United StatesGundwn11 months ago

I know it's been brought up before, but can someone please add Outbreak Survival categories? I went ahead and submitted a run, so that there would at least be one to start with (and it's verified in the Outbreak Easter Egg category already).

Outbreak Survival - Easter Egg [Solo] (55:00)

Despite also being a moderator on a game here I get confused with the setup for full games vs levels vs variables and what-not,, but I would imagine that the Full Game categories setup for Outbreak could just be duplicated for Outbreak Survival since they are all applicable for both. I'll even offer to add it if nobody else wants to take the time to do it.


通关记录: Microsoft Sudoku
United StatesGundwn11 months ago

Great run. :)

通关记录: Microsoft Sudoku
United StatesGundwn11 months ago

Good job!

AllisonRose 喜欢这个
通关记录: Microsoft Sudoku
United StatesGundwn11 months ago

Verified it as 100%. The only difference between them is Any% allows mistakes and 100% is no mistakes. Just for reference. Nice run though! Keep it up.

United StatesGundwn1 year ago

Why do my runs for Lost in Nightmares that used to show "1st place" now say that they're "orphaned"?

What's confusing is that when you look at the leaderboards there are runs for both 1.1.0 and 1.2.0, which that part makes sense since LRT change was before the 1.2.0 patch.

But, what's really cool is the LRT runs from 6+ years ago. I honestly had no idea you guys were doing LRT back then. Here's one just as an example:

It's almost as if the runs with higher times were converted to being LRT, yet my previous WR runs are now "orphaned". While not at all surprising, I predicted this was going to happen the moment I saw the LRT change, it is disappointing. Watching you guys ruin, constantly, speedrunning of one of my all-time favorite games is the reason why I quit, but I think that was always the point. When runs from 7 or 8 years ago that were timed with IGT can just be magically converted to LRT, is there really any difference between them? No, not a meaningful difference to the players anyways.

I remember bringing up, multiple times, things that should actually be separated and was always dismissed. The first one that comes to mind was the Lost In Nightmares PS3/360 runs that were able to start with the SMG/frag and go OOB (example). You guys couldn't care less about there being new runs in the same category as ones done multiple console generations ago using glitches that were not only no longer possible but they significantly impacted the game. Years later you finally split out the console and PC version of the game and more importantly separated the generations with the "Console Group".

If RE5's in-game timer actually counted load times and varied depending on hardware, network performance, etc. then I could see someone advocating for it. When a game's IGT does not include load times, LRT is the same as IGT. The nearly decade old runs that magically were converted to LRT are proof of that. Just surprised that nobody seems to care about it.

If only my runs weren't that good they could have been automatically "converted" to LRT. Anyways, thanks for making my favorite accomplishments in speedrunning worthless.


通关记录: Microsoft Sudoku
United StatesGundwn1 year ago

Updated the IGT for the new rules.

  • GM: 4:40
  • Master: 3:55
  • Expert: 3:42
  • Hard: 2:22
  • Medium: 1:47
  • Easy: 1:05

Total IGT: 17:31

United StatesGundwn1 year ago

Well, I've never seen that. That would make sense to pause the timer for that on console.

I have a series X but I haven't played BOCW on it super recently (last two months). I've definitely played Mauer on it but I've never had that happen to me. Only thing that comes to mind would be because I'm always on the Alpha Skip-Ahead builds so that might be worth trying. If I get some free time I'll see if the same thing happens to me now though because I'm curious.

Xbox Insider

Unrelated, is Mauer the easiest Round 100? Just realized I still need that dark ops challenge. I completely forgot about it until I saw your run you linked.

United StatesGundwn1 year ago

What do you mean when you say frozen? If your game is stuttering I would suggest turning off HAGS (Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling).

United StatesGundwn1 year ago

That's all I've been playing lately and I wanted to look and if we had categories for it already since it's now a permanent game mode. At this point Outbreak Collapse is likely a permanent mode too but where Outbreak Collapse took almost half a year to finally return after its limited run, Outbreak Survival was brought back in roughly a week.

Personally, I think it's great for speedrunning. You have the same starting loadout as everyone else, your knowledge of the maps, and Outbreak in general, is much more impactful (especially for speedruns), and you have to make decisions on the fly with less information.

tl;dr: adding an Outbreak Survival category or set of categories would be awesome.

United StatesGundwn1 year ago

Over 13 hours in only 9 and a half minutes that's pretty optimized.

United StatesGundwn1 year ago

Hey everyone,

Wanted to make a quick post about the changes for full-game runs and the rules that affect all runs. This sentence is really just a separator because having a greeting followed by a heading would look weird.


I went ahead and created new full-game runs that mirrored how the IL runs are setup. Unlike the old full-game runs, these are timed using the sum of the in-game times so long load times, network issues, ads, etc. will no longer count against you during full-game runs.

I tried to include everything I could think of to make sure that things are as fair as possible without much effort.

Previous Full-Game Leaderboards & Runs

The old full-game runs leaderboards have been archived (not deleted). This means new runs cannot be submitted to them as they are read-only. Your old runs, records, etc. are all still viewable and should show up on your profile.


One last thing I wanted to mention, everyone has been doing a great job submitting runs starting with a new puzzle and including the results screen so thank you it makes verifying runs quicker and more accurate.


If you get a chance please check out the rules and let me know if you have any questions, feedback, suggestions, or whatever else.

Ohara 喜欢这个
United StatesGundwn1 year ago

@Hunter9649 I can do that. I wanted to change it so that the "full game" runs don't count the menus and load times. I think they should just be the sum of the IGTs since that's what really matters but I'm open to feedback if anyone disagrees. Sorry I've been busy lately and fell behind on verifications but we should be all caught up now. I'll give this a couple of boosts to make up for the delay.

United StatesGundwn1 year ago

what is the point of that overlay/layout?

United StatesGundwn1 year ago

Using LRT would make sense if the game didn't already remove the loading time and it didn't make speedrunning the game worse. I'll make a separate post explaining why it's stupid so I can go into more detail.

Hoobie, rozukk, RE_Snow 喜欢这个
United StatesGundwn1 year ago

I haven't seen them but are they about the terrible rule changes that make no sense?

imxVx 喜欢这个
United StatesGundwn1 year ago

I'm pretty sure I have a better version of the dark matter one but I'd have to look. Either way they would like fine since the the site's style sets the max-height to 16px.

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