Pennsylvania, USAElipsis2 years ago

I really didn't think this game would ever get released. I'm so happy.

Chottue yelsraek 喜欢这个
Pennsylvania, USAElipsis2 years ago

Greetings fellow Lumione runners! I petitioned to be added as a moderator a few days ago after a few of my own runs were left unverified for several weeks. When I got moderator access I discovered a run sitting unverified all the way back from November 2021, so they really seem to have checked out completely.

It's really cool that the dev. team tried to build their own leaderboard, but from their choices it's clear that they didn't have a lot of experience with speedrun.com, so I'm making some immediate changes in order to make the leaderboard more attractive and less frustrating to use.

Although I moderate a fair number of games I've never asked to "take over" a leaderboard from someone else before, so to be fully transparent I wanted to document everything I changed.

  1. Removing milliseconds. Literally zero of the runs so far submitted have milliseconds as anything other than *.000, nor does the in-game timer allow us to see milliseconds anyway.

  2. Changing individual chapters from "Misc." categories to individual levels. This is precisely what the IL list is supposed to be used for, so it's odd that the devs put these in as separate full game categories.

  3. The new ILs will now have both Any% and 100% categories. Previously there was no category for 100% (All Star) individual chapter times.

  4. Removing "Real time without loads" as the primary category. In fact, removed it altogether. Nobody seemed to have been bothering to try to retime runs with loads removed, and I think having three different times was just confusing everyone. Moving forward there will just be "real time" and "in game time".

  5. Adding "Prologue" to ILs because why not have a complete set.

  6. Renaming categories to Any% and 100% to fall in line with speedrunning conventions. The old categories names will still be in parenthesis.


  1. The original rules from the developers currently remain in place. I feel like there is a cleaner and more clear way to rewrite these, but I will take that on later.

  2. There's a bug in chapter 3 where the in game timer stops incrementing (and hides), this is annoying because the IGT seems wonderfully accurate for every other chapter. I don't have an immediate plan for how to handle runs where this happens, so it's still up for discussion.

  3. Anything else the nascent Lumione community is interested in seeing happen with the leaderboards is now up for discussion, so please reach out to me or start a thread if I'm missing something!

Lilayah 喜欢这个
Pennsylvania, USAElipsis3 years ago

Now that we have a new trick, we have to decide if we want to let it be part of "The Long Way" category or not.

My 2 cents here is that we should NOT allow it in the long way category. With the new skip disallowed, 5 out of the 6 races would now differently routed than Any% - which I think is awesome.

Still, I want to hear what others have to say about it. I won't insist on it if everyone else wants to see it included.

yelsraek AntBlueR 喜欢这个
Pennsylvania, USAElipsis6 years ago

Rules clarification question:

If I'm working on ILs, it is acceptable to load a savestate at the previous fight or start screen for the IL I'm working on - or do I need to play through the circuit to get to the guy I'm trying to IL every time?

I think the game is understood well enough that we know that the fights are all independent of each other - but I understand why this might still be problematic for some.

Please let me know either way.


Pennsylvania, USAElipsis6 years ago

Hey all,

So I'm working on completing my first 0-Exit run, and I'm trying to put together all the information from the various strategies that have been documented over time (mostly by Dots and SethBling).

From what I understand from reading the write-up on the current route, which I think is (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Cgr0jFw4AU8hF00JcQlOTRb8I1qPd-tF73LtTF4lzZE/edit) - the run requires massive multitap abuse to make viable.

I don't imagine that Seth is holding 11 buttons across 3 controllers while playing the game normally on the fourth controller... so how exactly is this run achieved?

I checked the rules on the category, and they weren't very specific. Is it okay to emulate these other 3 controller inputs? This seems like it would be impossible to perform by 1 person on real hardware even if you had it all... so what exactly are the rules for emulation regarding 0-exit?

The top runs aren't marked as emulated... so... if that's the case - how is the WR strat even possible?

Thanks friends!

Pennsylvania, USAElipsis6 years ago

Milength, I have a question about your run:


I assume based on the way this run looks that you used an alternative method of input to mouseclicks? It's almost impossibly faster than any other known human run with the mouse, and the mouse is not shown in the video.

Pennsylvania, USAElipsis6 years ago

As it goes I see two possible choices for when to start the RTA timer.

  1. When the player clicks the Universal Paperclips logo and the game loads.


  1. When the player makes the first paperclip.

I don't have strong feelings about this one, and would like some input. It's possible that we should go with "whatever is the same thing that IGT uses" for RTA.

As far as when to stop the RTA timer, there are also two options.

  1. When the "Message from the Emperor of Drift" shows up (which is also when the game gives you your "Universal Paperclips Achieved in [your IGT]" message.


  1. When the player makes the very last paperclip to round off the 30,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000... number.

Here I feel that #1 is the better choice. #2 is problematic because - A. If the player chooses the other ending, it would totally invalidate their entire run. Which is a bit silly. B. The game doesn't provide any IGT on making the very last paperclip.

Again - seeking community input.

Pennsylvania, USAElipsis6 years ago

Hey all,

Obviously I just set this leaderboard up and am looking for community feedback as far as whether RTA or IGT should be the "canonical" measurement.

Looking at the gaps between IGT vs. RTA for different players, it looks to me like some computers may have significant slowdown that makes getting top RTA times unfeasible... but I don't know how accurate IGT is without slowdown either.

What do you all think?

Pennsylvania, USAElipsis7 years ago

Hey. I know we've talked about this a bit on my stream - but I was hoping that someone could document the important RNG manipulation strategies which yield the important drops.

I understand that this is easier to do in any% than in NMS?

Pennsylvania, USAElipsis7 years ago

Hey, I noticed that this run popped up in my twitter feed and I have had a passive interest in this game for many years.

What is your general strategy for this run? Can you talk a bit about different things you've tried and what works and what doesn't?

Pennsylvania, USAElipsis7 years ago

Does anybody know more than me about the odds or manipulations that go into the Ray vs. Eel calculation in Chapter 1? Do you just do it over and over again until RNGesus smiles upon you or is there some manipulation to try to control the result?

Pennsylvania, USAElipsis7 years ago

i_o_l, can you explain more as to what you mean by "uses mouse keys"?

Pennsylvania, USAElipsis7 years ago

Even this terrible version gets to use the Marble Madness discord: https://discord.gg/GETQy3j

AD2 喜欢这个
Pennsylvania, USAElipsis7 years ago

The INFINITE SORROW GLITCH apparently has happened to at least one other person. At this time I'm not sure what I could have done to have triggered it, or how it could be avoided.

Pennsylvania, USAElipsis7 years ago

Which is to say, how was it decided that green > blue > red > yellow? What associates a color to the numeric position and by what rationale was the determination made?

Pennsylvania, USAElipsis7 years ago

Have we ever seen this before?

Pennsylvania, USAElipsis7 years ago

I'm sure it'll be small, but making this anyway.


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