Frannytr6 years ago

Sorry, but this is the only thread I can find about DVD recorder in this forum. I have a question about my camcord video output format may i ask. I have a vro file that cannot be recognized by my VLC player, so I use this VRO converter (http://www.videoconverterfactory.com/tips/vro-converter.html) to convert the vro file to mp4. After that the VRO file can be played again, but I do not know why the output contains no audio output, no sound. Did you ever met a similar problem? VLC can play VOB very well because I have checked. It should have been similar to VOB video format, but why VRO cannot be recognized by VLC, it doesn't make any sense. Is there any method to directly play VRO file on my PC without using any other video converter?

6 years ago
6 years ago