveSplit and "Control > Start Server"

#Download diablo.run IGT tool

Everything is setup! Launch the game, start the timer and see if it pauses correctly during loading screens.

#Error explanations Could not connect to LiveSplit server Are you sure you started the server? Right click LiveSplit, go to control and click "Start server".

Unable to read screen D2R client is closed. If you get this error while D2R is opened then report it as a bug.

Wafu 喜欢这个
EstoniaIndrek2 years ago

Patch 1.03 broke LiveSplit. Need to deactivate load removal for D2R until it's fixed. I'll post here when it's fixed: https://www.speedrun.com/d2r/thread/t0ujo

Daglon 喜欢这个
EstoniaIndrek2 years ago

Update Latest patch (1.03) broke without loads timer. It took a lot of work to find the previous address that tracked load states. If it's changed a lot now it might take couple days until it gets fixed.

EstoniaIndrek2 years ago

World records for X/1/8 are tracked separately already: https://www.speedrun.com/d2r/guide/a1h51 and I'll separate the leaderboards when there are more runs. Currently it would just split them into more empty filters.

When keeping track of WR history for LoD then it was really difficult to keep track of SC/HC. In the end when community was putting together videos about the topic then SC/HC was mixed anyway. Currently SC/HC will be competing for the same record. It's the best way to limit categories from reaching crazy numbers. I'd personally like to keep players settings mixed too, but I guess we won't be able to agree on that one.

EstoniaIndrek2 years ago

Wafu finished the inital load removal script and it was merged into LiveSplit. You can activate it from edit splits menu. Here's a guide: https://www.speedrun.com/d2r/guide/yv0f3

When does the timer pause?

  • Every screen that has the "Loading" text.
  • During black screen with "Diablo II Resurrected" logo on the bottom right.

Known issues

  • Script isn't fully optimized yet and can take LiveSplit 10-20 seconds to load on game launch.
  • If the game crashes then so does LiveSplit.
  • You can move the character during loading screens which can give an unfair advantage to people with longer loading times.

Give it a try and report bugs here or help fix them: https://github.com/WafuRuns/ASLScripts/blob/master/LiveSplit.Diablo2Resurrected.asl

EstoniaIndrek2 years ago

#Hey I put together the initial leaderboard and theme. Currently all the players settings and cores are mixed together, because the amount of runs is very low. I'll separate them when there are more runs and people want that.

I've added 327 as a verifier, because in the past he has noticed things in runs that others haven't. Contact me if you wish to help with run verification.

#Categories and rules There's a lot to discuss. Post your ideas here and we'll go from there.

#Questions I'm looking answers to How to handle shared stash tabs? Are we going to create separate NG+ categories where using items from stash is allowed? Might be good to call it "Twinked" since that's how it was called when Ryu started it. For example "Twinked Baal" and "Twinked Hell Baal".

How to handle the loads? Time without loads for LiveSplit is being worked on and will be available soon. I think for D2R there is no fair alternative. The load times are long and vary a lot depending on the system.

One thing that complicates time without loads timer is the fact that you can control your character during the loading screen. What would be a fair solution to this problem? We run into an issue where a longer load gives an advantage, because the runner can move further while the timer is paused.

Should the timer be paused during cinematics? Currently the timer pausing script that Wafu built also pauses during cinematics. It would take extra work to fix this. Would you rather have timer be paused during them or not? I would personally be fine with timer being paused during cinematics. It would give a fair resting point for all runners. It's good for our health.

SouthernStar 喜欢这个
EstoniaIndrek3 years ago

Thanks BKSilv3r, 327 and everyone for helping me keep it up to date. All fresh WR's are included. Old records are looking better now too. There still seems to be missing data. Could use more help with P1 Normal Assassin and Druid. If you have links to missing records then please post them here or message me on Discord.

Thanks to a lot of help from BKSilv3r the other P1 normal categories look complete.

BKSilv3r 喜欢这个
EstoniaIndrek3 years ago

I really like this category, but the leaderboard is a mess and doesn't motivate me to run it at all.

Could we please not separate the players settings and softcore/hardcore in this category? That's how the category initially started anyway (just like pacifist for example).

The category is not ran enough to justify separating it into 100 categories. Let it be just be 14 categories.

Also what's the IGT status in here?

EstoniaIndrek3 years ago

I agree that IGT is a casino roll, but it already is. Where's the line? Why is saving 2 minutes in the Jungle with IGT worse than saving 2 minutes in IGT in the Jail?

EstoniaIndrek3 years ago

I think my point mainly is that IGT has similar unfairness issues. In the end there is no fair timing method for D2. I enjoyed running RTA more and dislike running with IGT strats in mind.

It's only an issue for p1 sorc, but since the fix for it invloves all other categories too it's annoying.

Anyway I support pausing IGT during TCP/IP. It would make sense and I hate that it doesn't pause during that part.

Also we didn't really get a chance to see if RTA is unfair with Jail leveling once -ns got banned. People assumed it is, but looking at RTA times now I'd say RTA is much more fair with -ns banned compared to IGT.

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